Friday, February 25, 2011

Farewell College Invitation

Rozdział XIII.

She got very tired. Sleep was restless the whole night, and am greeted with circles under her eyes. Like u. .. Vampire. Brr. This saying is now a whole new meaning. Front of the mirror somehow masked as those bruises, people probably do not pay attention. Donned ordinary, gray tubes, a black blouse and light gray, sweatshirt sweatshirt with a fairly thick material. Dragging his feet came to the building, often so hated by the youth. She greeted her as usual, Sarah, with whom she went to the first lesson.
woke up by almost three hours. At lunch with her was much better. Even Sara noticed that her friend is tired. She ate a little less than normal and is now buried with a fork in the salad. Śnięta contemplated the contents of a plastic bowl, while others laughed and discussed. Even spoke to Naomi! By the way could be nice if she wanted.
- Meg, you really want to go again today to stalking? -Seth asked, so quietly, to Sara that she did not hear.
- What? Ah, yes. Sure. I was just a poor night ... - Muttered under his breath.
- You know, like something that you can now relax ... - Insisted the boy.
- No, no. Relax, do not faint. - Smiled at him lightly. Only now noticed that Sara is staring at them with suspicion. Meg raised her eyes heavenward.
- Do not overdo it. - Turned over his eyes.
- But what is it? - Asked the usual stupid Reid. The rest of the skapnęła, but he was very resistant to any thinking.
- God, do you sometimes use the brain? - Naomi pouted.
- Only as a last resort! - Proudly answered almost Blondas. Everyone present at the table literally broke down arms. - What? You can not take things easy.
- agrees. Your mind could not stand it. - Muttered Charlie, who had watched the whole situation from a distance.
- E, ponurak! You better not write! - Odpyskował the newly blond.
- Better than the idiot ponurak - said the dark man with a crooked smile, glancing askance at the boy.
- Okay, calm down. As soon as a ringtone, you know? - Megan stopped staring at that time, the clock on a white box.
- Oh, no. What do you have? - Reid took over again.
came together quite quickly and went to school. Frankly Megan was not feeling the best during this time. Przymulona sat in class, and as her head ached anger. She sighed. She did not want to do that, but people really like to scream at her did not help. She asked about the possibility of starting to nurse. The teacher looked carefully measured it and then nodded that he agreed. I really do not have to look the best. Going to the nurse came up with someone - and how.
- How can a werewolf fall for someone? - Nicholas started acrimoniously. little more and I'll do him harm, I promise ...
- You know, I do not feel best and just going to the nurse, so let me ... - Wyminęła him and walked away.
- You really are strange. As the werewolf can get? - The boy snorted.
- I'm tired, Nick. Just tired - she replied slightly annoyed and then turned on his heel and headed to that nurse. I wonder what Nick Swede ... She went quietly into the office, tapping previously.
- Good morning.
- Hello Megan, what brings you to me? - Asked the smiling old lady dressed as a nurse. The room was also the director, drinking afternoon coffee. With the rest, she still saw her.
- I would like to slow down, ma'am. I'm awfully tired lately, and probably read too much sitting in the classroom or help me or anything like that. I can not concentrate - answered honestly.
- And you have any tests today? - This time she said the director. Shook her head.
- Okay, so the meeting until the end of the hour, then go home. I will free you.
- Thank you, bye. - Went up quickly, she thought leaving the office.
She returned to class and sat down at an earlier point. Even miss her a lesson on which sits with Nick (mentioned about this? No? So now you know) plus PE, who also have time. But why did it so smutnawo ...? Damn, too much thinking about it. Other girls still stick to it. And if it so ... shook her head sideways to wash away those thoughts. People - Nicholas for the idiot! Reid looked at her inquiringly to another bench. Had sent him only a pale smile. After finishing the lesson, and so she grabbed her blonde waiting for.
- Slow down now, but come on patrol. It may be a little earlier? I have to sleep eventually. - Dissatisfied grimace.
- But did not you ... - Reid began, as he stopped right away.
- But he wants. This pass is Seth? I will be grateful.
- Sure. This is the case. - Lightly hugged him goodbye. Recently, more and more frequently in them, such gestures. Damn, werewolves, which clings to one another ... It is only with them.
quickly threw on their clothes and left the school. Began to fall first, light snow. There is nothing like luck. His way is a little late ... Moved towards the house. Jenny should be still in the hospital, so there is no problem. Then he says, and so that is slowed, but will not be in this state. Well, caught in a mirror ...
first thing she did after returning home to put themselves in array the food. She took a plate of toast with a mountain and sat with him watching TV. It did not take fifteen minutes, lacked a toast. Cut off the TV. Accustomed to the sound of cars and it has not awakened in the night. She fell asleep curled up in a ball on the couch. Do not dream it up absolutely nothing, and even looking at his watch did not know if it actually slept. She was only sure that his father will return soon from work.
Yes, that's right. Parents come to terms, and found that those selling the flat. But if you bid farewell again - although it would prefer to avoid it - it's the first break her heart, and second father will be without a roof over head. But she does not go there anymore. They live together as a family for some time, but Jenny's ex-husband is to himself that is like, but if it was not. Only movies with someone now has to watch, although now rarely at home. Well, this charm is the daughter-werewolf. You have to live with it.
