Wednesday, January 12, 2011

How To Get Info On A Semi- Truck Vin

Rozdział VII

next day did not go so smoothly. Teachers irritated, had to a guard, not to tear któremuś throat. People looked at her something so strange. Mike told his buddies, as she threw herself at him puma - this, of course. The wolf is a terrible, bad wolf ... But apparently could not have done such a great impression as a cat. In general, how he himself came up with the puma? Idiot. For the parents: it was virtually non-tabs, and the father is the father - a fucking workaholic who does not care too much about nothing and nobody, really. Terribly sensitive to done. And Sara ... Oh, too bad to talk about. Tormented her all the time, whenever we met. Just as, for example, now.
- Hey Meg! - Did not pay attention to it with the intention, of course. - Megan! Stop or do something embarrassing and stupid for your people.
- Yes, Sarah? - Reluctant to cast a visible grimace on his face.
- Why do you avoid?
- Because my torment. - You growled through his teeth in exasperation. It was surprising that this was not so true, wolfish snarl.
- Thanks a lot, you know? But I'm not so easy to get rid of. - This, I surmised.
- So what's up? - She asked, resigned sighs.
- Why do not you talk to me? But I already know that you deal with this new group. I mean, maybe not new, but you know what I mean. Even though we are not a przedstawiłaś!
- You know ... I do not think that's a good idea, believe.
- But why?
- Just trust me, okay?
- But ...
- Trust me. - Interrupted her instantly.
- I hate you for this power of persuasion that works for me, Meg. - She sighed as if considerably weakened. - We will meet today?
- I can not ...
- Recently I never have time! You know when last we saw outside of school? Long time!
- Sarah, I really can not ... I guess that I come to you tonight. But the similarities do not guarantee a living being.
- Cool. It's about time?
- Hmm ... Seventh?
- Up so late ...?
- unfortunately. It fits you?
- Let it be. So see you! - Threw smacking it gently on the cheek.
She sighed softly and then started our way back home. Very uncomfortable with the fact that such a move away from his best and only friend at the same time. But what would you do? Tell her she turns into a wolf, and the way the "new" are the same? She wants to be with her one hundred percent honest, but could not ... What to do? Moments of her lonely thoughts did not last too long.
- Hey, Meg! - No no, I beseech you. I really need? - Do not wait?
- Yeah ... Hey, you. - Bąknęła.
Well, as usual, had to join. They could not forgive himself for once? Untruth had no power just for nothing, bad temper, and so on. She waited until her friends to join. They walked toward her from the pack of all the boys - well, of course, because they obviously do not przepadały behind Naomi. She does not like her - or worse - so no one will be for anyone to walk on their knees, right? Seth apparently noticed her dissatisfaction and wasted so slightly wrinkled brow, and spoke first.
- I think you need a rest.
- Well, wow, what do you say so. - Burknęła angrily.
- In total, it is not wrong with your wolf ... Take a day or two off.
- Really? Thanks ... I just have not kept pace. But today, and so I come to you - someone to cook dinner and help with classroom needs.
- Hey! Go away, on sandwiches or impossible to survive! - Reid objected.
- Jaasne. I promised, so do not talk. And so I come to you. Exceptionally, even I have to develop, so you will be happy to help. I do not even try, because to me, and so did not win.
- The fact that resistance is present with you forever. - Seth snapped harshly, but no one complained.
As usual practice was escorted to the door. Note, I just happened mostly. In total, they would have along the way, so for her friends, this was not actually a greater difference. Exactly ... The only question is: if they were her real friends? Maze took it with coercion - the total is, that's for sure - and as such for the new member pack of strengthening them? No, not really. They were honest, besides sitting on their heads. Immediately after washing hands moved to the refrigerator. Accustomed to the fact that as a werewolf eating them as much as in the past as a man for a week. Well ...
