Friday, February 25, 2011

Farewell College Invitation

Rozdział XIII.

She got very tired. Sleep was restless the whole night, and am greeted with circles under her eyes. Like u. .. Vampire. Brr. This saying is now a whole new meaning. Front of the mirror somehow masked as those bruises, people probably do not pay attention. Donned ordinary, gray tubes, a black blouse and light gray, sweatshirt sweatshirt with a fairly thick material. Dragging his feet came to the building, often so hated by the youth. She greeted her as usual, Sarah, with whom she went to the first lesson.
woke up by almost three hours. At lunch with her was much better. Even Sara noticed that her friend is tired. She ate a little less than normal and is now buried with a fork in the salad. Śnięta contemplated the contents of a plastic bowl, while others laughed and discussed. Even spoke to Naomi! By the way could be nice if she wanted.
- Meg, you really want to go again today to stalking? -Seth asked, so quietly, to Sara that she did not hear.
- What? Ah, yes. Sure. I was just a poor night ... - Muttered under his breath.
- You know, like something that you can now relax ... - Insisted the boy.
- No, no. Relax, do not faint. - Smiled at him lightly. Only now noticed that Sara is staring at them with suspicion. Meg raised her eyes heavenward.
- Do not overdo it. - Turned over his eyes.
- But what is it? - Asked the usual stupid Reid. The rest of the skapnęła, but he was very resistant to any thinking.
- God, do you sometimes use the brain? - Naomi pouted.
- Only as a last resort! - Proudly answered almost Blondas. Everyone present at the table literally broke down arms. - What? You can not take things easy.
- agrees. Your mind could not stand it. - Muttered Charlie, who had watched the whole situation from a distance.
- E, ponurak! You better not write! - Odpyskował the newly blond.
- Better than the idiot ponurak - said the dark man with a crooked smile, glancing askance at the boy.
- Okay, calm down. As soon as a ringtone, you know? - Megan stopped staring at that time, the clock on a white box.
- Oh, no. What do you have? - Reid took over again.
came together quite quickly and went to school. Frankly Megan was not feeling the best during this time. Przymulona sat in class, and as her head ached anger. She sighed. She did not want to do that, but people really like to scream at her did not help. She asked about the possibility of starting to nurse. The teacher looked carefully measured it and then nodded that he agreed. I really do not have to look the best. Going to the nurse came up with someone - and how.
- How can a werewolf fall for someone? - Nicholas started acrimoniously. little more and I'll do him harm, I promise ...
- You know, I do not feel best and just going to the nurse, so let me ... - Wyminęła him and walked away.
- You really are strange. As the werewolf can get? - The boy snorted.
- I'm tired, Nick. Just tired - she replied slightly annoyed and then turned on his heel and headed to that nurse. I wonder what Nick Swede ... She went quietly into the office, tapping previously.
- Good morning.
- Hello Megan, what brings you to me? - Asked the smiling old lady dressed as a nurse. The room was also the director, drinking afternoon coffee. With the rest, she still saw her.
- I would like to slow down, ma'am. I'm awfully tired lately, and probably read too much sitting in the classroom or help me or anything like that. I can not concentrate - answered honestly.
- And you have any tests today? - This time she said the director. Shook her head.
- Okay, so the meeting until the end of the hour, then go home. I will free you.
- Thank you, bye. - Went up quickly, she thought leaving the office.
She returned to class and sat down at an earlier point. Even miss her a lesson on which sits with Nick (mentioned about this? No? So now you know) plus PE, who also have time. But why did it so smutnawo ...? Damn, too much thinking about it. Other girls still stick to it. And if it so ... shook her head sideways to wash away those thoughts. People - Nicholas for the idiot! Reid looked at her inquiringly to another bench. Had sent him only a pale smile. After finishing the lesson, and so she grabbed her blonde waiting for.