Zwlekła reluctantly from the couch after a few minutes. The newly eaten, or rather devoured half a box "marshmallow" and went upstairs. She managed to sit helplessly on the bed and wonder what to do when answered her phone. She opened the envelope with text: "In half an hour patrol, Seth." Well, no occupation. Refreshed, dressed in something more practical to cutting (God, how it sounds ...) and headed toward the door. Along the way, left a note on the refrigerator that reads: "I'm in his colleagues. Excuse, that so suddenly. Megan." Yeah ... I wonder if her father, although it is read. She left the house.
In the old forester, as usual, the lights were lit in every room, even though a matter of fact werewolves do not need this. Ideal audience in the dark. And anyway, it is interesting how they got the lodge ... Do not hurry up with the access door. Everyone knew about her arrival, and Megan could enlist in the air thoroughly. Of course you could feel the werewolves, the forest and generally overnight. Some smaller animals lurked in the bushes, giving quiet sounds to escape after detecting a predator outside the hole, this time a wooden house. She went inside.
- ... tell us right away, as you find something. I do not stray far - Seth explained clearly bored with Naomi. Girl stood with folded hands.
- Sure. Already finished? So let me get out the ...
- Catch. - The boy threw her tied with a black strap, amber cross. Brunette caught him and passed by Megan on the occasion of prolonged shedding blonde look. It was not for her favor, but less harsh than usual.
- Megan! Hi! - Reid exclaimed joyfully. Damn, this is going to leave everything happy.
- Hi. So, are we going? - She asked, smiling.
- A'd rather not ... - Seth began, but he interrupted.
- No. Wypoczęłam today, recovered from power, I do not know what it made me weak. That you are going or not?
- Come on, let's go. Romeo, will you? - Reid threw to Matt.
- No, I will and I'll get ready. But I wish you a successful search - Matt replied with a smile. Well, today he had a date with Sarah ...
- Okay. So I deal a bathroom. - And she was gone. She came from a small room as a great white wolf. The rest of the already waited. They left the sting each
himself as a handful of crazy in their case. Looked after wolves fly I guess only a fool pomyliłby them with normal creatures with a charming, the Latin name Canis lupus . marched briskly on the lookout for more clues. And everyone, of course, jumped at her, asking if I feel good and stuff. Threw all mrożącym look.
How not stop when I jump to see the wrath of the wolf - growled annoyed. This was met mostly with laughter rather than fear. Well ... At least Naomi said nothing. In total, she probably never spoke.
They came to a site on the lake. Seth designated area to be searched, and as usual, lined up in a row, to comb the forest litter carefully. The search was all the more difficult because it was winter, and as a result - it was snowing. That he might disguise a lot of clues and destroy those who somehow have not been obliterated. On the other hand, may be tracks in the snow ... Yeah, it's probably too naive thinking. She sighed and focused on further węszeniu. Coincided quite frankly it is to the taste, although a pity that so had to focus on that. Another came a lot easier. Is it the thought that Seth shuddered when she thought about it?
Wait, probably something I - Charlie muttered, ryjąc nose in the ground. He pushed his paw a few old leaves. Caught the scent of his mind, as well as tiny red spots on the leaves. Blood ...
This ... It's a vampire?
- Megan asked hesitantly.
No, man. Perhaps someone grabbed ...
dog - "added Charlie.
Dog? - Seth asked in surprise. He enlisted near the bloodied leaves. - fact ... It is a dog. Surely someone wybył for a walk ... Wait, who recently disappeared? A certain
Doris Longoria. Italian or whatever ...
- brown wolf, "he muttered.
Doris? Urban seamstress, has a Shih Tzu - suggested to Megan, imagining the woman said.
Or rather was. I doubt he survived - Reid said casually. Growled at him quietly. - What? That's true. Rather, I doubt that anything left alive ...
And where leaves the body?
- it fell unexpectedly to mind. It was awful.
I do not know, maybe even in the woods. Wants them completed the Animals ... Seek further. Maybe we will get something yet.
After further searching forgive inept. Of course, nothing found. Even in human form, was escorted to the door - on the occasion asked Charlie'emu once borrowed a book. Yeah, forgot about it. The evening passed its ... As passed, making a total of nothing special. Eating, watching TV, eating, reading books, eating, learning and eating. Well after ten called her Sarah, talking about horror in the cinema when he hugged to Matt (certainly not out of fear) and a romantic dinner. A further invitation to the cafe, but never mind. Just slapping a long time until this holy woman, her mother, she told me to even look into lessons. Thank God, because I rozbolało her ear.
occasion heard that Jenny came. When a woman she lay down, she knocked softly to her bedroom. Meg dug in a small gift box silver cross. She had to somehow protect loved ones, it's probably logical. She founded it to her mother's neck, surreptitiously sniffing. Yes, he was in a lot of silver. And for that matter. And by the way she loved her new direct capabilities - much easier to live with them. We have already developed the formula a little.
- Honey, I do not understand ... Why me? - Jenny asked, confused, looking at a small hang-up.
- To protect you.
- But .. I guess I do not know, what's your point.
- Just ... Do not remove it. Trust me. I do not invite anyone so openly to the house. I know it sounds idiotic, but ... Just hear me out. I do not come back too late from work if possible.
- No ... Well, if it makes you will not worry ... - Agreed with a slight hesitation Jenny. Girl smiled slightly in response.
- Thanks, Mom. I know how it sounds, but ... Just thank you.
- No problem. And now, let me ...
- Yeah, sleep. Good night. - Woman looked significantly at the bed.
- Good night.
She returned to her room, soon to legnąć on the bed. For an outsider probably behave strangely, but she knew perfectly well what he was doing. It protects your loved ones. Protects as soon as you can. I hope they tried a little bit, because it already takes care of the vampire. I do not even know his full name ... With the rest, evil has no name. And even if it is lost among a thousand other names. Soon, this unnamed evil that frightens her so personally rip the throat.

