Sunday, January 9, 2011

Tagalog Last Will And Testament

Madonna - count deeds, not words.

Facebook. That's where Madonna has proven his position by adding to the clips chronologically own singles.

"The Queen is the only one."
Although singer called Madonna I never would end it's always appreciated her ability to adjust to current trends and persistent materialization in them. Once it is coming out better, sometimes worse, but it was always good and loud.
Mark "Madonna" is on the top shelf brands of the music industry. I think that the stars we can not call brand? Crap, but with such opinions have already met.
Madonna is like a chameleon entertainment industry - its music, and a range of activities such as appearance, behavior stage, costumes, promotional strategies are always on time.
therefore unfaithful to, convert subjected to a few days ago I clicked "I like this" on her fan page'u in anticipation of a boom ... I was not disappointed. (Subjectively)
A few days later (exactly 30 December 2010) on the FP Madonna began with a simple but interesting and the action the Germans - to add a few clips a day on the wall. Madonna began Yes show its superiority over the other, having been a fan page, artists. Maybe for you does not make much of an impression, but I've seen in this action something you have not seen before on other . why they seek in the hidden intention.

According to me we are dealing with exactly the deliberate strategy to communicate through Facebook.

Facebook - Madonna. What counts are deeds, not words.

  • December 17 2010 - Madonna communicates on Facebook that is going to move on with new material and looking for people. Almost immediately begin to communicate with the media throughout the world.
  • From 17th until December 30th Madonna's silent facebookowy wall ... facebookowi place without interruption fans questions on her plate. Zero reaction profile of the operator;
  • December 30 is interrupted by silence, and from that time until 6 January 2011 at the wall of Madonna went 47 clips in high quality , that whole "wideografia" living legends of pop music; whole is impressive, see Madonna on Facebook.
Ger action animation - paradox?
Source: "Celebration," which closes her discography to date and fully
  • "Silent animation activities"
  • were added no comments yet for Madonna wallu echoed from the discussion, each added clip generated hundreds of comments, and to 12 000 / to clip / klikaƂo on "Like." (With more than 3.5 million fans on Facebook)
Such action was to be expected if only because of the scenic artist's apprenticeship. As well, we can say that this action was pointless. Are you sure?
Let us not forget that each one pasted on the wall, we can share clips of Madonna / paste into each other, our friends to each other, etc. ..
often watching walle top artists and extremely irritates me treatment of this tool, as the advertising column, without emotion - without building authenticity, without building a dialogue: / Mariah Carey /

Source: http://www.facebook. com / mariahcarey

Mariah: 324 randomly selected comments on my status. Vs. Lady Gaga (supposedly champion the use of self-made marketing talent,
has over 26 million fans on Facebook


Gaga: 3659 comments to a randomly selected I status.

I wish I did not pay attention as was the number of facebook fan of Madonna before the described motion. I wonder what happened after the addition of the artist's collection of clips.

Are you described by my intentional action is the operator of Madonna's motion for Facebook or accidental operation of entertainment?




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