Sunday, April 10, 2011

Asus 520gu Print With Mac Os

Rozdział XVII.

- Come on, I can not focus for you! - Fuknęła brunette, although he was not evil. For who could be angry in this situation?
- What a pity ... - Brunet purred, continuing to play with her left hand fingers.
- You're terrible.
- And you are cruel.
- I know. - Bared to him extensively.
I sat in a room Megan, who tried to learn. Unfortunately, it is effectively Nicholas difficult. They were with each month and so far everything was going wonderfully. Jenny was in seventh heaven, that her daughter has a boyfriend and not just what. Even stated that if she was my age would immediately behind him, "she" - I only wish that everything he had heard the boy pink and is now used against Meg. Herd accepted this fact, although the early half of the wolf were not that impressed. Today everyone is on good terms. Megan and Nick is not likely to quarrel, and at least nothing serious. The next day, or on Friday, Matt had to tell Sarah what it is. It was a total average of satisfactory, but it's better to know a girl who has to deal with, right? She sighed
softly, pushing away from each book. Probably nothing now did not teach. In addition, my thoughts wandered elsewhere. She thought of any other nieludziach wilkołactwie who will tread on the ground. For the first time since the funeral, I thought of Naomi. Her strange behavior, often unpleasant reactions to the person Meg ... She was now in a somewhat melancholy mood, so the thoughts are not distracted it even feels like Nick attracted to the brunette and starts to lightly kiss her neck. Recently, such a small petting was the norm with them, they continued the same - that is, mostly. Although dispersed, this felt like a real idea strikes her with sudden force. She looked a moment before him with eyes wide open. She was surprised. As long it took her coming to such a simple request to which almost got the answer. Decided to share this thought with her sitting behind her partner.
- You know ... Then something hit me.
- Hmm - brunet murmured, still stroking her pale lips rogue.
- You can stop for a moment? I would like to tell you something, but I can not concentrate. - The boy gave of himself murmur of protest, but obediently, though slowly, moved away from the girl's neck, putting his head for a change on her shoulder.
- Well, all right, say - he muttered quietly.
- Thank you. I thought about Naomi ... I came to the conclusion that she wanted to protect me. - Her throat was somewhat diminished when the talking. Nicholas frowned.
- I do not przepadałyście behind.
- Because it was so. Relatively. In fact, she ... Helped me. Stimulated ... Sam I do not know how I describe it. I know for sure that something is wrong with me under the terms wilkołaczym wrong. And the only one, a bit too, treated me put it like this, I do not go insane - or at least it was easy to read it with her words.
- start again. You are a normal werewolf and end this stupid topic. - But why has sensed a bit of insincerity in his voice ...? She sighed softly, leaning on the boy straightened out. He kissed her on the cheek and hugged more, which caused a slight smile on his lips szatynki. After some time However, the girl spoke again.
- Okay, the end of a good thing. Biology test tomorrow, and although it is simple, does not interfere with science - has decided to release the grip of brunet and grabbing a book.
- I get here is a man feel masculine when your girlfriend is stronger than you - "he muttered under his breath dissatisfied Nick, leaning against the wall with a bit naburmuszoną face.
- fool, eventually it is you save me no more than a month ago. Physical strength has nothing to do so.
- not for you - he threw a small voice, urażonego boy. She laughed and kissed the boy on the lips.


Friday. Practice day for Megan, who began the weekend. At the end of this week, however, was upset. Scheduled to take place, fireplace, only to pack, Nicholas, as her partner i. .. Sarah. Yes, this is what took place tonight initiation into her best friend, Sarah. Interesting, how to react ... At least be sausages and potatoes from the fire. I wonder how many will need to eat for six werewolves ... Well, it is in any case certain that it properly nadszarpie pocket of each.
She was sitting in class taking notes diligently, memorizing and trying not to think what will happen tonight. What is to be will be, and you should not worry about that in advance. Lunch was as usual very nice i. .. Loud. At present, perhaps even the athletes or other school diva gazed with envy at their table where everyone having fun. Well, I heard them was at the end of the whole cafeteria, so her reaction did not surprise the students. She sat next to Nicholas, his legs felt a touch on her - a little contact, and so much fun! In total, he should not stay at their table, Wolves are territorial, the dingo with the rest too, but the whole pack a bit deceived her wild fish. As you can see, everything you can, as you want. When they went a step lively into French, Nick looked at her intently and then said quietly:
- Worried about today's evening, right?
- As much as you can see it after me? - Glanced at his companion, quietly sighing. - Just ... I'm scared.
- But what? And no, I do not see, but I think as your partner should know these things, right? - He smiled slightly and took her waist arm. Agreed to it with a faint smile, after a moment of silence at the newly-taking voice.
- all of this. You know, I do not know about you, but I'd rather not I would be very happy if my best friend, boyfriend and friends sprouting fur.