; ; ***

next day was extremely wet. And muddy. Even walking down the street from time to time entered in the not too clean pools, and this did not have a hood, under which it could hide my head, when suddenly it started snowing. Great. She came to school all drenched. There's nothing like the rain and snow in November, when the occasion earlier snow melts. Yeah, great. was sitting in class not too happy, but at least conscious. By the way Sarah talked about a date. What else ...?
Lunch passed pleasantly, as usual, even she was somewhat relaxed. Although it also laughed with her, what is the niezapobiegliwa, but soon began to run on Naomi Reidzie, so they had a better object of derision. But I guess to like Naomi, even though that is a bit nasty. With an emphasis on "slightly", but all in all when I fell into her earlier position, that it is not at all surprised. The only wolf in a pack, and in addition the young wilczkach ... No, no, no fun. On the French sat with Nicholas (or she must always have a free place on the bench?), Also entered the class took a deep breath and walked to the bench, where he has sat dark. Now I unpack.
- Hi - muttered, striving for civility. In response, just something odburknął.
Ha! That is, however, was to have peace of mind. Apparently, today, Nick did not have good humor, so I did not speak much. And very well. I immediately knew that this is a curmudgeon. In general, she learned from Seth that met our dingo in the woods and, despite the general reluctance allowed him to be. Well, yes, because at the end of the second predator and stuff ... Never mind. Somehow in the middle lessons, as she furiously wrote down what he says the teacher, the boy leaned toward her.
- How to go searching for a vampire? - Muttered so softly that only she heard.
- How do you know? - Dopytała surprised, putting pen and looked at the boy carefully.
- That bad it is not me. I saw him once in the city, only for a moment, so all the poukładałem - again, "he muttered. But by the whole sentence - the boy does progress, there is nothing. By the way until it was surprising that the very first to it said.
- may not know where he settled down or something? - She asked hopefully.
- I have no idea faded after the smell, except that just flashed me - he muttered under his breath. After a moment he added with satisfaction. - So guessed it so far.
- you know, it is perhaps not your business, but yes, you guessed it - said, returning to the quotation.
- Right, but I like what I serve with it. - Looked at him a bit surprised. The boy at the time he denied in his chair and pretended to listen to the teacher.
- Well, remember ... - She whispered. The teacher turned her attention, so I just embarrassed to write back.
Na-f'ie had gymnastics, which, as always, much of its suit. Sara for it all the time sighing behind the curtain, when nadbiegał Matt. her, unless you really fell in love ... Roll patted her on the back, and after a moment to look around, who can actually play. Of course, you know, who was looking for - the boys from the pack. He played as I have known Matt, Seth and Dorian. Well, I missed two, and would be set. Nicholas also noted, but it's just his way. Sent the boys smile, because I just looked at it all, then evaporated on my part. His way back home was not very pleasant ...
wet, but happy that finally posiedzi on the couch and returned home. Seth appealed today to track down. But in this weather is certainly not find anything. At least started snowing more than rain. It's always a plus. She ate and then ... Well, zdrzemnęła up. Overall, this day has passed its already relatively quickly. Regained the lessons, teach you a little bit, even on the internet poszperała about vampires, and because the day was getting it shorter, just put to sleep.

Another boring day ... The school, searching for clues and ot, fun. I sat in my room writing developed with the English in a wide-open window. Her parents went for a few days to the family, also remained in the house alone. Suddenly it felt. Excruciating pain in the breast, increasing a sense of emptiness. Departure. Death ... Do not even think, ran it a wolf. When the feet are repelled from the open window frames blue glow enveloped her, which changed the girl's body surrounded by white fur of a wolf. Excellent as strength in the legs, do not count anything: the mystery, vampire robber around the city, any stroller. She had to be there. Pack of help. Who ...?
She fell on a tiny clearing. Others were there. Przepchała among wolves. Who? Who? On the ground, surrounded by a thin layer of snow lay on the side of Naomi. Was fitful breath in the air rose the smell of blood. The girl's eyes tear skapnęła uncontrolled pain. Naomi's throat was torn, and one side completely destroyed, probably by a silver knife. He could not heal. There was no escape. She ... Go away. Sleep ... - it was over in a quiet purr of Seth speaking wolf. The sky began to fall and white, fluffy flakes of snow. She felt, as the flame-haired soul goes out. Evaporates i. .. It disappears only when the girl closed her eyes. The whole pack of felt a terrible emptiness inside.
Wolves lifted up head to yell desperately. Beautiful singing, he carried with him a great deal of pain, but also to honor a member of the flock has gone. Once planted with white hair flowed down her cheek Megan diamond tears. How could this happen? Why? Questions kotłowały her in the head when the wolf is muted, giving the man come to the fore. Wolf wanted to stay alone, hunched over, to grieve his pobratymcę. Howled a long time, then lowered the head, załzawionymi eyes staring at the body of the girl.
No! It is not possible! - cried after a while Reid, sobbing and screaming madly newer expression. - She is here! It's just some sick dream! He wants to wake up! He wants to wake up, okay?! - circled the clearing, wydeptując in the ground wheels. - But it is not possible that it was not here! This sick bastard I will pay for it. Yes, he has failed to make a break! Not this time! And then she'd come back, laughing at me ... Yes, I'm sure they will. Return i. ..
Reid ...
- Seth threw softly.
will come later and will sneer at me as usual! These are just jokes. I do not believe it ... This is not true. This is it ...
- a clear look at the Alpha wolf. - She ... Gone ...
You also take part in this show!
- wywarczał angry.
not. She's gone. Avenge her, I promise. - still speaking softly, though he felt bitterness and rage. The great desire of revenge. - Calm down. To get revenge. Yes, zem ...
Shut up!
- growl madly, grinning toward the black basiorowi canines. - Everybody shut up! Leave me alone!
Alsatian fled, transforming the way the blond boy. All herded him with his eyes, honestly, compassion. Sami felt similarly, but they kept their emotions in check. Even if the pale silhouette of the boy disappeared into the woods, all for a moment looked after him. Poor ... Just why is it conquered? After all, they argued, although it certainly was behind this sympathy. But ... To so? Rather, they were a pair, that was certain. Just ...
an older sister, Naomi Reid.
looked shocked at Seth, who just enlighten them. This incomplete stared at the moon, which is not obscured today, even a cloud. There were even seen the star. Meg quickly flew in my mind most of the behavior of these two. Yes ... Were in agreement. They argued, even in a way that should give her food for thought. At times he was really blind ... The rest of the herd did not speak up. Poukładała you all in my head and got the question.
are not alike ... I. .. Why do anything about it, I did not know?
have a common father. In total, never is spreading its parentage, so you could not know. Blood ties are very strong wolf. For now, however I would be worried about Reid ... Where could he run? I do not dawn characteristic of his person ... Besides it really bad. Must recover unless ... I know where
- Wader said, experiencing a sudden revelation. - I'll go to him. Not
know if it's a good idea ...
- Seth frowned.
Samica not hurt - threw proudly, then added. - addition, it should not be separated. Otherwise powybija us like flies, - she heard the angry roar around him. - also better go after him. First, I'll peer into the lodge, and you ... You ... I do not know, whatever. - sighed quietly, then let go as they ran toward drewnianemu domkowi.
Dressed in spare clothes, which, as usual, rested safely in the forester, washed her a bit muddy arms and legs. Do not have time to stir up the rest. She grabbed some clothes boyfriend, then quickly moved in a direction known only to themselves. Yes, she knew perfectly well where to go. She went quietly in the escarpment, looking at the pitifully hunched, sitting him back boyfriend. Reid has laid the clothes a bit closer to him. Moved away and sat on the ground, tilting her head and closing his eyes.
- I know everything. I brought you some clothes, you do not just sit there without anything - she whispered quietly, though her voice trembled slightly. A man would not sensed, but the wolf - yes, definitely. - Please dress up in it. Did not choose anything in particular, took the first best clothes ...
For some time she opened her eyes to look at the guy dressed already. Again he sat on the edge of the slope, legs and hung garbiąc terribly. She came to him slowly, though she supposed that, and so will do no such thing. Do not protest. She sat next to, while looking at his face in his hands Reid. Took him to her, hugging and swaying slightly. The boy also her obiął, and began to sob. Persisted so long time. He, hiding her face in her hair, she, stroking the boy's head and gently rocking it.
- I will never be the same ... - He whispered softly.
- No, it will not. But she would not want you to despair. Probably would have preferred that we grabbed him. And you did not commit the error ... - Said, and despite the fact that Reid is a rebellious soul, she was sure that it does not commit an error sisters. He will win.

