Sunday, January 23, 2011

Follicular Lymphoma 4th

Rozdział VIII.

much thinking of myself threw a coat, pants and shirt and then changed into a wolf. Potrwało niżby wanted it more, but sometimes can not always win. I. Launched the course in the direction of votes. Enjoy that you have a good friend wilkołaczycę hearing. - dropped it a bit selfish to the head, when I was coming into the small alley between some unpleasant buildings of brick and stone. Growling jumped out to confront the enemy. Subsided. Sara stood up against the wall shaking and sobbing, but she is not attracted the attention of Megan.
head turned toward her man at any age over twenty-five years. He was quite attractive and handsome, though not very muscular. He was both alluring and rejection. On his head had been deposited in the hair color very dark mud. His face adorned day stubble i. .. Big, white, razor-sharp fangs. Wader shook her head, and began to growl loudly again. The enemy was approaching slowly, she wanted a part wypłoszyć. She was not sure what to do at this time. The man turned to her unnoticed. Do not expect any of this, definitely.
- I see that in this little town is waiting for me but a lot of fun. - Said jumping on a stone building and disappeared into the night. Failure as a male wondering gaze, but soon turned it into a girl pressed to the wall.
- What ... - Zająknęła quietly.
frustrated him, the victim managed to say something more, wolf has already jumped up to escape. She grabbed clothes scattered on the ground, which surprisingly were still there. After lying in the middle of the sidewalk! Well, yes - it Vallente. People tend not to lean even nose out the door, most stick to the glass. The change did not take it for too long. She grabbed the bag and ran towards the house. Did not intend to meet this man, and Sarah apparently did not intend to deal with. She took the phone from his trouser pocket and found a number of Alfa.
- Seth?
- Yes Megan? Something wrong? - I think he was going for a while to go to bed or something, but his voice was relatively sober. Ah, werewolves need more sleep.
- you know, it might panic, but I think Sarah was attacked ... - Met in the air and drew loud. She heard the insistent questions of Matt on the other side. - Vampire.
- Are you sure?
- I guess ... Prey, attractive, and also to disregard ... Canines ... I wanted you just say so. As soon as possible.
- Thanks. Better go back home straight. Anyone of us will go after Sarah, just tell us where you are. Oh, and do not invite him home. No matter what. And now enter the email address to be able to find Sarah. - Gave him the name of the street, and heard only the crack of the door in the background.
- Thanks and sorry for this season.
- No problem. Good night.
- Good night.
Now they all sit and Then asking about the details, though, everything just heard. Lack of privacy in werewolves was quite annoying. Came to the house as quickly as possible. Jenny just admonished his daughter to pay more attention to his watch and put itself up. She was already accustomed to long stays in Sara. In człapała on top, but still decided to get to her mother at bedtime.
- Mom ...
- Yeah, baby?
- Do not invite anyone directly to your home, right?
- But what is it?
- Just me eavesdropping. I. .. Try to get back before dark. Oh, take it. - Gave her a nice, large silver cross with the caskets.
- Well, all right. But you start to behave more like a mother recently than the daughter. - Jen said dissatisfied.
- Well, you know, it's personal. - Bared maliciously. - Good night.
- Good night. Already
calmly took a quick shower and then put together comfortably on the bed. There seemed to be it for her too well. But she did not want to think about it. Sarah wrote a text message, or returned home. She told so and must tell her something. In addition, she met Matt. This meant that everything she's alright. Before heavy eyelids fell off to sleep she remembered one quote from old books, Charlie. It said: "The vampire dearer, the more dangerous. Vampires are creatures of the land wrong - you should not trust them.".

