Friday, January 28, 2011

How To Make Toy Boats With Propeller

Rozdział IX.

door opened. I were passing a wooden floor and laughed along with Reid to the bursting point with the same just slip in the doorway. input has the rest of the pack. They looked first at her then boyfriend, and then again at the wolf and the interior of the lodge. Looked at them blankly. Wilkołaczyca gradually calmed, but the boy kładącemu with laughter on the couch is coming out too. The first said Dorian.
- What happened here?
Wolf looked around. Well ... Parlor-kitchen did not look too good. Chairs, various ornaments and the like, lay scattered across the floor. In addition, shattered by two plates and glass. Carpet it seemed to be a thin material that someone tuck - it is by no means so associated the, he looked like a ribbon thrown to the ground. A lot of little things poprzewracało, floor cracks, it placed a pair of claws, as might be expected. In general, came from this small battlefield. In total, it is not so bad ... Well, too bad. Charlie went to a slightly chipped vase. That's not wyszczerbiła itself. The boy did so pathetic face that awakened in her a sense of guilt. Brunet cursed and it's quite loud - your way not only in English ...
- you idiots! This vase is from the first half of the nineteenth century! And I knew that it did not put there! - He was very angry, and this is just a piece of the whole litany. He took a vase and przytuliwszy her to him, he went to the basement. She noted that the monument stroking and whispering to him, as if calmed a little child. - No longer do you hurt these savages. I promise, not so much gathering. Yeah. Calm down, now you're all safe. - All in the back wgapiali brunet shocked it has not disappeared behind the door.
- Doobra. So what happened here? - As the first Seth shook up.
- Ee ... Filled the the time. - Slowly, "said Reid.
- Yeah, it is noticed. More specifically?
- No ... - Scratched his head. - I guess I do not know how to explain it.
- Meg? - Seth pierced her eyes. Zaskamlał Wolf quietly. Alpha sighed. - I knew it was a bad idea, that you went along.
- Hey! - Indignantly Reid, who was already standing next to a white wolf.
- What? That's true. - Sighed again. - Clean up here ... Oh, Megan - raised unsteady gaze on the dark-haired. - Talk to you later when you happen to change. We have something to talk about. When Matt entered
threw him a look so cold, perhaps, hell would freeze. He looked at the girl crushed and passed on. All cleaned (except for Charlie, who holed up somewhere in the basement) were created by her and Reid mess. Helped as she could. Once the order reigned - even bigger than usual - they took to be doing and consuming sandwiches. Were only those made specifically for Charlie, who did not come for food. Outside it was getting really dark. When you lay pensively said him no one else, as Seth.
- Make sure you have already changed. The first time might not come out. - Advised she answered a nod.
he came to the room closed her door - do not ask how she did it. She tried to turn. Nothing happened. This time, the more she put up for this. The conversion took longer than usual, but it did not hurt very much. I am a blue glow surrounded the and suddenly became the same, rather small girl. It hurt only when it has become a man. Ubrawszy in "emergency clothing, which left here earlier in the case of lose by the transformation. She left the room rozczesując fingers skołtunione hair.
- I see that it worked. - Seth said with a slight smile. All the boys, and even Naomi watched a match.
- Yes ... You know, unless I need someone to apologize ... Be right back.
- Yes, would do well. Then we need to talk ... - If the boy was tense.
- Sure. - Threw short.
grabbed a plate of sandwiches for a boy and a slight hesitation pressed to handle the doors that lead into the cellar. At the bottom there was silence. When she saw the boy sat leaning over one of some old books. Vasa was standing right next to him on spracowanym table. Not picked at her eyes, though certainly knew of her arrival. Swallowing loudly enough saliva. Too loud. This place seemed so black this time i.. Well, terrible. She did not know how to deal with. Took deep breath and decided to speak up.
- Charlie ...
- you do not learn to knock? - Snapped coldly.
- I ... I'm sorry. I brought you a sandwich. - Set the plate on a small wooden table. - Please do not be angry. It was the antics, and it's very silly ... - be congratulated for making sentences, Megan!
- Somehow, I noticed. - Picked up on it at the end of sight, while frowning eyebrows.
- I promise that you redeem it.
- Very interesting how. All of them were already sold out - Three went to the museum, and two private collectors. Not counting my own. I've had since I lost my memory, one of my own, the first thing.
- Charlie ... - Looked at him with eyes literally dense dog. - I'm really sorry. You know that I respect the art of it. It accidentally ...