; ; ***

She slept in bed tasty, it was somewhere in middle of the night. She heard strange scratching. Her parents were in families because they do not let them come, and my uncle birthday this year were quite boisterous, so it is still fun. The newly heard this weird, not very pleasant to the ear. Reluctantly opened my eyes. She was lying on its side, so could easily look out the window. Nothing. Maybe ... - before she could finish her thought, once again heard the disturbing sound. Probably came from above her head. Rolled over on his back and immediately froze. Not covered her blinds ...
just above her head in the sunroof, it has become. Vampire fangs went to the glass, creating a strange sound. Baring in obleśnym smile, then ... Disappeared. Terrified, she looked up the fissures in the glass. It will have to replace the window. Yes, definitely. I would do well to tell the guys, but I think now it does not make much sense. But he already knows where she lives. We must as soon as possible to avert this terrible creature. Evil re-emerged from his hiding place. Prowling after her beloved, a small town and takes more souls. It unpunished. It took the terrible, strong character: the vampire. Vampire, who must be eliminated. As soon as possible. I still thought about it. Do not fall asleep, while the pale winter sun rays do not strike began in her eyes.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Lorazepam Detectable In Blood Urine

again with Pincho.

kayak with dreams streets.


Gifts For Track Seniors


of Pincho . Again. further production, eh?

What To Write Guest Book Wedding


ot co.czlowiek okroliczym rump squatted to rest under an umbrella.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Men's College Basketball All Time Leaders

Rozdział XII.

