Thursday, April 28, 2011

Sample Letter To Clients Hairstylist

Rozdział XVIII.

eyes turned a bit embarrassed, not to watch the glowing nakedness Seth. After a while ore Basior also changed the form. Dared not again raise the sight before him, even though the rest of the pack this should not worry too much . Well, yes, it is only a werewolf, who does not like nudity. But it can accurately to be back to reality. It seemed that Seth and the strangers know. After the tone of voice even be willing Alfa believe that they know quite well. Wait, wait ... I remember some of Michael ... But ... Who was he? him had time to think about it, he replied, as though bored with her Charlie.
old companion Seth. We told you about it sometime - muttered in my thoughts brown German shepherd, but not taking his eyes off the man. Nobody spoke, and the whole situation lasted only a few seconds.
- New wolf? And where is Naomi? - Ignored a question about your identity Seth, burying eyes on a white wader. Each pack companion felt a twinge in the heart of the cold.
- Naomi ... She was recently a little accident - the Alfa impersonal voice replied.
- Ah, yes - he threw a short newcomer, Michael, is coming out. The atmosphere was strangely tense.
- You know, maybe talk a bit ... Normal? I invite you on behalf of the entire pack to a forester - he threw Seth, this time smiling slightly. It was definitely a feature-finding - not coming down with a smile. If necessary, yes, he could be serious, but usually did not last too long.
- Of course. I'll be right there.
Both were transformed back to wolves. Michael had come to them soon, but for now go do something. And so will, because of what it is to the nose. Whole pack ran into a small wooden cottage. Turned up as usual in the bathroom, quickly threw on clothes and left the room. Their guy has not yet arrived. She heard Matt talking on the phone with Sarah - she probably still does not know that among the werewolves, there is no such thing as privacy - and the general bustle rest of the pack. Someone was watching TV and it was like betting, Reid. She sat on the couch, next to which stood an armchair, and on it lay sprawled blond. This could not be called otherwise. So just guessed that it was Reid is watching TV, and more specifically the basketball game. In addition, unless clashed with a comb, because his hair was in even greater disarray than usual.
- Sara wants to learn more lycanthropy ... - Threw a bit wearily Matt, descended on a nearby chair and one hand covering the cell. Well, I could not ask when it was time to do so. - Megan, you can drop it for a bit? I probably will not have to move ...
- Well, well. I'll be o. .. Some of the other - she said, which immediately gave a smiling Matt interlocutor. What is not done for friends, right?
- Michael goes. Reid, disable it. I wonder what brings him here ... - Seth said, frowning slightly. Immediately, however, opened the door and greeted the newcomer with a broad smile. - Michael! Come, long time no see. This is Michael, my ex ... Comrade herd. Some of you with the rest of it should keep in mind.
Everyone greeted politely, giving, and some also added a "sixty years" and similar texts. Megan Noble looked furtively. Was slightly higher than Seth, but lower than Jeremy. His eyes were the color of dark chocolate, which she could see already. Extremely neat cut rather short brown hair in the color of, if not her eyes were mistaken, reddish flock, were carefully arranged. What, believe, as a werewolf It was very strange. Built rather nice, but ... As if too little muscular as the Lycan. Dawned on her mind, that perhaps are so noble. Oh, should be applied to the greater weight, but the accumulation of information at one time but not served. Moreover, I never expected that it would meet in your life representative of noble blood, at least not so soon. Well, generally the man was rather high, proportionally built, definitely handsome and dark complexion. I immediately knew that he is a foreigner. Overall
with time the atmosphere was somewhat relaxed. It turned out that Michael just went on a tour of the world and just passed through here. Coincidentally ... Told each other in a nutshell, what happened all those years, Seth approached this topic tragic death of Naomi, as a newcomer by their condolences. She had a funny feeling, however, that it was all a game. As if this whole life - as imagined - wilkołaczego veteran did not have much sense. She had heard that the age-old creation wariowały in old age, but he did not look any Mad Pearse. Their conversation, which is usually Seth or more other members of the pack, looked something like this:
- How long have you been traveling? - Seth asked politely, as always smiling. She did not speak up if you do not count a few polite words ..
- Four months.
- Oh, it's been a while. What places did you visit?
- So far, almost all of North America and a small part of South America.
- Wait a minute, and you were not already used to this ... "Trip"? - green-eyed frowned.