- exaggerate. You'll see that it is better to endure than you think. - Winked at him, still faintly smiling. Now, he answered the same.
had hope. She prayed that Sarah took it all properly. And by properly understood well, that is, without a nervous breakdown Or what else. The French flew her quickly, although this does not happy. She liked to stay with Nick and how much, and nobody should be surprised. Podreptała for the next lesson. She wondered how much food they have to buy a fireplace, wood naznosić how much you need, because obviously it is set for any organizer. Just the latter should not be a problem. You have to somehow use the werewolves, right? They did have a screenshot of money, so it was only objeździć shops. He will take with him the two boys, he certainly has no intention of all this wear alone.
The small physical effort on the in-f'ie, returned home. She was not tired at all, as if nothing she did not do it, but ran. But in the end it is the strength of a werewolf, right? As usual, gave herself up sandwiches, which are consumed before the TV. Have long since got used to their food intake, although Jenny still could not understand how her daughter can not eat enough to gain weight. Even though it did not take up the lessons and immediately phoned the lodge. The store had to go with her and Dorian Jeremy and the rest for an hour and a half already told to start looking for wood. They were not that impressed, but after you organizatorce not refuse, right? The boys rode off into her house Jeep Alfa. She would like to see how Seth gives them the car keys ... After the greeting, Dorian drove from the passenger seat, and sat there comfortably.
- nothing you can not delegate to supervise, because you're doing is terrible - found sitting in the back of the dark voice of semi-serious and half-joking.
- Because everything has to be perfecto! And that's it. That is my opinion.
- And so I think you're terrible. And I was pretty, what is even more frightening. - Dorian pretended to be startled.
- Thank you. - She sent him an innocent, beautiful smile.
- Okay, then where are we going? - Interrupted by the blond sitting behind the wheel. Doubted whether Jeremy should lead, but came out that he only had a driver's license. God, keep us in the care ...
- May najepierw Let 's get the sausages? Then you need to buy more potatoes, kindling with the rest of it will be useful. And drinks. So ... I think a supermarket. - Shrugged.
parked so the supermarket and began to clear the regiments. They bought two big bags of sausages, three ketchup and mustard, five loaves of bread, four packs of foam, five kilos of potatoes, two packages of plastic cups and the rest of the mix (you know, are not very durable), seven different beverages, sześciopaki three beers, two lighter Liquid and what else they nawinęło, or chips, some candy, etc.. Maybe it was quite a lot of things to buy, but generally come down They probably quite quickly. Seth put up much money, so it's probably for his health above all they drink. Or so she thought, already knowing the actions of people at parties. So that you saw the faces of people, especially the cashier ... This time, it decided not to worry about the superhuman forces of werewolves.
- Ee ... It will be all that? - Wydukała black-skinned, thick woman with glasses, who sat for the money.
- Yes, everything. Jeremy! Come here, you'll pack it all together with Dorian - cried as usual, a bit confused blonde who slowly approached them. People generally strange look on their three after that cry even more. She paid with a polite smile, which immediately stopped by a cashier.
- Why not call someone to help?
- No, you do not need. My ... Go to the gym a lot - she replied with a mischievous smile, as Dorian grinned sheepishly
- But there is no problem ...
- I really do not need, thank you. Jeremy, you take sześciopaki ... - And began to separate who he carries. It turned out that they could not take at one time, so they went for two rounds. I. .. Yes, even for werewolves, it was quite heavy. Temporarily
tired but happy, because I obkupieni, returned home singing with Dorian for his voice-known songs from the radio. Jeremy bristled and began to mutter something under his breath, but the cat would have bothered him? With this nice accent, she returned home to change and generally marshal. She founded the gray tube, a large, black T-shirt with some prints, of course, a thick sweatshirt and black coat. Also chose the time for the fire, right? To all this blue, decorated with red and yellow laces wisienkami with an equally yellow soles. Well, it is hard to describe them in total. She went quickly out of the house, just throwing that goes "on the outbreak" and come back late, so do not wait on it.
Instead, the forester, intercede immediately to the place of the outbreak. This was all well known to both the space next to the forest, as well as a few meters from the lake. Everyone knows this place and it is here mostly to have been held every outbreak or event. The boys greeted her cheerfully. I just rolled in a timber equal to the pyramid. Focus would be really great. Soon after, Nick appeared, and even for some time, Matt and Sarah. Meg immediately lost the spontaneity and the stupid smile off your face. Really afraid of what she would say to all these revelations. Nicholas took her waist and smiled in such a way that immediately improved her mood. Everyone should sit themselves down on przywleczonych many years before stumps. She looked expectantly at Matt. I personally believed this should be done as soon as possible.
- You know Sarah ... We all have something to tell you - he said not too happy and a bit of fright Matt. She looked after a major, but still friendly faces all with consternation.
- Yes? What is it?
- Because you see ... My ... We are not human beings - cough at the end of chestnut. Sara cuddled the boy was silent a moment, then laughed aloud.
- you get really bored. This gave me almost ...