The rest was her again Sunday. This time we decided to make the effort and go to church. The more that will soon have to fight with the vampire - will certainly be useful to her, although minor renewal of faith. Dressed in a graphite tube, a green shirt with a blue sign and a black sweatshirt. Not made an effort, because it was taken as the first suit of shore. She ate a quick breakfast and walked slowly to the church. After the church decided to take a stroll in the park yet. Somehow it did not hurry back home to do our homework and explore the secrets of knowledge. She had read about the shifting, but somehow ... At a meeting with his great bunch of tea she had no desire. Again wymyśliliby her a workout, and knowing so little force and will do to combat this vampire. But it certainly will not stand and look at it all from the side, oh no! Even though there is no way that's so easy to forgive! She felt fine in the air, a familiar scent. She turned to the left i. .. Well, guess who saw! Moved in that direction pretty quick step, lest a passer-by could not escape it.
- Hi Megan, so you owe it to the meeting? - Nicholas asked with an evil smile. Yeah, you are no longer with them by name. Super.
- I want to know more about the breed - she said bluntly. The boy, however, decided with her podroczyć - As if it had humor.
- What breed? - Like a polite voice asked.
- shapeshifters? - Threw ironically.
- Oh, no, of course.
- Listen. - Stood up sharply. - You do not like me, I do not like you. Well, somehow I do not speak their barbs. But he wants to know real things about shapeshifters.
- And you do not, I do not know any better classes? And by the way is also a warmth to the wolves did not fuel my - snapped harshly, arching his mouth in a grimace.
- Great, but do not bother me. - oo, since when I was so disagreeable? - you tell me something?
- And you ask nicely? - He asked ironically.
- Let you be ... - Snarled with increasing annoyance. - Nicholas Green, please tell me you to know more about his race. Maybe? You do not want there to have angry ogre who rip your throat, huh?
- Well, I liked your request. So let's sit down. - Pointed to a nearby bench. - And ask for what you want. - Before she could ask both of them heard words permeated through and through jealousy. Oh, unless someone does not like me.
- See, a bitch again dealing with a new hunk! - Were words of the bleach blonde named Paris. - As if it is not enough for these boys. What does she have, what we have? - Said to another, as she pumped blonde. This name was probably Jennifer. God, how I know their names? Go brainwashed ...
- I just do not know. Apparently, boys like these blocks as she is. - Made a theatrical gesture. Megan could not stand and burst out laughing.
- I do not even know if they have the truth on this bitch. - Has already concluded or killed. Nick also had a goofy face. He left it without much comment, just muttering under his breath:
- At least I learned that I was a hunk of plastic ... - Muttered resignedly, I do not think it would be a message to her ears. - Okay, now less so. What do you want to know?
- Everything. How do you come? How does the transformation?
- We come unless something from the Indians, but, well ... Genes are a bit scattered. And as for the transformation ... I'm just shivering and I'm a dog dingo.
- Or else, psopodobnym creature - suggested to blonde.
- agrees.
- So Nick ... Emm ... I can say that?
- Rather than socializing too much? - He smiled at her with evident irony.
- So that I can. Who were your parents? I mean ... But who are you?
- I do not know his parents - he replied briefly.
- Oh ... I'm sorry. I have probably wolf genes somehow the great-grandfather on his mother's side, I guess. - Slapping moment, because she felt embarrassed by his blunder. Yet she did not say any important information, but ... So in total, he also does not say. He was careful, digesting every word they uttered it. That is also only now noticed ...
- Some ... The long-term, so to speak. Someone else was a werewolf?
- then no longer, and I'm not sure about this great-grandfather. - Grimaced slightly. - Hey, just. Why are you so prejudiced against me?
- It's probably a personal question? But I have already said: I do not like werewolves. That's it.
- Informed you are - and muttered under his breath, convinced of its virtue. - Its the way it is through such treatment ruined my birthday yesterday, oh! - No what? She liked to brag ...
- Am I to believe? That broke my behavior you birthday? - Was so ironic ... Until tear goes!
- Okay, I found out about her birthday at home before ... - Burknęła dissatisfied. And what am I to tell you?
- that?
- I forgot about them. - Shrugged his shoulders innocently. The boy snorted.
- How can forget about your birthday?
- Well, normally! You'll never happen? - Fuknęła grimly.
- Already good, not growling. Belated happy birthday, or whatever. But they do not like werewolves. - He smiled maliciously.
- I'll probably also do not like shifting - pouted. - You give a bad example of the species! Oh, and just - a lot of you is? Noo, shapeshifters?
- Personally, I met one once, but not exchanged a word with him. His transformation was an eagle. Reinvented itself and flew away as soon as he disappeared from the eyes of the people. Apparently did not want my company.
- do not blame him - under his breath bąknęła Meg.
- Thanks for the additional words - snapped maliciously. A moment of silence.
During this time they approached the two girls. One had light brown hair and was rather low with the people. She looked like a little girl. The second was a blonde with hair reaching mid-neck, pretty, green-blue eyes and a predatory smile. Literally. It recognized, perhaps the name was Earl. Worse with dark blonde ... Failure after inquiring brown eyes, faces, Megan and Nick. Probably annoyed ± that nothing has so far not said. Invoked an artificial smile on his face - if she knew that he wanted to cheat a werewolf ... No, I did not get her. Even though the average perceptive person would not give advice. In addition, Meg has always been good at detecting lies. She hated lying, so his way. They break down in most of the world.
- Well, what is Megan, do not you recognize me? - Asked at the end severely irritable.
- Yy ... I'm afraid not. You're ... Earl, well I say? - Asked the blonde.
- Yes, that's right. And she is Emma. - Pointed to their friend.
- Aa ... This is my dawn. We have PE together? - and it's you behind Dorian uganiałaś some time ago?
- Yes. We have presented his friend? - Asked przesłodzonym voice. So that's it!
- I am Nicholas Green. Pleased to meet you - recalling the boy threw a smile on his face.
- Mi ... That is, for us, too! - Emma cried delighted.
- Ee ... It's me you can leave ... - Megan said, rising. - I have some stuff to do. - Saw the unhappy look at the boy. Oh no, he must think and out of this muddle, if they wish. It does not.
- Actually ... - Nicholas began, but he was stopped.
- will go to our school?
- Rather. I just ...
- Well, we'll meet again! - Said Emma happy.
amused Megan disappeared around a corner and never listened to the conversation. She did not feel remorse, that left a boy. is Mean! He should be. After this statement, happy came to Scarlett's. After ordering the strawberry shake gained today decided to organize messages. She was not, however, the data, because she said a small cell phone in her pocket. She pulled out a gadget and a sigh, she looked at the display. Who rang? Well, of course, that Sarah! Przystawiając received the handset to your ear.
- Huh? Yes?
- What not odbierałaś yesterday!
- I forgot the phone - she said briefly.
- Well, all the best ... - A friend she made her wishes. After several minutes, ended by asking. - So where are you? What are you doing?
- I'm at Scarlett's and I saw just shake - she said, thanking the beverage receiving a nod of his head.
- Oo. I fall into?
- You know ... You can ...
- Well, today you have your days of being lonely. I mean, the "quiet days". Sure. We will meet tomorrow?
- Tomorrow, Monday, so I'm sure - muttered by drinking from a plastic cup.
- Well, yes. So see you!
- Pa - bąknęła hiding the phone in your pocket.
not and should not feel this way, but ... Too bad it was Nicholas. He was quite isolated from their peers. She had a pack of, found her soon after arrival, and he ... Why, I wonder how transfigured. Maybe if it had not found out those dziewuszyska. Something disturbingly trzasnęło. Oops. She looked at keep the cup. She thanked God that he did not burst. Well, it's not fair! She learned here, knowledge gained, and these przylazły yourself for some podryw ... The irony of fate. That he still wanted it. Ensure that the necessary shake glad that was cool. Although it was cold outside, it is not interested in it too. As a werewolf was usually enough of it, well ... The heat, right? By the way the werewolf can not freeze, even though he felt a huge chill. A little weird, but at least it was not such as vampires jump temperatures that were cooler than the people by a few degrees or better. In general, I wonder what you guys are doing ...