- Yes, I was. But it's been a few years ago. I wanted a bit of a recall. Answers
men were the mechanical, impersonal. I guess this is what frightened her about Michael. That's right, it was apathetic for so many years, but ... It was very unnatural. As noted earlier, did not behave like a madman, but ... As if ... He was not just the meaning of life. It is so sad ... She found her very quickly. She was Nick, his dog dingo. And just when talking about this, they had to meet, and even Sarah ... She cast a quick glance at his watch. Fifteen after the first!
- Forgive me, but I have already collected. It was nice to meet you, really. Goodbye!
took leave of each came out quickly from the lodge. She had to eat, to embrace and make it to the meeting in less than an hour. Well ... Probably benefit from a bit of wilkołaczych power. Since we have the speed and power, it's worth it to use, does not it? Along the way she listened to the sounds forest. It has detected a large group of young people, unless they prepared some sort of gathering around the fire. Well, they did it recently, it and the rest had zlecieć. She shook her head amused. People were, however, simple. Even here, what she heard loud screams from his left hand, which is opposite to the lake. Hmm, could it be in fashion this year was an outbreak at the foot of their home, vallentowskich "mountains"? She smiled a little sarcastically. Oh, today was a strange sense of humor. It's hard, it can withstand.
At home, as usual, first put in in their first served a plate of the refrigerator, even it does not odgrzewając neatly in the microwave. She took a shower in record time as her, because just over ten minutes, quickly chose the clothes, then fled down quickly. Yet she felt vibrations through the phone in my pocket, so it had to reassure Sarah assuring her in passing that "soon will be." And in total, do not lie. Dark blonde opened the doors. Unless previously sat in the window. Immediately greeted and said goodbye to my parents friends, who, as it turned out, chose just to go shopping. Mother teenagers was very happy that her daughter has some company. As usual with the rest. Came up, Sarah closed the door carefully behind him and then sat down on the counter szatynki.
- Well, tell me everything! - Asked excitedly.
- But ... About what exactly?
- No ... - Looked around the room, as if making sure that no one is not in him. Sure, I'm sure someone was hiding in the corner. - All about werewolves! - Cast a conspiratorial whisper.
- It's a total no such thing ... Ask questions and I will reply, ok?
- Okay. I know that you do not need the moon to transform, but do you have to change when it is fully?
- Yes, we must. I must admit that the process is rather painful, as the first transformation.
- Do you have some more ... Superpowers?
- We are very strong, fast, and we have heightened senses - especially hearing, smell and sight.
- O. .. And such a transformation into a wolf it hurt?
- This is not normal and is even quite enjoyable. But at the time of full moon and the first one, as I said, not due to too pleasant.
- And eat bunnies? - Piped up at some point.
- I'm not saying no, hunting ... And as I have bunnies. A hunt with what I know is usually full-time, and so it is probably no requirement ...
And so on and so forth. Sara questioned her more than an hour, and it probably zadręczałaby questions until dawn, were it not that Meg had already run away to another meeting. Rushed home to be able to change and - something new! - Eat. Longer time chose clothes but finally picked what it przypasowało. Soon after, she heard the doorbell. Overjoyed ran down with a bag on his shoulder. Behind the door was already waiting smiling dark-haired man, whom she kissed in greeting. She closed her house because her parents unless wybyli to the city. They have a card, so no need to knock on more to the phone (calling once, when she was with Sara.) They rushed toward the forest. Yes, that's right - as usual, had little jog. Well, at least the forest was used for these purposes. Of course, all the way they talked. She said the location groups of youths, he told stay out of these lands from afar for the good of himself and the party animals.
- You know ... This Michael is a strange. Terribly ... Sad. At least I have the same impression. As if ... I do not know, had no meaning in life. Somewhat artificial.
- Maybe it has no meaning in life? - Nick muttered, glancing at his interlocutor. Involuntarily raised lip corners upward.
- I do not know. I feel with him through this awkward ... But all in all it's not my problem. He lives for so many years, so he can find a partner, not interfering with. Or a hobby. Yes, everything can be scheduled, if you just want to - she said, ending his brief discourse. Soon
