Saturday, February 12, 2011

Do You Lose Tolerance To Vicodin

Rozdział XI, cz. I.

- I am!
- Whats up!
- Hi.
- Noo, finally.
- Nice to see you!
- Well, hi, hi. That's what I tell you? - Whether or not she who has visited over what he said, but never mind. They greeted and that's enough.
- As I said - a lesson - said Seth, of course, with a smile.
- Good. So who is it with me?
- Jeremy.
- Are you kidding? - Wybałuszyła eyes on ... Friend. Yes, exactly!
- No - replied playfully. - He fights the best and had great battles with the vampires. - Cast a glance at the blonde, who was staring very patterned curtains.
- I ...? - Began jojczącym voice.
- It'll be fine. Focus will be - assured gentle chestnut.
- Somehow I do not imagine - she muttered under his breath in response.
- Jeremy, return to the living.
- Hmm? - Fair-haired man raised his drowsy head, to look at Alpha.
- Do you have a lesson with Megan, remember?
- And yeah. - Got up from the couch scratching my head and dragging on the occasion. - Come on, come on. - He waved his hand toward the door. Threw a jacket on his back, took a bag and left.
- Only the purchase! - Seth shouted through the door.
- Cool, cool boss. Trenowałaś once some karate or something? - This time applied to it.
- No, but more than three years I went to the gym.
- The more you are able, the better. Even exercise can be helpful. First, you prefer to work out as a man or a wolf?
- I guess a man. The rest of the matter. And what exactly would I do? - She asked, curious.
- Maybe ... Pins?
- And it really works? - She asked skeptically. Has anyone osinowy stick pin in the chest? Well, no such ...
- Sure. Generally wood, but with linden, aspen, oak and maple best. In addition, the vampires are allergic to silver. The sun kills them. Crosses, holy water and so on also work, but do not know why. And only when your faith is true, can help you. I think they once were condemned or something, hence the different fears, and in general ...
- Interesting ... - Said more to himself, rather than turning to a companion.
- agrees. But I hope that you take it seriously. Vampires are pretty damn dangerous.
- Same boar tusks, and my face enough - she muttered under her breath, feeling the same guide has already passed her cold shiver.
They arrived at a clearing - as usual with the rest - it was rather one of these larger, at least from what I observed. The boy threw a bag on the ground and took from it two wooden pegs. Were it not for this revised reflexes probably would get pretty hard in the stomach. She looked exactly your ... Call it a weapon. Pin was very light as wood, but did not recognize his kind. Extended at the top and tapered at the bottom, that's what many ordinary collectors. Jeremy said snatching it from a foolish speculation. When he wanted to, it really could be normal, and even logical thinking.
- Normally you could use to hammer the pin, but not necessarily wilkołaczą is rather a problem with getting into the heart of the vampire. The first killing pijawy is always difficult, but sometimes it goes more smoothly. The hard part is after the first hit in the heart between the ribs, and second overall just breaking through ... Well, through it all. Warn you that the vampire is mush wheel after a puncture, a very old pure-blood vampires wither reportedly more ... But I have never had contact with old vampires when it comes to killing. With the rest, even then that I'm not here was. - Could not stand and had foolishly zachichotać. - What are you laughing? - Was by no means offended, but rather curious.
- Well, I know ... It all sounds so silly. Hunting for vampires, killing them ... Just as is a werewolf. - Shrugged his shoulders helplessly. He answered a broad, amused smile.
- Oh, I'd be surprised knowing the rest of the supernatural creatures.
- Jeremy ... - Dropped her head, but she felt a little uncomfortable. - Can I ask you something?
- Sure. Wal boldly.
- What are you, actually ... Years? You are probably the oldest of us all, right? And if so, what ... Why go to school?
- Yes, that's right. I currently have some ... Twenty-one years? I do not know exactly. I changed at the age of sixteen years, and I'm one of those who grow more slowly. And I go to school, because what am I supposed to do at home? - Baring a goofy smile.
- So how is slower?
- I mean for example that pulls me years of age in two or three years time. Do you understand? But it depends on the individual werewolf. Some grow soon have a second slower growth, like me, and others grow normally until they reached the age of full strength, of course.