Took about your business. Jenny was still at work, so she sat at home alone. As with the rest normally. But no longer felt so alone. In the end when he ran on four legs in the head had seven different people. Daily exercise also had on his wolf nature. Seth said that she had pretty well mastered self-control, joined them also Dorian. It was explosive, a fact, but only when someone her very upset. Before she could no longer see the need to go. Came into place relatively quickly. Even
entered without knocking inside. And he probably knew that coming. Hearing and smell her, after all they are doing. The windows to the rest of it. Greeted with all the fun. Improved her mood, and they just ate a sandwich. No normal! She sat on the couch and chatting wait until someone says something about today. Seth finally said reluctantly.
- You know Megan, Today you had to have a lesson about the dominance of Naomi ...
- Yes? It will not be bored ... And you przegłodniejecie. - With humor, he returned a desire for training.
- no need to have with her this lesson, if you do not want to. No one will control you. You see, it's quite dangerous, given the fact that Naomi was so far the only wolf in the flock. I could do it like me, but I was elected the Alpha. - Scratched my head wondering. - Well, i. .. It was not too good. Reid can and rips panjandrum, but it is not enough that the dominant take this position. The same with his strength. - Blond hair gave him a scowl. - And because of that wilczycom hard to get a position in the hierarchy, are not usually very nice when you have already put in place in everything connected with the herd. Naomi has watasze his reputation, and the second female is its potential enemy. I. .. Well, not nice. And this is needed, if you find another werewolf.
- Easy. Somehow I survived this lesson. - The boy looked at her gratefully, but also a warning. - Where is Naomi?
- Probably piss on some weed. - Reid muttered casually. - I'll take you. How do you want then you can no longer change.
waved lazily in the air by hand. In response, nodded, and headed to the bathroom. She decided to transform instantly. She removed her clothes and hid them in the backpack and took the form of a wolf. She was happy that it happened rather quickly. Already imagined the transformation under the influence of fullness. Brr. He passed her a cold shiver. Relied on huge paws on the handle and grabbed a backpack came in the teeth the bathroom. She looked after the meeting rather knowing what to do with his belongings.
- Give it. - Matt winked at her with a slight smile. She gave a backpack without much fun - no, only a feint. Utter sounds, which was to be malignant chuckle.
- can handle. - Said Matt, and Seth nodded his head with a smile.
- I do not admire so, come on Megan. Awaits you start with Naomi.
Reid got up, opened the door and led the wolf in the right direction. She followed obediently by leg of a boy, listening to the sounds of the night. With his wolfish nature, which united with her only a few days ago, there was more she loved this time of day. The night may have been partly terrible, because the dark, uncharted ... But at least quiet. She felt the smell of musk, forest fruits, lavender, well, generally wood i. .. As she thought of magic. So in a nutshell zwęszyła odor ogre, namely Naomi. After a while, went to the next clearing. This was closed by the rising relentlessly around the trees and bushes. In the middle was clearly unhappy about the wolf.
Naomi in the form of a wolf was gray, but very dark on the back and face. It was definitely bigger than her. With her dark eyes showed in hostility. Growled a warning when she heard a girl's mind - as she thought. Well, yes, she was finally alone in your head, at the present time. Reid also said, guttural growl by which it underwent a slight shiver. Not yet accustomed to all those wolf traits, although she came to this very lightly.
- Do not get bent. - Muttered into her ear and patted the boy on the shoulder of a soothing, it went away.
Opposite Naomi ceased and looked at her a moment. When you question what they're doing, which did not get answers stared at each other long and hard. She did not like when someone is watching her. She lowered her gaze reluctantly. She heard a triumphant laugh in my head, and soon afterwards began to wolf it mocked.
are as delicate as a child from what I see. And that's very human. You can not fight for dominance, even the stupid look!
Well, Put to fight the person who do not know about it. Congratulations. I see that I would have major problems with you. - in total, was not sure, but so is not easily give up. Naomi nastroszyła and piercing growl. She-Wolf took it stoically. - So now you better tell me what I'm out of here. - her "teacher" snorted with contempt.
For now, enough that we will fight to look - and so you lose. So that we need not go further. For you it rather well. Do not force yourself to fight, because they only provoke the enemy.
Naomi, reject their malice. I really want something from that amount. So tell me what this is all about.