already come out from among the bushes, carefully avoiding the poisonous sumac - recently Reid, so to speak, burned himself on his butt. He is still taunted in a pack. Well, most, when he learned about it, literally rolling on the forest litter with laughter. Seeing the bobcat dingo wolf heart zakołatało stronger in the breast. Head tilted slightly to one side, rising upwards, lips, signifying a smile. Wolf and a bit awkward, but still smiling. The dog went wavy tail, closed his eyes gently and softly, almost imperceptibly purred. White Wader giggled strangely. Nicholas pointed snout to the right, staring quizzically at the moment companion. nodded in agreement, so we both took off for a moment, stirring up the air in a cloud of pine needles.
Megan was not the best in wolf's speech, indeed, it almost does not know, so they decided to communicate in this way. They promised to teach her the language of the animal and a few new words caught on, but the series was still grunts something heavy for her to understand. I always knew that something was wrong with her. She could see that everyone is like ... More wild, both in their human and animal form. There are more animals. This is true both packs and Nicholas, but that does not comfort us. Must raise this issue. They also are very anxious for it, when it comes, if it happens to her about it hinted at. Very it did not like it. Since the former in some way deficient in its second nature, you would like to know about it. What if ... Suddenly
dingo running next to her will. She also stopped, although with a slightly longer delay, while allowing the deep furrows in the ground. They began to "sniff" the air, checking them carefully. She began to do the same thing as her partner. Black, wolf nose easily caught the new, although a weak odor. It was known - and somewhat refreshing nipping at your nose, but soft on the occasion. Something like a light perfume for evening. Women i. .. Cat. She looked surprised at the direction of the dingo, which is furrowed brows and looked straight ahead. Rudy went dog slow trot, hold your nose close to the ground. Wader also started to move, bending head to the height of the trunk. The same went for the tail, which, however, the dog accompanying her was lifted high into the mountains, creating a neat bucket.
Shortly afterwards stood in quite a large distance, because a few meters from rozłożystego, large tree. In his inattention wolf stepped on a twig, which broke under the weight of her white paws. On the tree something przekręciło flash head. That "something" was at all times ready to jump leopard bulky. No one has had its say that this is another variable in the town. The cat gave a warning hiss of myself. The distinctive spots on the fur showed the powerful muscles of the game, mobile under the skin of furry. Leopard fangs are curved, and undeniably deadly, although it was completely at these wilkołaczych. Tip of the tail dangerously feline nodded sideways. Creation was undoubtedly frightened, aura and distinctive scent of his, or rather the emotions would hit perhaps even in normal man. Still, listening attentively, asked the watchful gaze of a companion.
- Stay here, I can not agree with it in this form - he murmured dingo using the simplest words to the news media, while carefully looking at the leopard. Big cat still posykiwał quietly in their direction.
- But you talk to me - wydukała not quite sure whether the murmur went as she wanted.
- But we are of the same family. The dog and wolf have a lot in common, the cat too. Wait for me. And if need be, run away. Rudy
moment he stood still, watching both wader and leopardess. He did not want her to leave. How nice ... But alas, duty called shapechanger. By the way, that Nick finally meet someone of their kind. It will not be by it may, so lonely. Odprowadziwszy dingo eyes until he disappeared into the nearby bushes, she turned slowly toward rozłożystego tree. It was the same with the new - as deduced by the smell - zmiennokształtnym, which was the form of big cat and unclear intentions. Super. Vallente really needs to be is something that attracts all the paranormal creatures. She glanced at the green, and strangely familiar eyes of a cat. It was not very wise move on her part.


Well, not quite that much delay the chapter, then when it finally I add, is so short. \u0026lt;face palm> But now seriously. Excuse me you loved very much, for this delay, but only recently have something wybazgrałam. I hope that the events more or less the length of the Retouch, he no longer had the chapter to add, and write about, the apology, ass Marynia have preferred to leave alone. Dialogues are also my weakness, so in life, as well as in writing, so ... Today I add that although this is one day to reward you (oh I kindly ...). In addition, added a prologue - a short, because short, but it is. I know that nothing special, but I do this, unfortunately, do not really specialize. P is possible that it will still change, but then will notify the chapter.
Meandella - Art is one of my weaknesses. They are telling her in the dialogues, and blogging is this image. It was, believe, the best of what I figured. And it probably already is, because the PAPR in the colors and so on is not on my nerves ... But thank you for your attention. ;)
Yours hot!


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