- Her ... It werewolves, so different from each other? - Felt that thought strange. always some differences ... probably even racists will be found, because they are better. grimaced at the sour grimace at the thought.
- No, it's just one minor exception. In most carefully stick to the standard of our race. But good. Look at this move.
Jeremy showed her many moves, but rather quite simple, though in practice they did not have to kill a vampire. Vampires are pretty damn strong, damn quick and have a lot of magic together. That is why it met a vampire who could afford to fly if anything up. But this is only one of their tricks. In addition, the vampires are just bad - but it already knew. Werewolves held in the group and just because they can kill a vampire. They could kill him by ripping, specific plans. The rate was roughly the same, the strength to fight a werewolf jaw and feet apart practically does not count ... So chances were even relatively balanced, although the predominant party of the living dead. After the pins, which lasted a little lesson came time to play with the silver.
- Silver can take a vampire for a while, but not for long. Burn the body, but it is not anything long term. In fragmented areas, it is useful silver in the air but well ... We, too, since it has weakened, and if you get a silver bullet, which usually get bogged down somewhere dying. Be very careful when you fight with a vampire. At the close approximation is useful for liquid silver in the syringe although not so easy to get. Moreover, it undermines the balls, no one knows. Any contact with the wound, and in allergic skin even, end up wąpierza * wyżarciem burns or injury. Well i. .. It probably would be enough for silver. It is good to detain him any vampire, but keeping them alive longer than necessary, a good idea is not. You're wearing a silver cross, Boziulkę or something?
- Yes. - T-shirts pulled out from under the silver pendant of the Virgin Mary.
- Good. - Nodded his head approvingly. - And now back to fight ... I sacred symbols. Crosses, holy water and all the rest, as I said work on wąpierze. We do not know why, but they work. Therefore, we carry something of these things, especially holy water - you know, it's easy to celebrate her vampire and thus burn.
- Hmm ... A garlic work? - She asked a bit hesitantly. Well, the legend, a legend.
- Here is the smell. Garlic smells quite strongly, but it may well be the onion. Speaking of flavors and scents - once plugged people suspected of being killed by a vampire garlic and wild rose mouth. Something to do with those wild roses is because they bypass the vampires quite a wide berth. Maybe you just do not digest them somehow ...? I have no idea. Anyway, a few flakes or you may have with each other, not hurt.
- her, a lot of that.
- and so you know most of the movies and books.
- Well, a total of ... There is something else?
- Of course, the sun kills them. Besides the fire - probably the greatest friend of the vampire killer. But you can not always ignite the vamp of course, it depends. Vampires quickly deal the fire, which is a huge bonus, but it is possible that a healthy vampire on the loose, of course, be extinguished. Oh, always something of a vampire if it is to burn. You can even burn these paciaje from the pin to be sure. Skurczybyki and regenerate very quickly. So do not be surprised if, after the post minutes later grow back his hand, who had been odcięłaś. That is probably enough. Now powalczymy little in the form of a wolf. You want to go into the bushes - he muttered, and he began to take off his jacket, and quite close to the body T-shirt.
Came into the nearby vegetation, after a while out there as a snow-white wolf. Jeremy in the form of sheer in the world, gray wolf already waiting for her. Well, maybe a little bigger, so the amendment - in a world of sheer, gray wolf as a wolf. By the way was quite ... Conflicts, even for a male werewolf. Oh, I can not even make a sentence! Basior not commented on this thought. Half of his mouth was white, which seemed a bit ridiculous. Just as often in cats. She looked at the boy questioningly. He smiled slightly, as far allowed the dog's mouth. Or rather a wolf face. On her thoughts quietly laughed - yet.
I guess you do not know about their own thoughts - ironically cast in mind.
Oh, I know them. That is not to worry. Ready?
And I have another way out?
In total, it is not.