- Slow down now, but come on patrol. It may be a little earlier? I have to sleep eventually. - Dissatisfied grimace.
- But did not you ... - Reid began, as he stopped right away.
- But he wants. This pass is Seth? I will be grateful.
- Sure. This is the case. - Lightly hugged him goodbye. Recently, more and more frequently in them, such gestures. Damn, werewolves, which clings to one another ... It is only with them.
quickly threw on their clothes and left the school. Began to fall first, light snow. There is nothing like luck. His way is a little late ... Moved towards the house. Jenny should be still in the hospital, so there is no problem. Then he says, and so that is slowed, but will not be in this state. Well, caught in a mirror ...
first thing she did after returning home to put themselves in array the food. She took a plate of toast with a mountain and sat with him watching TV. It did not take fifteen minutes, lacked a toast. Cut off the TV. Accustomed to the sound of cars and it has not awakened in the night. She fell asleep curled up in a ball on the couch. Do not dream it up absolutely nothing, and even looking at his watch did not know if it actually slept. She was only sure that his father will return soon from work.
Yes, that's right. Parents come to terms, and found that those selling the flat. But if you bid farewell again - although it would prefer to avoid it - it's the first break her heart, and second father will be without a roof over head. But she does not go there anymore. They live together as a family for some time, but Jenny's ex-husband is to himself that is like, but if it was not. Only movies with someone now has to watch, although now rarely at home. Well, this charm is the daughter-werewolf. You have to live with it.
Zwlekła reluctantly from the couch after a few minutes. The newly eaten, or rather devoured half a box "marshmallow" and went upstairs. She managed to sit helplessly on the bed and wonder what to do when answered her phone. She opened the envelope with text: "In half an hour patrol, Seth." Well, no occupation. Refreshed, dressed in something more practical to cutting (God, how it sounds ...) and headed toward the door. Along the way, left a note on the refrigerator that reads: "I'm in his colleagues. Excuse, that so suddenly. Megan." Yeah ... I wonder if her father, although it is read. She left the house.
In the old forester, as usual, the lights were lit in every room, even though a matter of fact werewolves do not need this. Ideal audience in the dark. And anyway, it is interesting how they got the lodge ... Do not hurry up with the access door. Everyone knew about her arrival, and Megan could enlist in the air thoroughly. Of course you could feel the werewolves, the forest and generally overnight. Some smaller animals lurked in the bushes, giving quiet sounds to escape after detecting a predator outside the hole, this time a wooden house. She went inside.
- ... tell us right away, as you find something. I do not stray far - Seth explained clearly bored with Naomi. Girl stood with folded hands.
- Sure. Already finished? So let me get out the ...
- Catch. - The boy threw her tied with a black strap, amber cross. Brunette caught him and passed by Megan on the occasion of prolonged shedding blonde look. It was not for her favor, but less harsh than usual.
- Megan! Hi! - Reid exclaimed joyfully. Damn, this is going to leave everything happy.
- Hi. So, are we going? - She asked, smiling.
- A'd rather not ... - Seth began, but he interrupted.
- No. Wypoczęłam today, recovered from power, I do not know what it made me weak. That you are going or not?
- Come on, let's go. Romeo, will you? - Reid threw to Matt.
- No, I will and I'll get ready. But I wish you a successful search - Matt replied with a smile. Well, today he had a date with Sarah ...
- Okay. So I deal a bathroom. - And she was gone. She came from a small room as a great white wolf. The rest of the already waited. They left the sting each
himself as a handful of crazy in their case. Looked after wolves fly I guess only a fool pomyliłby them with normal creatures with a charming, the Latin name Canis lupus . marched briskly on the lookout for more clues. And everyone, of course, jumped at her, asking if I feel good and stuff. Threw all mrożącym look.