threw cup, said good-bye a dealer with a friend and moved ahead, squeeze into tiny hands in his pockets Coat. Perhaps small, but it is a pretty strong, that's what! She decided to go to the grave of his grandparents. Once upon a time there was ... His time there, dropping every day. But reality does not allow for "wasting" precious time. In addition, grandparents ordered her to live more smiling, and instead wanted to wake so she went to a party. In part, this has met - met at the town of Sara and her friends, rather than sit and listen kondolejncji people, most of which do not even know. Now, of course, went smiling. But could not not smile for life. She refused to prayer, sprzątnęła from their graves and lit candles burned. I always had in his pocket a match or lighter. Not that she smoked cigarettes or something - poor eyesight, before the first of its transformation into a wolf was enough. Smokers father, too.
spent at the cemetery for over half an hour, but the lack of course there had to evaporate. Sara aptly called the "silent treatment" because it was not Then too good in contacting with people. Most spent the time to play with green Zosia says "schiz Killer," by her cousin and playing with DENO. Poor doggy ... It could use her companion. And not one that sits in her head, when running on four legs. Maybe you really should find a boyfriend? Just the thought odgoniła with a crooked smile. Haha, now I see it - "sorry baby, but I think today would upset the short term and a wolf." Pff. addition to what her boyfriend? He has one friend and it really enough. Apparently it is sociable, but delights in only a small group of people. Well, apart from the pack. Herd, above all, right? Still it is early instilled. But she knew. She felt that her wolf half. That was true that these seven individuals were the most important.
caught in a big city and bought a kebab mix'a to go. Opychając on meat, salad and chips watching "Pan's Labyrinth." At the film as he found humor. Then he moved to the top. She took the blue and white with a green sign footbag, settled himself comfortably on the bed and airdropped I am from hand to hand. She could be so fun for hours. Her name is balance. Because it did, she thought about everything, mostly problems. This allowed her to look at the cold and find a way out of this. Most appropriate. Today, however, it was a simple melancholy. It may seem strange, but she liked that feeling ... She was sitting just over an hour. Then he incorporated music to look at some of the books.
Shortly after it decided to take a shower. Put together a pair of pajamas on the bed, gathered the necessary things and went into the room. Salvation is a private bathroom! Well, especially for teenagers. She took a very long shower. Did not have any desire to leave the cabin, but she could not sit there, do not know how much. Wrapped in a towel looked at his reflection in the mirror. Since the transformation has changed considerably - both physically and mentally. Well, perhaps a little less mental. Physically noted that gains more muscle. It did not enjoy it. Well, because if you can? But this probably feature werewolves. It was not terribly muscular, and though Naomi had a bit more muscle, it does not look so bad. The boys were muscled, but for them it is rather good. She finished
bizarre thoughts. Well, how could she change? Pasownie into a werewolf, right? Rozczesała long hair and then took up all the necessary hygiene activities. Holding the towel on the bathroom door opened, and almost dropped the pink material. Its almost literally flew from the hands. On the bed, near the desk, on the fluffy carpet and so on invested her dear friends. The red in the face back to bathrooms. There's nothing like a six szczerzących boys in your room when you leave the bathroom. Wonderfully! Realized that it is pajamas. Wychynęła even for a moment to get out of bed clothes put themselves in array. He gave it to her amused Seth.
- Always falling for someone with no announcement? And how can wleźliście?
- Window. Leave open. And you know, basically it live all together - except you.
- Mama probably would Zawała got. Ah, but my room is on the floor! - This is not how very short shorts and a blouse on the shoulder straps in such visitors. Super! He has to feel like, really.
- I have not yet przyzwyczaiłaś having a conversation with werewolves? - Continue to speak only Seth. She resigned from the bathroom.
- Oh you look so pretty, you know Megan? - Reid said, for what almost off an inflated.
- Yeah ... Thanks. Where have lost Naomi? And of course what you're here, I ask?
- came to ask, or go potropić. Naomi prefers to sniff. Vampire hunting season was officially opened.
- Well, why have not you visited us today? - He added, no one else, as Reid.
- And I visit you every day? - Threw ironically, though was really interesting.
- You know, it's such a habit - said blond.
- It's like, are you going?
- No ... And let there. Top wash again. A bleed just like Naomi? So alone?
- We have no choice - Seth said, shrugging his shoulders helplessly. - Well, you know, Naomi can really bite.
- I would not surprised - a bit playfully said Megan. - Ok, and wait for me a moment? I need to dry your hair. I guess that we will meet then.
- We can wait. - Looked after everyone.
Uwinęła rather quickly. In about ten minutes dried hair, dressed and was ready. We all went out - again through the window, so it was not that a neighbor boy comes home. But if Jenny would be angry ...? If it were guaranteed that they were "polite" is probably not. They decided to leave their belongings in the lodge. Having changed into a wolf waited a moment, then went to the bathroom. Everyone has been in his wolf form. Walking through the forest is explained as sniffing. She began to "sniff" from the nose to the ground. They were arranged in equal rows.
Never attach more attention to smells, unless they wanted to feel something. And really it's probably the most important feature of the wolf. On a par with the hearing, and that they are more attractive, stronger and faster the more help. But she has not yet had its first full ... Returning to the odors. She learned that vampires have a lot of ways of blurring their traces - from their own and the pure magic ending. Have gone quite far, but not sensed anything special: the smell of musk and forest, which had werewolves, a few human footprints, forest animals and pleasantly acrid smell shapechanger, which is already encoded in its database the scents contained in the head.
You zabujałaś up? - Reid threw excited, but smutnawo. Well, yes, forgot about that ...
Sure, in you. Reid, no please. For so many years I had a sudden two guys with whom I was not too long. Love affairs is probably not for me. And why do you think so? - are interested in glancing in his direction.
Oh, so I ask ... - muttered under his breath. - And that's because I rather liked the smell, oh! You do not know the
I do not know? Me? Jaasne.
little focus, please. Anyone found anything?
- Seth asked, standing in place. Everyone said that it felt nothing special. Black wolf was not for that reason too happy. - Okay. Search another area and return home.
... in the shower.
- Megan muttered. He answered her giggle a few people.
searched the area again. She stated that today, I do not think anything will, but be of good cheer. And here we go again ... Overall, a wonderful scent of the forest. She looked at the moon. In a few days, maybe weeks was the coming full moon. Her first full moon. Honestly ... She was afraid of that little. It was so ... Weird. And what kind of tell Jenny? Consoled her a few grunts of wolves. In her head involuntarily sat well Naomi, but she said no. Well, at least I'm not alone. After this decision was looking on in great concentration. Were reaching almost to the end of the designated area, when suddenly Reid standing on her left side stopped and excitedly exclaimed to himself.
Hey, I know! Want to play the tag! - The fate!
Reid, it hurts you something?
This hide and seek?
- not absolved.
know ... Maybe another time. Really, how you say something ... - white wolf sighed, dropping her head. Dorian made a literal "face palm", putting his paw over his eyes.
No coo. At least I try!
appreciate it, but ... No, I did not.
- most politely as he could, "said Seth.
Sztywniacy - muttered under his breath disappointed with the werewolf and returned to look for clues.
When they reached the end of the designated sites, Seth said that they could fall apart. Also announced that tomorrow after school will also be traced. Further aim was to tell Megan, because in the end he lived the rest. She returned to the lodge after your stuff. Changed, dressed, and then wandered to the bathroom. Saying goodbye to the boys, who, as usual, wanted to accompany it - why has refused - lend each other a good night. She also, as usual, the warning "watch out for yourself." In the doorway passed with Naomi.
She walked with his hands hidden in pockets of black skate. As always, I reveled in the night. There was a time when she felt the observation. Guessed that he was out there somewhere. Vampire. Truly frightening, and not from the romantic movie for a younger audience. She stopped, however stroszyć, ready to attack, once again regained its sense of security. Came home, with a sincere hope that the uninvited guest is not in it for watching it.