- Okay. Let your will. - Muttered under his breath reaching for a sandwich.
- So you assume my apology?
- Mhm.
- Thanks! - Threw her arms around him and the overjoyed cmoknęła on the cheek.
- Megan I eat. - Muttered a bit vague.
- And, well, yes. Sorry. And tasty. And do not you go upstairs? Seth wants something to talk to me ... - precisely, but about what?
- I'll eat and I will come. - Dark-haired man replied calmly.
- Ok, it does not bother you. - Said with a smile, turning towards the stairs.
- Megan ... - Said with a sigh, putting aside for a moment sandwich.
- Huh? - Muttered, turning to the boy.
- Do not panic during this conversation. I'll be right there.
- Oh ... Okay. - Said mixed starting from the basement.
- And how? - Said someone from the salon. It was known that and so they hear.
- accepted the apology and just come here. - Officially announced, and her voice was audible relief.
- Okay, wait. - Seth replied.
Dorian moved to make way for her place. He sent her at the same brisk smile, which frankly I do not understand. Immediately afterwards they were joined by Charlie. He sat by and looked at carefully her face when you're not looking. But she knew that this happened. Przyciszyli TV, and all eyes turned in her direction. She hated being the center of attention. She felt very uncomfortable, and then all ... The rest does anyone surprised if it took up the consideration of its nature? Finally, said Seth. He spoke very calmly, wisely choosing words. What's going on, damn it?
- see Megan ... You know the idea of \u200b\u200bfinding the "only person", right?
- Yes, I know ... But what is it?
- You see, a substantial part of supernatural beings, they feel it is much harder. People can survive without it, and with us is much worse ... Not that that is impossible, but it is very hard.
- Seth, you start to scare me. - Stammered, playing sleeve blouse.
- I understand. - Said with a bitter smile though. - So, this love can last for a total of centuries. It may be the "love" more, but only after his death, which continues today. Far from it you never happened. He wants to explain the position of those people - just do not interrupt me, okay? - Nodded her head in assent. - This is likely to tie joined Matt and Sarah ... We do not know if for sure, but rather just make it happen. Wilkołlaki feel it very strongly - by the way the vampires, but here comes to the deadly nature, and the wolves are your partner for life. People and ... They feel more like a mere infatuation. Only such stronger. Well, you know what I mean. Therefore, your best friend and so on to each other lgnął. Not at all Matt. Em ... Meg, are you? - Asked worried looking at her pale face.
- Yes ... I mean no! It is not is fair! - A bit tearfully screamed.
fixed his eyes on his knees. No! These are some stupid jokes! I do not agree to that! She felt like someone holds her arm, helpful, and yet another person soothing grabs her right hand. Noted with surprise, with her hand clutching the stone Charlie and I took a helpful arm sitting on the left Dorian. It was the very grateful for that, but I think it helped her a little. Places that have come into contact with her friends (and finally admitted to it) just bake the transformation, but it does not pay much attention. She was afraid ... She was afraid to stay in the company of Sarah, and was released for the werewolf as a partner? Oh, sorry, "the boy". Pff ... Matt looked at her like that ... so apologetically.
- I know it is hard to accept you. - Has already said a little quieter Seth.
- No. - She said weakly. - I can not accept that. Always something going on, I ... I've had enough. - Whispered resigned.
- Megan ... - Seth began, but she interrupted him, Naomi.
- I said that is too weak. She is not suitable for a werewolf. In a few months, maybe years, if all goes well, sit her psyche. And you know, what happens to the fallen wolves. Besides ...
- Naomi, stop.
- telling the truth. Besides ...
- Naomi, I told you to stop! - Seth growled annoyed. In part, he said it all as Alpha, but you can see that in the normal herd would not be the Alpha. Maybe rather not now, because in the future - very likely with this position would cover. Currently, however, was too young, too few experienced. Tore him too much emotion.
- you know ... Maybe I'll go. I would like to stay somewhat the same. You know, think about it. - Bąkneła under his breath.
- Drive off you? - Dorian asked politely.
- No, thanks ... You know, the same turn. - Set up a coat and walked out of the lodge. She must have been pale as a sheet. She heard the voice of Naomi's house - attentive ear to the end of one of the strengths of werewolves.