How not stop when I jump to see the wrath of the wolf - growled annoyed. This was met mostly with laughter rather than fear. Well ... At least Naomi said nothing. In total, she probably never spoke.
They came to a site on the lake. Seth designated area to be searched, and as usual, lined up in a row, to comb the forest litter carefully. The search was all the more difficult because it was winter, and as a result - it was snowing. That he might disguise a lot of clues and destroy those who somehow have not been obliterated. On the other hand, may be tracks in the snow ... Yeah, it's probably too naive thinking. She sighed and focused on further węszeniu. Coincided quite frankly it is to the taste, although a pity that so had to focus on that. Another came a lot easier. Is it the thought that Seth shuddered when she thought about it?
Wait, probably something I - Charlie muttered, ryjąc nose in the ground. He pushed his paw a few old leaves. Caught the scent of his mind, as well as tiny red spots on the leaves. Blood ...
This ... It's a vampire?
- Megan asked hesitantly.
No, man. Perhaps someone grabbed ...
dog - "added Charlie.
Dog? - Seth asked in surprise. He enlisted near the bloodied leaves. - fact ... It is a dog. Surely someone wybył for a walk ... Wait, who recently disappeared? A certain
Doris Longoria. Italian or whatever ...
- brown wolf, "he muttered.
Doris? Urban seamstress, has a Shih Tzu - suggested to Megan, imagining the woman said.
Or rather was. I doubt he survived - Reid said casually. Growled at him quietly. - What? That's true. Rather, I doubt that anything left alive ...
And where leaves the body?
- it fell unexpectedly to mind. It was awful.
I do not know, maybe even in the woods. Wants them completed the Animals ... Seek further. Maybe we will get something yet.
After further searching forgive inept. Of course, nothing found. Even in human form, was escorted to the door - on the occasion asked Charlie'emu once borrowed a book. Yeah, forgot about it. The evening passed its ... As passed, making a total of nothing special. Eating, watching TV, eating, reading books, eating, learning and eating. Well after ten called her Sarah, talking about horror in the cinema when he hugged to Matt (certainly not out of fear) and a romantic dinner. A further invitation to the cafe, but never mind. Just slapping a long time until this holy woman, her mother, she told me to even look into lessons. Thank God, because I rozbolało her ear.
occasion heard that Jenny came. When a woman she lay down, she knocked softly to her bedroom. Meg dug in a small gift box silver cross. She had to somehow protect loved ones, it's probably logical. She founded it to her mother's neck, surreptitiously sniffing. Yes, he was in a lot of silver. And for that matter. And by the way she loved her new direct capabilities - much easier to live with them. We have already developed the formula a little.
- Honey, I do not understand ... Why me? - Jenny asked, confused, looking at a small hang-up.
- To protect you.
- But .. I guess I do not know, what's your point.
- Just ... Do not remove it. Trust me. I do not invite anyone so openly to the house. I know it sounds idiotic, but ... Just hear me out. I do not come back too late from work if possible.
- No ... Well, if it makes you will not worry ... - Agreed with a slight hesitation Jenny. Girl smiled slightly in response.
- Thanks, Mom. I know how it sounds, but ... Just thank you.
- No problem. And now, let me ...
- Yeah, sleep. Good night. - Woman looked significantly at the bed.
- Good night.
She returned to her room, soon to legnąć on the bed. For an outsider probably behave strangely, but she knew perfectly well what he was doing. It protects your loved ones. Protects as soon as you can. I hope they tried a little bit, because it already takes care of the vampire. I do not even know his full name ... With the rest, evil has no name. And even if it is lost among a thousand other names. Soon, this unnamed evil that frightens her so personally rip the throat.