Yeah ... It's about fighting for position in the hierarchy. Fighting for the look is not difficult, and say ... That is the safest. So you fight with people, even though you do not know. Instinctively, he looked to leave the one who feels that he does not win. Then it's just any type of fight, "fisticuffs." But this is happening, rather only when there will be two very dominant wolves, both attributed to the dominance of a similar level. In general, presents us with this: Seth is the Alpha, Matt is his second, Jeremy Third - it is very dominant, but let's say that as well ... distracted. He should be the second, either, and Alpha, if he had some logical thinking is not in a blue moon, and so secures the third position of the dominant wolf - even though Reid by his physical shell naskacze not much, has a very strong dominance, which can not be underestimated. In fifth place is Charlie, who too do not care. Otherwise he could get a bit further. Then I'm like I do, but with Charlie we are practically at the same level, if the fifth is usually something to do I do this deal. Dorian is the youngest age, recently struck a sixteen years old, and the wolf is rather ... Milusi.
- grimaced in disgust. - Yes longer simply no, no, unless with his age, things will change. Also, it is obvious that you are in last place. And from what I see will remain so.
necessarily have to remember this - in general it worked well for other predators. And by "it" understands that the terms of domination, the struggle for spojrznia. She did not know what the amount of "other" predators could be lurking on it when it comes to shifting, but knowing her luck, will soon have to find out. Pogadały a little, and finally fought a battle for another look. No not buckled up - although it is Naomi really fought, and Meg did not want to give him ill-treat, so well kept look. Both was preparing to jump when they change far prevented them. Still, growled fiercely at each other and kłapały jaws. They again had to throw at each other's throats, when he fell between Seth and Jeremy in a relatively serious poses.
not. - Seth emphatically snapped.
did not expect this. Looked away feeling guilty. She looked at Jeremy, who accounted for just Naomi. Why has not adopted such a submissive position as she was, but definitely humbled himself before the stronger and more dominant male. Despite the small number of members in their herd everyone knew their place well. She glanced at her insistently świdrującego wolf. Whined both sad and with exasperation.
I know, do not look at me. - pouted slightly buńczucznie. She ceased to complaints about
immediately realized how stupid the postąpiła.Przecie does not throw up leaders in such a hopeless situation. The newly relocated eyes on Jeremy and Naomi. He was already relaxed and gazing upward. His thoughts could not just work out, were too ... Strange. Naomi was almost gnashing his teeth with rage. In the end Seth softened features, and the muscles are no longer so tight.
understand that the fight for dominance, but be more cautious. It is not is pleasant for anyone. I do not like to show to the Alpha, okay? And now you better come to the lodge.
I'm staying.
- Naomi protested. - C HCE jog.
This, of course. Let your will. Come on.
- muttered and headed in the right direction.
sorry. - Megan bąknęła quietly. Seth turned to it instantly, but now he looked mildly.
Meg, but this is normal. Since none of you have dropped her eyes is one way of things.
But Seth, I specifically I drew no eye .-
admitted with a grimace. She knew that Naomi hears it, but somehow it is not too interested.
At least we know that you have a lot of self-denial. And now the end of the topic, ok? You had us write an elaboration of the Polish. - playfully tossed. In his mind, however, sensed something a bit disturbing.
promised and keep my promise! - she replied haughtily. She knew that no one from her that did not require, but we always kept the promises. In addition, she wanted to help them.
When she entered the house just grabbed the backpack in the teeth in the place indicated by Matt. Turned into the bathroom and slipped into the shower its recommended by Seth. Pulled on their clothes and hair skołtunione rozczesała enough. When she had gone to the bathroom, each was already in place - do not always know why they sat in the same places, if a homework question. Helped them as best she could, but had to rush to Sarah. She also promised something today. Farewell to friends and hurriedly left the lodge. Someone wanted to accompany her, but she refused and told me to sit when working out. Along the way, tied her hair in a ponytail, considering that they must still be in not the best condition.
napawała Going out at night. Do you already mentioned that she loved her? Reflected on all the events of the just less than two weeks. How could it be by this time so much happen? Well, how? And always led such a quiet life ... Several events, even less than the average teen, books, and some unpleasantness at the turn of a small number of years. Odegnała apart quickly these thoughts. Before she could view has already become the home of Sarah. She called at the door funny - its view - the bell. As soon as someone opened it. Someone, that is, Sara.