sleepy rose out of bed before the alarm clock. She could not sleep, rested in suspended animation just two hours. Apparently nothing that has not happened, but still ... At last Friday. This longed as hell day. She had eight lessons today ... But if you break off from the additional French, it's not, right? After half an hour more rest at home. She took a relaxing shower and then took up the drying long hair. Reached nearly to the waist. After all, somehow I did not want to pick up a haircut. Although the fact was very tedious, and this now much faster it grew back. She left the bathroom has a bit more awake than usual. She noted that her phone is outstanding SMS. Seth was the sender.
"In school we talk about yesterday. This is important" Having read the message
snorted. Of course, it was important. A well know it. Unlike the rest would not have written so early. Dressed in a light tube, a yellow shirt with a print and black sweater, which rolled up to the elbow sleeves. Quite liked it like this outfit. Hair straightened, it's still having a lot of time. Spiele wsuwkami sometimes very annoying his hair at the crown. I was ready. After all, after some three hours if all goes well your hair will begin to curl slightly.
Although reluctant, she ate a toast to happy with Jenny, and drank a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice. The best thing might be. Leave of the mother grabbed the bag and what? Spóźniłaby probably be if not for her deadly trait that manifested itself in part even in human form - speed. She noted that her muscles have become somewhat more pronounced since I was running on four feet of snow. She just hoped that it will not look like a bodybuilder. Somehow I could not imagine yourself with great bars. At any rate, faster than the average person, but not so that the world around a blur. Rather, the pace of world champion. Yes, it's probably a good term. She entered the school two minutes before the bell. Yeah, I got up earlier. a sigh of relief and went to class and passing a herd made an appointment for the next break. Lesson
gone smoothly. This time it was not so sleepy as usual, although it broke most of last night. Sara still trajkotała that has its something to say. Well, easy to guess. Especially as it was in the underworld. Agreed to for lunch. As soon as the bell sounded disappeared from class. Maybe went a bit too fast ... And, now less so. In the corridor just appeared in a pack. They went as far as possible to the side that no one heard. And he probably would have found them for tips. Them briefly summarized his story. This time, Naomi was also with them, listening intently. Seemed to be ... Satisfied. Proceeded to describe in detail the main character throughout the action.
- He was so ... Strange. Then more I remembered its appearance. He was pale, but if something terrible does not answer - there have little light and was dressed in dark colors. His hair was definitely dark, something the bronze. Eyes ... - Pondered for a moment. - Literally sparkled in the shade. Zoobiły August so very clear i. .. Had a scarlet rim. Entire bloodshot. And then if znormalniały, became perhaps the bronze. Oh, and although they were when the attack is so clear eyes as if such pobłyskiwały red ... I do not know how to describe it. I do not know better. Oh, and he said something like that would have zabwy lot.
- I think it was a vampire ... - Said after a long time Seth.
Although she did not know that, unwittingly waiting for his response. Just like the rest of the other members of the herd. Felt that you ever met a vampire. She did not know how - I just knew. When I walked in the direction of the class joined her Matt. - Yes, he had lessons with her now. He and Forian. And what's worse is also Sarah. No super ...
- Hey, Meg. Em ... Do not happen to Sarah? You know, vampires are not the most pleasant.
- Listen to Matt. - Stopping abruptly threw. Dorian threw her knowing, yet refreshing look at what went into the class. Along the way, it zaczepiły some girls with whom talked eagerly. - Do not want to draw it to Sarah. - Said of the rest. - It is better not to do so. Firstly, it has enough kłapczącą mouth, can easily wychlapać something, and secondly it can get something. People should not know about such things. In general, there are thousands of different reasons! Also, I ask you - fuck off from her pardon. - In her voice heard There was something pathetic and angry.
practically growled. In total, throaty growl louder voice. Matt curled up a bit, although it was rather high position in the herd. She looked at her apologetically, so submissive. She felt she was probably just explode. Dorian noticed it, so after apologizing to the two girls walked briskly.