- Sometimes I'm really banging. After all, I know why when it skipped. Fly off on it. I understand These wolf hormones in general ... But Opanujcie a little. If you treat it like an egg, then you can go faster to part with his love. I was in quite a large watasze prior to joining you, I saw a wolf, who was nine years old ... Was changed. Previously, he was in a pack the tiny, where everyone cared about him. I was flabbergasted. Wolves from Las Vegas to address it ... I saw two other similar situations, so I know what I mean. Think about it. - Heard the door slam in a small lodge.
She left, resigned. She had a head full of thoughts that there is no longer fit. No longer had the strength for. Everything is becoming increasingly complicated. Within weeks, underwent transformation into a werewolf, when he ran on four legs in her head, sat seven people, and her best friend, who knew since childhood, fell in love with her werewolf pack! Paranoia. One word. heard that someone running behind her. As soon drew a deep air already knew who her going. I did it did not like it.
- Megan! - Matt shouted, grabbing her hand. - Please, wait.
- What do you want? - Hissed venomously.
- I ... Sorry. I did not want to fall for Sarah. This is not my fault ... But I really love her. Frankly, and as hard as before, although it has experienced something similar. I really love her.
- If you love me, do not dopuściłbyś to your meeting. And if anything, as long as it zostawiłbyś time. Now leave me. I want to walk alone.
- Yeah. I believed you to be someone gentle and sensitive, and it turns out, the great hurt. - Dry-tossed.
- Matt ... That's true. What am I supposed to do? I do not want to get something happened to Sarah. - Why she always has something to feel guilty?
- But I understand it. You heard what she said Naomi after your departure, right? - Nodded assent head. She also wanted to change the subject. - It's because Wilczyce are quite rare. It is strange that in general we have some of the flock - and in the meantime we have two! Although Naomi is regarded more as a normal member of the herd. Despite all and so each of us could not have hurt her, instinctively. And when you join you ... We started a little bit insane.
- Why go to the heart, right? - It was interesting, but his company did not fit her.
- Calm down and listen. - Threw ice. The first time she heard that Matt said as the dominant wolf. Immediately subsided. - We just crackled hormones. We train you. I mean it works for me at least, in the end because I love Sara. Jeremy and Charlie are also not, so vulnerable. You know, Jeremy has his world, and Charlie ... It is probably quite old, honest. And serious. By its nature it does not work as hard as others. Worse with Seth, Dorian, and Reid.
- in the sense that ... They zadurzyli in me? - Cough, looking at him stupefied. Mercy!
- Zauroczyli, so probably better. The more that you're not with anyone in an official relationship.
- You know what? I've just had enough ... And I, Naomi was also on this work?
- I said - not quite. Naomi is treated more as ... As a male. It works for us only a tiny fraction of this bizarre connection. In part, her behavior and appearance, but also do not know why. Although as I said: each of us will defend her own body.
- This is really beyond my strength. Thanks, that you have explained it to me, but between us is still not the end I do not know about, maybe this will change, but for now my mind can not comprehend.
- I understand. Well, see you. - Came into her house, so she started to open the gate. She paused for a moment.
- Matt ... - She said quietly.
- What?
- Going to tell her?
- In time, probably so ... And help me, it is not too offended. In the end you know her better. - Meg sent this his company smile.
- Right. It is obvious that you need to say which is linked ... It's bedtime. - And once she was gone.
brief conversation with his mother, a snack in the kitchen and evening toilet. This time, however, took hot, relaxing bath in the big tub. She wondered on what is learned today. Immediately her thoughts went, however, quite different tor ... This one ... I wonder what would be. Tall, handsome ... Beautiful eyes. It's the appearance. A character? Perhaps contrary. A bit like me. - similar to the thoughts put together in bed, this time in silence. Not plugged to music, preferring to think. The more that they were rather pleasant thoughts. There is, however, it seemed too much, I just evaporated into the arms of Grandpa Sand.


This chapter very pleases me. I apologize for any mistakes, I tried to re-structure, but may sometimes miss the Polish characters or sentences are a bit awkward ... Well, I sent the chapters of the iPod, and so it is not always improved. After all, I hope that the distribution of escape. For this I am exhausted, not feeling the best, and yesterday I had a Christmas tree in the school, which had to disguise himself as emo, to this since last night I was terribly upset (probably the best term to use is not wulgaryzmu), although it has me a bit better. Well, I do not I talk and greet. (;


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