Monday, February 14, 2011

Animal Print Running Shirts

Rozdział XI, cz. II.

Opposite her stood dingo dog.

was surprised to be extremely, perhaps even this was after It can be seen. If not for her sense of smell, probably pomyślałaby that this is just a big dog. Well, because where there dingo? But Australia is not only the United States. Oh, never mind! Now, nothing should surprise her. Sam was finally out of the wolf. The creation was slightly higher than normal dingo (used to be interested in them), but surely you can to take it as an overgrown dog. Dusk, so it has not yet looked at too nocturnal - it's a little flawed in their case, just see forever, day and night, but getting to the twilight werewolves blindness. Maybe I should eat more carrots?
Newcombe, in any event he was ruddy, his way with a very nice shade. Slightly lighter, and even white spots were gathering around the snout, feet, abdomen and at the tip of the tail, which gave the effect of home sweet dog. Oh, he definitely was not him. Nasłuchiwały big ears and it's probably not just her movements. Feet was like the werewolves in their wild form of a bit too long, as the representative of the normal "his" race. At the end stopped at the sight. Beautiful, large, gray ...
Megan, wait. Already we run. - And where you here, anyway?
No! Wystraszycie it. As if what nasłuchujcie
- threw firmly, looking at his forehead. Means in the top, where it has a normal person.
Okay, but you better be buying. - Seth reluctantly agreed, although it should not do that. Even she knew. - Take care of yourself and remember the eye contact. You let her
- yelled Reid, also heard protests from other wolves, but no longer pay attention to it.
Fixed so without breaking eye contact. These visual are fighting a stupid ... But remember that each predator to fight for sight. After some time, noticed that her dog did not look at these fights. She is also not stared at him insistently. He did it for the principle, just as she was. Wavy waved aside his white, bushy tail. Enjoyed ... Maybe it's silly, but I really enjoyed. She did not know what it is. There could be a werewolf, since turned into a dog dingo and smelled different. She threw him a look under the title "Wait" and then departed into the bushes where she hid her bag. I guess he wanted to know something, but I had the opportunity to present. Dressed as soon as she could. It was so exciting! Such ... New. Between the trees ran out quite comely blonde (well, for it was) and settled on anti-dog dingo. He was ready to flee at any moment. She was surprised that she found here is not with the pack of wolves. The dog looked at her watchful gaze.
- Can you go and change into a man? We can talk. I'm not going to attack you. It amuses me. So ... - Sat on the ground with a smile, leaning his arms on the back. - Wait. - Shrugged. The dog gave of themselves szczekająco-mruczący sound, apparently wanting to say something. But she did not know what it meant. In a moment I was sadly explained. - Sorry, I do not know what you're saying.
dog stood still a moment, frowning brows in concentration. I think I surprised. Immediately, however, without turning his back to the girl, walked away. Apparently he had been in contact with the wolves. Do not wait too long. She stood up and otrzepała your seat as soon as noticed coming out from behind the trees, boy. He had dark brown hair in a slight mess. There were perhaps a bit lengthy. He had a six feet five, which is ideal for such growth - no, because there's nothing like precision .. Some eighteen, seventeen years on the back of the neck. And his eyes ... Grey with soft, blue flashes in the iris. Rather handsome face expressed no emotion as zbiło Meg bit confused. It was a bit ... Unnatural. He was dressed in the most commonplace in the world of jeans, sweatshirt and jacket. Oh, the usual attire. He stopped at a similar distance as before. Do not take his girl with clear eyes and listened.
- I'm Megan Forest. I belong to the local herd and wilkołaczego nice to see you. - Greeted with a friendly smile and a bit too pleasant voice.
- Nicholas Green. I did not know there's a herd of werewolves. - Slightly furrowed brow.
- We are a small flock. - She replied, shrugging his shoulders slightly. - Excuse me for asking, but ... What are you?
- are new. - Said with conviction and not very pleasant smile. He ignored her question at the beginning, but after a long break, gave the girl a bit reluctant to answer. - I'm zmiennokształtnym.
- O. .. You change only in the dog dingo? - Interested in the clear, by selling to assert its new membership packs.
- You know, I would prefer to obtain the approval of the stock to remain on their territory and roll home. - Sold her question again. Annoying ... But they'll find out sooner or later.
- Oh. Sure. Come on, maybe someone in the house. - Muttered the boy, leading in the direction of the lodge. She played with open cards and was quite sorry for her lukewarm treatment of the boy. But what is kind of expected? Nobody likes to give away their secrets. It managed to reach the wooden cottage, the lodge door ZAA leaned Naomi.