- Meg, calmly. Nothing happened. This guy on my right side is just too caring. Come, sit. Take a few deep inhalations and exhalations. - Boyfriend wanted to ease the situation, whether it is a total work out. He was such a thing in itself ... But, do not.
planted a bit with a force began to calm down. Loosen the rope tied in a hard muscles and took several deep breaths. This had to look quite strange, but probably a big, strange wolf in the middle of the corridor would be even stranger. And dangerous because they're upset. At the end of the jaw and fingers relaxed. With tightening fist stubbornly her knuckles turned white, skin and nails porobiły from small wounds. She sighed. Well, that although Sara lost it somewhere. Dorian was ordered to depart Matt gesture.
- Become. - Muttered the dark-haired. - Thanks, Dorian. White wolf probably arouse curious panic in the corridor.
- no doubt. Always at your service. - Literally smiled charmingly.
the three of us went to class. She noted that in addition to groups of girls who surrounded the earlier Dorian - they were on your way in most cheerleaders - no one has seen them. Sure they it simply for the mentally ill. Not surprisingly, given its quirks, which was quite a lot. Sara looked at her strangely when she came to class accompanied by Matt and Dorian. However was next ... I wonder if she saw? When Megan saw who painted a smile on your face, Matt growled so low that it only heard werewolves.
She sat on the bench with a friend and took the book. Sara podpytywała her about what this meant, but she said to her that it would be better if they do not know. She felt her jealousy. Literally his nose and his whole body - since it simply beat. Sought by all classes as the most calm, calm down. I do not like her interest in him Sarah and Matt. What does he want from her? It can understand Matt was handsome, well built, had the animal magnetism (in the literal sense), but what about a werewolf could see in that girl like Sara? There was completely no idea. Maybe he wanted to upset her or something ... She sighed heavily.
Lessons, lessons and more lessons ... Not There's nothing like school, is not it? Lunch also was not cool, because Sara dug the second lesson. She reminded her about the story, you probably already prepared a long time. Again szykowało a seat with the air of the title "I do not know, but the fact that bad." But Sara blushed. For a moment I would not say what's going on, but he broke - as usual - so she started talking about yesterday's experience and their own thoughts.
- You know where this blind alley between buildings, right? I panicked and took it when a guy wlampiał in me and kept pace with the other side of the pavement. So, if someone advised me to go there ... So small, whispering voice. You know what I mean. So there I climbed. The guy walked slowly in the same direction. And you know what he did? He pushed fangs! Like a normal vampire! And as he approached me flew white wolf. I saw him again. Certainly. I do not know where, but I know that helped me once. In any event, the vampire escaped. Just like he jumped into the air and disappeared. Then the wolf ran away. In addition to passing Matt and walked me home. And you know ... - Added more quietly, visibly blushing. - I think the wolf watching over me. Saves me. Maybe it's silly, but I think so. Also, this wolf was so strange ... Kind of like those ever told. This must be investigated, do not you think?
- No, I do not think Sarah. I heard about some leakage of gas around a long time, my mother told me about them ... It's probably over it. - Yes, not invented anything better. As in some daft cartoon. Corner of my eye saw the pack of silly faces - as always listened.
- Really? - Sara asked, concerned.
- Yes, really. You know what they are these "scientists." - Well, Sara has never believed in them. So much the better for me.
- No reason. But do not you curious? You've always been! - but within the rules, baby. In addition, no more interesting!
- I do not see anything interesting here. - And saved her bell for lessons. - I'll meet you later.
- Ok, but today I'm going to my aunt a visit.
- No problem. Invent something. - Sent her a nice smile.
- Okay. Pa!