She stood before, so przegrzebała bit his clothes. Finally, her choice fell on a blue, loose shirt for shoulder straps, blue and dark blue skirt with brown flashes of (generally more so in cold colors) and black tights. At his feet pressed brown ballet pumps, plus navy sweater over her shoulders. Dissolve hair, parted on the side zaczesując. General was rather satisfied with their appearance.
And not just her. Also at school Sara and friends from the pack appreciated her appearance. In addition, Sara said it was going tomorrow for a date with Matt. She tried not to think about. But it also could not forbid them, because she knew that it was unlikely to pass. Lessons passed it extremely well. During lunch, both she and the flock of Sara sat together, laughing laughter. There was at the canteen of a person who, well, interested, and perhaps intrigued her. After lunch along with Sara Megan went the library, reading wyporzczyć.
- One for me and the other for non - Meg announced, giving the card numbers immediately.
- Jeeju, again we have to modify the "Romeo and Julie." How many times? - Sara moaned dissatisfied.
- Well, you know, it was a great writer ...
At a time when talking about the reading was something completely unexpected. Behind the desk sat a slightly golden blonde hair and blue eyes. Her name was Molly or something like that. She was terribly skwaszoną, greedy mine, which effectively obrzydzało her Well, pretty face. Megan threw in the blue-book. She turned away just in front, so even with his wolf abilities would be prevented from rushing to catch the book. However, did not get in the face. Someone grabbed a book and wilkołaczycę Slavic slightly biting flavor.
- Wow, what an aggression! Nice throw, przyłożyłaś up. Here and your book. - Nick zszokowanej girl still gave the book that bąknęła something just under the nose. On his lips painted with an ironic smile. He pointed the blonde behind the desk. - And yes, I'm ...
- Nicholas Green - piped sweetly, winking flirtatiously at the same time.
- Hm, yes ... That's right.
- I am Molly - ha, he guessed. - Osbourn. Awfully nice to meet you.
- Okay, but you know ... I have a go - and he threw before anyone could react, he left the library.
Meg with a friend did the same thing. The girl was a bit annoyed tone, and smiling boy. It upset their barbs. Sara trajkotała something about the event from before the time, but the girl is not very interested. Followed the class to the next lesson. At the next break, decided to find Nicholas. Just a couple of malice, questions, and if he can thank is deserved. She sat a little lesson from it elevating. Sniff about, just a little bit, and because the school did not belong to large, had no problem finding a boyfriend, even in a crowd. Maybe the smell was subtle, but much to stand out, and she just went into the corridor.
- How is it possible that you were near and zdarzyłeś grab that book? - She asked bluntly.
- maybe just a good day? - Was clearly a good mood. - I just went through, and besides intuition. Best to follow it. And by the way, "Romeo and Juliet "...? I guess it does not fit you.
- It's reading, but for your information I quite like - she said shamelessly - for her, of course.
- Well, you know? No Thank you, and yet so to me, says ... - Went urażonego. Damn, like a little kid ...
- Well, all right, just cut the barbs. I'm really tired of them. Thank you for saving my face, before getting hit by a book. Maybe? I can not lay there and wish to thank - she muttered.
- Let there. - He waved his hand.
- You have a great sense of humor today. What is the reason? If you know that? - Asked looking at him intently.
- You know, I have my fans and the entire school of living my arrival. Nice, no? - The answer to the sincere rather not belong. I do not want says it does not. Without grace.
- Super. Hey, just wondering ... How is it with you with "super traits"? Well, you know we are fast cure, we have heightened senses ... And you?
- Hmm ... First of all, it's probably the speed. And agility. By no means am I a bit faster than a werewolf, but very little. And besides, the human form is a hearing and smell, but it is not much better than a human. It may also have a bit ... Harder than other people, bones and body generally, but from what I know, werewolves as well. And it's probably about enough. A lot of you have these questions?
- from the collection. But in the meantime I go to class, just as you think. - Just rang the bell. - See wredoto.
- Same - answered the boy maliciously. O, I went to live with, so his way. Well, she can not relive. Split up into their classes. The rest of the lesson
gone pretty smoothly. Sara still toasting something (as usual), teachers were bored ... Just a normal day of school. Well, maybe except that she got two of the math test. Ee was not good in science subjects. Like pure logic, ok, but the teacher invented incredible examples. Never mind. Made an appointment with a pack on the fifteenth of the lake - just where I found the transformation. On returning home, of course, be eaten first, then took lessons, and he put to the exit.
did not last all too long. She found herself on the lake before the time. The rest took off her clothes, hid them in the backpack and then took the form of a wolf. Backpack as usual, she hid in the bushes. Waiting for the boys (Naomi probably will again act on their own) stared stubbornly at the bottom of the lake the edge, as if trying to see something so.
Enable instinct! - it rebuked Reid, who was lying on it. Yes it is, as a man - the wolf - zamyśli.
Mhm, I forgot a little bit. Hello to you all.
Damn it, Meg, you know that you do not intend to be so!
- we all agree with him ... Well, super.
I know. Sorry. What today tropimy? - asked otrzepując with dirt, but a bit of thawed snow from the ground left marks on her dark coat. - Well, what did you see? - Reid asked reproachfully.
exaggerate! Girl soiled the fur? - jibes looking at him defiantly.
E Blondas! Do not you know that women's fur is very important? It is better to say what we do. What a piece today we search?
Seth explained exactly how the area concerned. Węszyli great concentration, but Reid said some stupid sometimes. She preferred to just scan all the smells. Sometimes she thought of it really there is something wrong. She noticed it. Everyone behaved in his wolf form differently. Even Charlie did not go so gloomy seriousness though always accompanied him. Maybe there is some ... Unsuccessful werewolf? Well, how else ...
I can not listen to those stupid - Seth growled annoyed. Well, yes, connected brains. Super. - Why do you think? At the moment we can not get you a large flock, no, unless you go to some larger pack. So stop thinking about such foolishnesses. - did not speak frankly to the end, even such a poor werewolf so she could not fool him. - Megan! You better take care of finding clues, ok?
Good ...
- bąknęła bringing the nose to the ground.
were some longer without talking, and she sniffed intently. Wyniuchali not even the slightest trace of a vampire. Absolutely nothing. The rest just like Naomi, who still tenaciously przeczesywała own site. She returned home, took a quick shower and lay staring at the ceiling, and more specifically the window, because I had any, - the room was in the attic. She sighed softly. With her there was something wrong. I even knew about this pack. If so why would not even talk about it? Must wait until the first fully. If you do not disturb her, and she continues to be the same, it will take more radical steps. And what was going on with a large pack of? There was no time to think about it, because it drifted off to sleep. Through the night after all not very wypoczęła.