; ; ***

next day was extremely wet. And muddy. Even walking down the street from time to time entered in the not too clean pools, and this did not have a hood, under which it could hide my head, when suddenly it started snowing. Great. She came to school all drenched. There's nothing like the rain and snow in November, when the occasion earlier snow melts. Yeah, great. was sitting in class not too happy, but at least conscious. By the way Sarah talked about a date. What else ...?
Lunch passed pleasantly, as usual, even she was somewhat relaxed. Although it also laughed with her, what is the niezapobiegliwa, but soon began to run on Naomi Reidzie, so they had a better object of derision. But I guess to like Naomi, even though that is a bit nasty. With an emphasis on "slightly", but all in all when I fell into her earlier position, that it is not at all surprised. The only wolf in a pack, and in addition the young wilczkach ... No, no, no fun. On the French sat with Nicholas (or she must always have a free place on the bench?), Also entered the class took a deep breath and walked to the bench, where he has sat dark. Now I unpack.
- Hi - muttered, striving for civility. In response, just something odburknął.
Ha! That is, however, was to have peace of mind. Apparently, today, Nick did not have good humor, so I did not speak much. And very well. I immediately knew that this is a curmudgeon. In general, she learned from Seth that met our dingo in the woods and, despite the general reluctance allowed him to be. Well, yes, because at the end of the second predator and stuff ... Never mind. Somehow in the middle lessons, as she furiously wrote down what he says the teacher, the boy leaned toward her.
- How to go searching for a vampire? - Muttered so softly that only she heard.
- How do you know? - Dopytała surprised, putting pen and looked at the boy carefully.
- That bad it is not me. I saw him once in the city, only for a moment, so all the poukładałem - again, "he muttered. But by the whole sentence - the boy does progress, there is nothing. By the way until it was surprising that the very first to it said.
- may not know where he settled down or something? - She asked hopefully.
- I have no idea faded after the smell, except that just flashed me - he muttered under his breath. After a moment he added with satisfaction. - So guessed it so far.
- you know, it is perhaps not your business, but yes, you guessed it - said, returning to the quotation.
- Right, but I like what I serve with it. - Looked at him a bit surprised. The boy at the time he denied in his chair and pretended to listen to the teacher.
- Well, remember ... - She whispered. The teacher turned her attention, so I just embarrassed to write back.
Na-f'ie had gymnastics, which, as always, much of its suit. Sara for it all the time sighing behind the curtain, when nadbiegał Matt. her, unless you really fell in love ... Roll patted her on the back, and after a moment to look around, who can actually play. Of course, you know, who was looking for - the boys from the pack. He played as I have known Matt, Seth and Dorian. Well, I missed two, and would be set. Nicholas also noted, but it's just his way. Sent the boys smile, because I just looked at it all, then evaporated on my part. His way back home was not very pleasant ...
wet, but happy that finally posiedzi on the couch and returned home. Seth appealed today to track down. But in this weather is certainly not find anything. At least started snowing more than rain. It's always a plus. She ate and then ... Well, zdrzemnęła up. Overall, this day has passed its already relatively quickly. Regained the lessons, teach you a little bit, even on the internet poszperała about vampires, and because the day was getting it shorter, just put to sleep.