- Who is it? - Bluntly asked, frowning.
- Nicholas Green, I want to get permission to reside here. - Dully replied the boy.
- a shape-shifter? - Raised one eyebrow up. And this is how he knows? - Seth never mind. You can stay here, at least until Alfa will not say otherwise. Megan, let him follow you. Herd looks for traces, so can treat it as an intruder.
- And you with them, why do not you go? - She asked, curious.
- Cause we're looking for. Nothing found. Meanwhile, I'm sorry, but I watch a movie there. - And disappeared behind the door by sending her a mysterious smile. No no, this is something she definitely did not expect. Already a lesser shock was to meet the dingo in the United States.
- I know who rangers? - Asked the boy is still more or less washed out of the feelings a voice, they walked toward his apartment.
- Do you and the rest do not need to know. - Since he kinda it is not and she does not have to, right?
- You can get there. - Muttered.
- Naomi is from me above the herd and is probably right. So I'll walk you to the door - rushed to the fierce face. Only after the time she reached her mind: this may simply want to know where he lives, just in case what?
- Excellent. - Muttered under his breath. God, what a curmudgeon! They walked in silence for some time, but curiosity took it up.
- This can vary, and other creatures, or not? - She asked, awkwardly trying to hide his curiosity.
- Until you find it so curious? - Nodded his head seriously. He grimaced. - Let your will. I change into other creatures canines, but I have on it an example. Even the picture.
- O. It's fun, and you can change into a wolf? - She asked, intrigued.
- I think this is the domain of werewolves, right? So I do not intend to try. - He smiled maliciously.
- And by the way, is ... You go to school? - Yes, only now with this thought.
- I a pretense of learning at home, but I'll probably still there. You know, it's worth something in life to know. In addition, I'm going to stay here a bit longer.
- Well the fact - nodded, looking down at your feet. I think the boy is only now kapnał that says a lot about his private life, because he was going to say something but stopped.
asking a few questions about shifting, but not always getting an answer. After some time you just stopped. Nicholas was a very vicious and cold. She's definitely reject. Escorted him to the city. Like what, it will be easy to trace it - the crowds are not here go. A perfunctory farewell and headed in the direction of your own home. Definitely need to learn more about shapeshifters. Came home and froze. Her parents looked at each other as much as ever - with love. She stood with her mouth open and tears from her eyes pociekły. Is it possible? It is possible to come together again? His mother said something to her, so she quickly wiped her tears and put the bag on the side. Jenny immediately approached her and began to make wishes. Well, what is it?
- Honey, all the best! We've got your gift! - Squeaked overjoyed.
- O. .. But, uh ... Why?
- Today's your birthday, silly! - February twenty seventh ... How could I forget?
- Happy birthday, my daughter - her father threw a short girl and smacked his lips on the forehead.
- And this gift! - Shrieked the mother.
She handed her daughter a large, wrapped package. After opening the box it came in blue and black dress. Of course, it was a gift from Jenny. From James got a shiny silver watch. Parents they came in her tastes, definitely. These were gifts for her seventeenth birthday. Already she was afraid of what was on the phone. In the end he forgot what I remembered it. Well wonderfully. In addition, she got permission for a small tattoo and a pierced lip (by the way unless it resigns, he would look like a wolf with a pierced lip, to please you) with which he had long been tormented parents. She threw up both his dad and mom's neck and kissed them heartily, earnestly thanking. When asked timidly whether you plan to go down, they said that over this wonder. Are you sure you want to try. She was so glad mine! This birthday was definitely pleasant, and even the best. Two of the surprises, though a nice average - Nick was not too pleasant, and she ... Well, she liked to be on good terms with others. But there is not, will not ask. He acted a little, though he had an underdeveloped vocal cords. For answers to all your wishes, evening the toilet and the rest - including ogroomnej dinner - put together in bed. She thought about today. And the mysterious Nicholas. Why? And who knows, after all, was new and was doing right.


; Added quickly, because it is very short. But relax, the second is for this long! Well, if my eyes more than usual does not disappoint. I how you like it? Waiting for review. :) And to all those who like to wish you the best Valentine's Day, so on the sidelines. My holiday is indifferent aale ... Regards ^ ^


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