Oh, little section again brings to the story ... Or, more precisely enough to share it, because I make it, however, some requests. But I can announce that the next chapter will be very ... Sad. Not until the end I was able to describe the different situations as I wanted, but it is not bad. Maybe I'll add it a little faster, but I'm not sure about this, because I have several chapters in store. Regards. ;)

PS. What can you recommend me a book? Because something I can not find anything interesting, it is best to have this ebooks. If anyone has the ebook "silver bullet" S. King 's, then I would be grateful for any message or something. Recently I have generally phase of werewolves. P

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Where To Buy Invader Zim Sweaters

There's nothing like a ship - "So You Think You Can Date"

So You Think You Can Date
Episode 54

Link to the segment [dubbing pl]:

What Does Ingown Hair Look Like

There's nothing like a ship - "The Rat Tale

There's nothing like a ship
Episode 53

Link episode [dubbing pl]:

Red Bump On My Penis Skin

There's nothing like a ship -" The Silent Treatment "

There's nothing like a ship
Episode 52

Link to the segment [dubbing pl]:

Chia Seeds In Brampton

What's happening?

What happens with Disney `em? Terminate all the coolest TV series or just to spoil them!
example, let us take as an example of "There's nothing like a ship." Runs for a month now, and at least
will be available in just the last episode. HM also finished with Sonny gone
main character. What they are going to replace it with? Maybe they let the replays?
Or replace it tandetami such as "Akfalans" or something similar?
I hope that Disney will not end like Zig Zap. At least the video is cool:)

PS.: Not all is lost:) I forgot about the show "Dancing rules!

next note in the series "There's nothing like a ship."

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Remington Wet 2 Dry Hair Straightener In Canada

Hannah Montana - "Wherever I Go"

Hannah Montana 4
Wherever I Go

Link odcika [napisy pl]:

At the end of the episode goes the song "I'll Always Remember You" and displays images from all seasons. This is the last episode of the fourth series, as well as and the last episode.

Cervix Penetration Punishment

Hannah Montana - "I Am Hear Me Roar Mamaw"

Hannah Montana

Link to the show [napisy pl]:

2 / 2

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Can My Atv Be Repossesed

Graphics Meaghan Martin, Demi Lovato and Selena Gomez.

decided to add a graphic from Meaghan Martin , Demi Lovato, Nina Dobrev, Miley Cyrus and Selena Gomez:) If someone wants to learn to do such a graphic, write on my website (listed on the side), or in the comments;)
PS.: Please do not copy this image, because I do find out about it through a special program: )

Monday, February 14, 2011

Is Teaching Solutions Praxis A Scam?

rozlazle laziness

marine morsy.malowane Pincho stuck with one night with a picnic.
here it is: pinchoycorto
manifesto for a day - el derecho a la Parez.
holiday to call from the forest.

Where Can I Do A Blueprint On The Computer?

Grammy Awards 2011 - winners

Oto kategorie najważniejsze tegorocznych Grammy (na końcu list zwycięzców w najważniejszych kategoriach):

Lady GaGa na gali Grammy 2011

recording and song of the year, album, song, team, country:

Pop Female Artist:

Male Pop Artist:

song rock:

dance Song:

Speeches rap:

rap song:

Album of the Year
"The Suburbs"
Arcade Fire
"Need You Now"
Lady Antebellum
Song of the Year
"Need You Now"
Lady Antebellum
debut year
Esperanza Spalding
Female Pop Artist
"Bad Romance"
Lady Gaga
male pop artist
„Just The Way You Are”
Bruno Mars
Zespół popowy
„Hey Soul Sister”
Album popowy
„The Fame Monster”
Lady Gaga
Album alternatywny
The Black Keys
Piosenka rockowa
„Angry World”
Neil Young
Album rockowy
„The Resistance”
Wystąpienie rockowe
„Tighten Up”
The Black Keys
solo rock performance
"Helter Skelter"
Paul McCartney
Speeches - hard rock
New Fang "
Them Crooked Vultures
Speeches - metal
"El Dorado"
Iron Maiden
R & B Album
"Wake Up"
John Legend & The Roots
Album R & B - Contemporary
"Raymond V Raymond
R & B song
John Legend & The Roots
Speeches - R & B
„Soldier Of Love”
Wystąpienie - R&B (standardowe)
„Hang On In There”
John Legend and The Roots
Wystąpienie alternatywne
„Forget You”
Cee Lo Green
Album rapowy
Wystąpienie rapowe
„Not Afraid”
Piosenka rapowa
„Empire State of Mind”
Jay-Z and Alicia Keys
Rap - koperacja
”Empire State Of Mind”
Jay-Z and Alicia Keys
dance song
"Only Girl (In The World)"
Song electronic / dance
'La Roux'
La Roux
Country Album
"Need You Now"
Lady Antebellum
country team
"Need You Now"
Lady Antebellum
country song
"Need You Now"
Lady Antebellum
Blues Album
"Joined At The Hip"
Pinetop Perkins & Willie 'Big Eyes' Smith
Pop - cooperation
Herbie Hancock / Larry Klein
Reggae Album
"Before The Dawn"
Buju Banton
Historical Album
The Beatles