- bared in a smile. - Okay. From what I saw after that, uh ... Mike, usually attacking from the rear. Attack from the back of the neck - clarified, recalling the limp body boy who lost consciousness at that moment. - It's even good, but if vampire breaks you can shatter your bones good. But then
been acting on impulse ...
- started thinking in that it not only consists of odd sentences. Jeremy did not let her finish the thought.
and instinct. Despite all these main features you see. I know because a little longer in your life went. I have seen many attacks and can recognize them. But to the point. If you want to attack the neck is best to do it from the side. Jump to grab the whole hand and neck. Unless someone is busy, because otherwise you pretty hard to get in the face. Aa
- felt awfully silly, and so it had to be mine.
Megan, but this wolf! - Chuckled with amusement. Oh
- bąknęła ashamed.
Another good attack - began anew. - is a common trick for the limb. Then you can jump on his back and tear his neck - not the throat, because vampires have fangs quite substantial, as is probably you convinced. But it's best if you just gasped the feet or hands. Fight by orders. While in general you will be exposed to combat.
What does that mean?
- frowned.
You may only use bodyguard. But it's not we decide about this. Most importantly, you listened to orders.
Yeah ... Cool.
- muttered under his breath.
Megan, we all listen to them. Meanwhile poćwiczymy little defense, because this discussion will give us nothing. I will attack you, and you simply defends against.
He said he did so. As time went its getting better, but not enough. The best by far was to parry. Odskakiwanie and stuff ... But a vampire is too much to no avail. Before she has time to land a well-corpse ripping her throat. I guess that it will attack the other ogre. Now understand how important it is to work in a pack. Without it, even the biggest pack of may fall. And they ... Well, they were in a loose herd sense. Real stocks - those wilkołacze - had some dozens of members, not seven ... But at least they were Tune. She went out of the bushes dressed and looked in the direction of Jeremy. That's right, he too was already dressed and on the it waited.
- When are you going to attack the vampire?
- Huh? A. - I think has already started off. - First, we need to track down. Let your blond head of hair this is not a problem, let you know.
- Called the dark - pouted teasingly.
- What do you czepliwa. - Sighed quietly, shaking his head from side to side.
did not answer, because I felt that this was senseless. When you come to the lodge, the boys what they were doing? Of course, eating. Naomi came over to almost immediately after them. They made sandwiches and what is logical, it instantly consumed. Well, what you'd expect after a tiring physical lesson? This is not a normal PE, definitely. Pack had to deal with stalking today, but it obviously sent empty-handed. She stated that a little waltzing. Said goodbye to all and then went outside.
In peace naked in some bushes, hid things in the bag and the form of a wolf began to run. Fact - she liked it too. The man felt free, not having any restrictions. Do you prefer a wolf so he felt. This is definitely the best in the whole wilkołactwie, this freedom. Of course, it is well des Termes, as always. Probably never before for so long that she did not. Coming back she went and met her ... Surprise? Well, when she returned unhurried step after his backpack, hidden under a bush, sensed something. It was quite a new scent. Animal and human at the same time, however, differs from the characteristic odor of werewolves. She threw herself over in the right direction. Ceased only at the arrival counter. Opposite her stood a dog dingo.


* Wąpierz - unlike the vampire, the name comes from the Slavic mythology (Jeremy's roots come from there, hence the terminology). This is a typical description of the vampire, exactly as demonstrated itself to you - such ... True.

I know that late, but somehow I did not have when I do some work with those amendments. Would demonstrate this yesterday, but spent the night at my sister, who lives ... Well, quite far away, so we see each other twice a year. Chapter is not a revelation, but I hope that something will come of it. The next part will be released soon, I promise, besides my holidays have begun! Yeah, zacieszajmy this fact together. Well ... To greet and wish you all the bloggers inspiration. ;)


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