- Meg! Finally, you are. Spóźniałaś up. - She said reproachfully.
- Really? - Stupidly asked, glancing at his watch. - Fact. Twenty minutes. I do not like to be late. - Muttered dissatisfied. Sara giggled.
- Megan's and mine in all its glory!
- What's "Megan yours?" But I'm just like always.
- I would not say ... But come on top. - Led girlfriend on the stairs. It was not based, as you might guess. Sara
room was nicely decorated, but the pervasive chaos pretty spoiled the effect of furniture and all the rest. Room walls were painted a light purple, and the furniture was in the same color only much darker shade of wood trimmings. The room was a large, corner bed, bigger wardrobe, a desk with a computer cabinet and the second szpargały cubby with a big TV. So roughly it looked like the fact that everywhere hung some clothes, and the fluffy carpet littered with books and notebooks.
- You do not keep order, right? - Megan asked, maliciously.
- No, it's too tiring. - Bared in a smile stupid friend. Collapsed to the ground scrap of clothing from the bed and patted the folded material. - Sit down, go ahead. You've got to necessarily talk about this "group". I want to share Matt has already started. - Meg groaned.
- You know, I do not think it appropriate. Matt's a nice guy, but ... Better hold on to him from afar. From him and the rest. Trust me. I know when you ... - Sighed quietly, when he uttered the last sentence in a whisper.
- What? They take something? Meg, the narkotyzujesz!
- No, no! Not here it comes. But ... Just trust me. You know I'm always right.
- But what is it that you know behind? Walked with him? - Poor, simple Sarah.
- No, I did not go with any of them. The idea is that ... I can not explain. Sorry. - Sighed, resigned. - I can not. Do not hold it against me, okay?
- Megan ...
- Please. - Interrupted by a groan friend.
- Let your will. Always bet on your own, you know?
- I know. - She sent her pale smile.
chatting for a long time, until she said her cell phone. Jenny called me recalling the time that there was. It was half past twelve. Jenny always too much worried about her, though it also gave the "backlash". Started yet completed the topic, and then, though reluctantly, zwlekły to bed down. Sara said, that accompany it. She agreed though had other plans - oh well.
all the way when she was discharged, Sara patted her his dyrdymały. She looked all the time (no guess, no guess what. Of course) to the moon. But what thou hast a word nodded and so on. Parted to where ever, that the blocks. Were in this small town only one, so everyone knows where they are. Returned home in silence. But do not overlook the seven steps, and heard a scream, silent prayers and hideous laughter. Who asked? Well, of course, that Sarah!
The only thought that came to mind it if: cholera.


Yeah, I know. Recently I had quite a time, after Christmas I ran a bit Internet, New Year's Eve was even successful, so ... Excuse me, but I promise to improve. Kombinowałam and maybe I can send to your e-mail all the chapters, then you can fix it and I'll put more systematically, and also to write the rest of the computer - which I hope will succeed in improving their storytelling. Recently, I found that is so so ... On the piss off, as it were, although it is not, but it looks that way. And Megan is such a wanker dumbness ... Almost like me. And, I just - you can easily add comments as Anonymous (JULY great thanks, I'm waiting on the hot part! [ \u0026lt;- highly recommended]). Well, like I said, I will try to improve more than just chapters in the writing, and above all quickly add something new.
Chapter dedicate JULY, which once again thank you, because I love her story - Lee, Villa, Luis and all the rest! She must, unfortunately, do not read, but what the hell? In addition, also want to dedicate This same chapter (unfortunately you have to share, P) xoxoxoxo \u0026lt;33, which again sorry. I greet warmly the two great blogger. ;)

PS. Link to your blog xo (...) in her name under which he writes on the blog. I do not like twilight, but it is one of the better stories on this topic, definitely.


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