Of course, before she could say something Sarah was gone. With a sigh she went for another lesson. But then ... It's nice that we have classes together. mumbled something unintelligible on the nose. Only then understand why Sara fled so quickly. She noted that he was standing in the parking lot with Matt. God damn it! What an idiot! But I told them! quietly began to growl. She knew that change inevitably brings. It was after the bell - your way is a very well despite the fact that it has evolved into a werewolf. Much more dangerous than plain hungry wolf for good measure. Someone took her by the arm and pulled into the yard. Matt looked pale in that direction. She has already transformed.
face has changed her in the face. Lost features. The arms and legs took on a completely different shape. She was furious. Do not even know who pulls her into the woods for the school. The transformation was very painful. She felt like her body, everything changes. Someone threw it on the ground, and surrounded the rest of the wheel. Some clothes broke up, and the rest simply on the burst. After conversion do not even think. Growling asked the people standing in a circle. Steel
where all members of gangs p except Matt, of course. Everyone can easily endure the sight. Gradually she began to understand, and also ceased to growl. She was alone. One in six wolves, which have surrounded the. She was trapped. She had to overcome. This required her very much, but dropped her head and turned her dark eyes gaze. Increasingly there have to understand it. An understanding of the situation. It has suffered. Transformed up. She gave the wolf enslave. He looked no longer the most intelligent glance at Seth and Chicho squeaked.
- Now you'll be a wolf for a few hours. Perhaps the evening you wait too long to get back to human form. - Did not speak to her Seth, but the Alfa. This time, he turned to the rest. - I can not stay with her today ... Anyone willing? - Everyone is hesitant. Ha, ha, they are afraid of truancy? only Naomi had a different goal - she hated it. Only ... Why?
- I'll go. - Said Reid. - Today was my time, because Monkey Morda ill. Nothing lost ... - Said throwing the wolf rakish look. Oh no.
- Good. She still does not have a lot of domination ... - Seth, "he muttered, clearly bit his tongue. What is he hiding? She closed her eyes with small slits. After a moment he added briefly: - the classes. - Being pursued funny movements with your hands.
escorted a herd of sight, while everyone did not enter the building. Reid asked - or rather commanded. - To wait and he would take their top garments. Currently, however, it was wrapped in white fur, which do not envy her a woman. The blond man returned a moment later, a little earlier wykłócając of Woźna. The whole Reid. Explosive, and shortly after the weakest link ... Although the damn parent cell. After this he was much bigger than her, even Dorian slightly surpassed it at the withers, and even more in the chest. She walked obediently beside him, when he patted pointless. Yeah ... Maybe someone will think I'm a hybrid of Irish wolfhound husky'm?
- Hey, we must somehow learn to communicate. What's not? You have to teach you generally powarkiwań, strange, that by itself it can not. - Barked at so, letting the last sentence of the kind of ears. In fact, reflecting on its meaning. - But that is not possible! Hey, maybe you'll jump on the letters and words formed? - Sent him to look under the title "Are you fucking kidding me?" *. - Oh, do not complain.
babbled long time yet. Why is meant to serve? I think the boy was bored. At the end he decided that he would be asking questions, and she nodded a yes / no. Also invented himself. But she learned that above all its transformation into a wolf could be bad for her podziałać. And that is something she had no desire to check. Therefore, something had to deal with. Reid was asking questions to one million with the intention to learn more about her. It started innocently, until passing deeper and deeper.
- Do you like reading books, no? - Nodded yes. - Uh, I do not understand how you like it. After all, this is boring! - A warning growl. It could be a little fun with him. - Oh, good. Your parents are divorced? - Yes. - A little bit sad. A bujasz at someone? - No no, she fell. This is no sense. She sent him the icy stare. - Well, I'm curious! Then you're in love with someone or not? - No. - A. You know, if you looked more like a dog or at least more like a wolf, then we would go to the park to play. You know, frisbee, sports, and so on.
No no, I beg you. Without such. He could not go with her someone else? This man is really sick ideas. Even Jeremy, preferring to think with their thoughts at least strange. But noo . Nobody wants to go with her. Of course, only Reid is looking for some new events. Pushed boy, until he fell to the yellowing, old leaves. He rose quickly and otrzepał.