Another boring day ... The school, searching for clues and ot, fun. I sat in my room writing developed with the English in a wide-open window. Her parents went for a few days to the family, also remained in the house alone. Suddenly it felt. Excruciating pain in the breast, increasing a sense of emptiness. Departure. Death ... Do not even think, ran it a wolf. When the feet are repelled from the open window frames blue glow enveloped her, which changed the girl's body surrounded by white fur of a wolf. Excellent as strength in the legs, do not count anything: the mystery, vampire robber around the city, any stroller. She had to be there. Pack of help. Who ...?
She fell on a tiny clearing. Others were there. Przepchała among wolves. Who? Who? On the ground, surrounded by a thin layer of snow lay on the side of Naomi. Was fitful breath in the air rose the smell of blood. The girl's eyes tear skapnęła uncontrolled pain. Naomi's throat was torn, and one side completely destroyed, probably by a silver knife. He could not heal. There was no escape. She ... Go away. Sleep ... - it was over in a quiet purr of Seth speaking wolf. The sky began to fall and white, fluffy flakes of snow. She felt, as the flame-haired soul goes out. Evaporates i. .. It disappears only when the girl closed her eyes. The whole pack of felt a terrible emptiness inside.
Wolves lifted up head to yell desperately. Beautiful singing, he carried with him a great deal of pain, but also to honor a member of the flock has gone. Once planted with white hair flowed down her cheek Megan diamond tears. How could this happen? Why? Questions kotłowały her in the head when the wolf is muted, giving the man come to the fore. Wolf wanted to stay alone, hunched over, to grieve his pobratymcę. Howled a long time, then lowered the head, załzawionymi eyes staring at the body of the girl.
No! It is not possible! - cried after a while Reid, sobbing and screaming madly newer expression. - She is here! It's just some sick dream! He wants to wake up! He wants to wake up, okay?! - circled the clearing, wydeptując in the ground wheels. - But it is not possible that it was not here! This sick bastard I will pay for it. Yes, he has failed to make a break! Not this time! And then she'd come back, laughing at me ... Yes, I'm sure they will. Return i. ..
Reid ...
- Seth threw softly.
will come later and will sneer at me as usual! These are just jokes. I do not believe it ... This is not true. This is it ...
- a clear look at the Alpha wolf. - She ... Gone ...
You also take part in this show!
- wywarczał angry.
not. She's gone. Avenge her, I promise. - still speaking softly, though he felt bitterness and rage. The great desire of revenge. - Calm down. To get revenge. Yes, zem ...
Shut up!
- growl madly, grinning toward the black basiorowi canines. - Everybody shut up! Leave me alone!
Alsatian fled, transforming the way the blond boy. All herded him with his eyes, honestly, compassion. Sami felt similarly, but they kept their emotions in check. Even if the pale silhouette of the boy disappeared into the woods, all for a moment looked after him. Poor ... Just why is it conquered? After all, they argued, although it certainly was behind this sympathy. But ... To so? Rather, they were a pair, that was certain. Just ...
an older sister, Naomi Reid.
looked shocked at Seth, who just enlighten them. This incomplete stared at the moon, which is not obscured today, even a cloud. There were even seen the star. Meg quickly flew in my mind most of the behavior of these two. Yes ... Were in agreement. They argued, even in a way that should give her food for thought. At times he was really blind ... The rest of the herd did not speak up. Poukładała you all in my head and got the question.
are not alike ... I. .. Why do anything about it, I did not know?
have a common father. In total, never is spreading its parentage, so you could not know. Blood ties are very strong wolf. For now, however I would be worried about Reid ... Where could he run? I do not dawn characteristic of his person ... Besides it really bad. Must recover unless ... I know where
- Wader said, experiencing a sudden revelation. - I'll go to him. Not
know if it's a good idea ...
- Seth frowned.
Samica not hurt - threw proudly, then added. - addition, it should not be separated. Otherwise powybija us like flies, - she heard the angry roar around him. - also better go after him. First, I'll peer into the lodge, and you ... You ... I do not know, whatever. - sighed quietly, then let go as they ran toward drewnianemu domkowi.
Dressed in spare clothes, which, as usual, rested safely in the forester, washed her a bit muddy arms and legs. Do not have time to stir up the rest. She grabbed some clothes boyfriend, then quickly moved in a direction known only to themselves. Yes, she knew perfectly well where to go. She went quietly in the escarpment, looking at the pitifully hunched, sitting him back boyfriend. Reid has laid the clothes a bit closer to him. Moved away and sat on the ground, tilting her head and closing his eyes.
- I know everything. I brought you some clothes, you do not just sit there without anything - she whispered quietly, though her voice trembled slightly. A man would not sensed, but the wolf - yes, definitely. - Please dress up in it. Did not choose anything in particular, took the first best clothes ...
For some time she opened her eyes to look at the guy dressed already. Again he sat on the edge of the slope, legs and hung garbiąc terribly. She came to him slowly, though she supposed that, and so will do no such thing. Do not protest. She sat next to, while looking at his face in his hands Reid. Took him to her, hugging and swaying slightly. The boy also her obiął, and began to sob. Persisted so long time. He, hiding her face in her hair, she, stroking the boy's head and gently rocking it.
- I will never be the same ... - He whispered softly.
- No, it will not. But she would not want you to despair. Probably would have preferred that we grabbed him. And you did not commit the error ... - Said, and despite the fact that Reid is a rebellious soul, she was sure that it does not commit an error sisters. He will win.

; ; ***

She slept in bed tasty, it was somewhere in middle of the night. She heard strange scratching. Her parents were in families because they do not let them come, and my uncle birthday this year were quite boisterous, so it is still fun. The newly heard this weird, not very pleasant to the ear. Reluctantly opened my eyes. She was lying on its side, so could easily look out the window. Nothing. Maybe ... - before she could finish her thought, once again heard the disturbing sound. Probably came from above her head. Rolled over on his back and immediately froze. Not covered her blinds ...
just above her head in the sunroof, it has become. Vampire fangs went to the glass, creating a strange sound. Baring in obleśnym smile, then ... Disappeared. Terrified, she looked up the fissures in the glass. It will have to replace the window. Yes, definitely. I would do well to tell the guys, but I think now it does not make much sense. But he already knows where she lives. We must as soon as possible to avert this terrible creature. Evil re-emerged from his hiding place. Prowling after her beloved, a small town and takes more souls. It unpunished. It took the terrible, strong character: the vampire. Vampire, who must be eliminated. As soon as possible. I still thought about it. Do not fall asleep, while the pale winter sun rays do not strike began in her eyes.


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