- E, female - bent! - watch yourself. This is a new jacket. Zabuliłem a little behind her, you know? Death to
relied on his big paws on his chest, looking for a moment almost seductive. I licked him fixedly at practically the whole half of his face. Well, the language also had disputes. Immediately afterwards fell gracefully to the ground, leaving paw prints dark jacket. Never mind that the jacket was gray-blue - muddy paws gave a great deal with leaving one trace of the dark material. Reid groaned.
- Megan! Many thanks, you know? That is not how to have abnormally large footprints on his jacket. But at least I know you like me.
She looked shocked for a moment the blond. That ...? snorted a laugh - or less - throwing himself on the occasion of the ground. Rolled for a moment, unable to stop it. Already she sees her back on the mud. But his facial expression, like a child who was given a lollipop - priceless. In the end be mastered. Shake she moved further ahead with głupawym word "face". What? She could not resist ...
- Well, you know? But you're nasty! But I know that girls love me. - Improving theatrically tossed hair.
confided in him an attentive gaze. She could not say it was ugly. Blond, very pretty face and those eyes ... But it was Reid. In the middle was not so inconspicuous. Zamerdała merrily on top of the tail, exposing the pink tongue. Wiped out with his leg like a cat. She blinked sly, but after a while choked with laughter. Not durable. This time, frankly, looked at the boy an apologetic look.
- No good, I understand. But I do not know my capabilities. You see, sooner or later we will end up somewhere on a date. - Bared in a goofy smile. She answered an indulgent look and shrugged her shoulders. They walked away, at the same time asking myself questions. Rather, he asked, she answered. Suddenly the blond stopped and looked at her intently. Extremely was serious.
- I'll show you something, if you promise that anyone will not tell. Promise? - Nodded in full honesty. - Come on. - Tossed and turned left into the forest.
They walked for some time, until the forest is not over. At least at this point, because they were still surrounded by forest in a certain interval. Specifically, this place was simply a slope surrounded by forest. Below them there were quite a deep lake. She knew where they are, but I have never been in exactly the spot. Often done on this lake, events or other such things. Lake was called Lake Larson. Oddly, but were never seized. The place was really nice - grassy slope, surrounded by forest, but in such a way that formed a semicircle. After careful visual inspection looked at her companion.
- Here I come in peace as I thought. Well, you know. But now let's go hungry. I still think the brick? - Reid looked at and smiled at as much as let her dog, or rather a wolf's mouth. They returned to a small house in a more quiet now, but still blond at some time slapping her. Lying
already wiped forester her paws - like care about cleanliness. Pff. - and together they did sandwiches. That means the more he did, she stalked him something eventually. And the rest, whatever. In so far as it could have helped. The blond man ate his sandwich before she had time to settle down well. I think the skill of fast food will never possess. She looked at the boy's face carefully. Oho, has some nutcase idea.
- Hey! Eat this, you are not too pissed off. I will throw chips! - people, I ask you ... - Oh, oh! Of those! One such round is ... You know, These peanut. Quickly finish the sandwich. She ate a sandwich
especially slow to upset a companion. Put together in front of the TV and then, closing his eyes. Something went her head, right ear. Opened with an eye irritation noted in her pitcher Reid. He shouted that she stood up and showed how fast it is. Another crisps, who flew in her direction has been consumed. Exposed the white, large fangs for the reminder boyfriend. He really wants to have infuriated wolf in the house! ended up, however, is that was flying around the living room, combined kitchen and practically he caught flying in the air puffs. Suddenly the door opened.


* - komixxy overdosed at that time and I could not resist ...

xD Yes, yes! I gave the advice! : P What Although exercise is not transcribed, or what our teacher says, "ćwiczeniówki" of physics, but still I did not want ... I do not like physics. As if I was interested in how fast something picked up, pff ... No nothing. Soon run out of chapters written on your iPod, enjoy, as they will - I hope - a bit more sophisticated, generally a little better. By the way when you have a holiday? I've got to suffer for the last time ... {


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