- Sarah - said in a somewhat weak Megan. - It's true. - Friend looked at him through the eyes of the great like saucers. Cmoknęła Nick on the cheek, whispering in his ear. - Keep it like that. - And then added aloud. - Come on, show it.
whole pack went into the thicket, there to be able to easily change and transform. As usual, it took her most of the time. They went more or less simultaneously. Each of them beating the girl felt disbelief, and later even fear. Megan pointed out, as Nick sneaks up silently behind a dark blonde. Her friend as if suspended. Utter a muffled groan and raised restlessly, making Nicholas sat down next to her, saying softly soothing words. He said this with such conviction that even Meg herself to calm down. Suddenly the girl pointed the finger at white wolf, which surprised zastrzygł ears.
- That ... My White Wolf ... I. .. Megan! - If it were possible, her eyes opened even wider. She-Wolf kicked aside pink tongue, looking at Sarah with amusement. - Why did not you tell me earlier? - Any of the wolves because he grimaced blue-famous words, as did Nick, or squeaked, as it did Megan.
- Emm ... Sarah, can you talk a little quieter? We have a much better and quite sensitive ears ...
- Wait a minute - do we have? And you're a wolf? - Looked at him with a strange face. However was smarter than I thought. for this thought she heard the angry roar of Matt.
What? I say that - loosely, "she said. - also not growling, he is scared.
- No, I'm not a werewolf. I'm ... Zmiennokształtnym. I change into a dog dingo.
- Oh ... But I guess I'm a man? - She did such a silly face that everyone laughed as he could.
- No, not really.
- O. That is good. Hmm ... I already know that you are Megan. - Pointed to a white wolf. - Ee ... You are Reid, I know in my eyes - said, pointing to a German shepherd with colored eyes. Then I looked at the gray wolf, who was deputy Alfa. - Matt ...? This ... You? - Wolfhound podczołgał softly to the girl screaming and waving its tail. - Again, I met the eyes. - Smiled overjoyed. - Unfortunately, the rest already I do not know ... You dazzle me.
- Seth, Dorian, Jeremy and Charlie. - Nich basiory pointed successively to the confirmation of his words and waving their tails floating lips into a smile. Well, maybe except Charlie, but in his eyes eloquent enough.
Everyone turned to again disappear in the bushes and the return to human form. Well, almost everyone, as Matt ran to the girl and her big tongue licked her face, she answered giggling. Megan looked at the picture of leciutkim smile. Then slowly washed off to these scrubs. Transformed up, dressed and combed hair, hand, and so that have already happened spuszyć and muss. Well, the fate of the wolf ... Nestled in the arm with a blissful smile, Nick, closing his eyes slightly. Funny, that's so easy going.
- See? It was not so bad - he whispered in her ear, smiling over Nicholas. He just read my mind!
- Well, a total of ... - Looked at him with a smile.
- What? We start melanżyk! - Shouted the jubilant Reid, handing each a beer.
Roasted sausages, drank and laughed aloud. Najzwyklejsi behaved like teenagers in the world. It also appeared that someone brought three bottles of something stronger. Last, of course, very quickly, especially by drunk guys. This greatly improved their mood. Alcohol should evaporate quickly, which only became aware of Matt's sober. Charlie has become extremely verbose, and Jeremy ... Philosopher. It was simply a terrible change, really. More than that Reid wanted to see if he can fly, so finally jumped on the face of a nearby tree. Well, that quickly broken nose He adjusts and that it pricked him Nick.
She called the parents to say, however, would not come back at night. Flew to the lodge, when Sara began to shiver with cold seriously. Unfortunately, Nicholas returned to his apartment, claiming that "another predator in the wolf den is nothing good." It is a pity that I agreed with him ... She had to sleep in bed, Jeremy, because he turned into a wolf and somehow I seemed to be a quick return to previous form. Can not eat it for it to be asleep in his bed? Decided to take a shower. She collected her things, went to the bathroom and long spryskiwała stróżkami warm water. Suddenly she heard someone enter the bathroom (the lock was broken, of course.) Surprised looked out from behind the shower curtain and saw Jeremy in wolf form, which ... I drank water from the toilet. Literally wrung her hands.
- Jeremy ... Really? Do not exaggerate?
Wolf looked at her with a bored, slightly delirious sight and then slowly walked out of the bathroom. Quickly finished the shower, then went even the kitchen. The nose has healed most of Reid'owi and looked as though he was never broken. It has a lucky boy ... After the dinner eaten, everyone lent a nice night and went to a designated room for him. There she found sprawled on a bed of a wolf. Oh, I did not intend to let go! It was obviously the same Basior, who gave her an enchanting visit to the bathroom. For the future, you must remember not to give Jeremy alcohol. Well, better let Reid also does not drink. Ceased before bed, crossing his hands on the breast.
- Sorry dude, but I am here today to sleep. Girls to disappear, you know? In addition, you have fur, so get off the floor - gave his speech, lightly tapping his foot.
Basior brunette looked like before, only further sleepy eyes and then ostentatiously stretched on the bed and jumped him. Arranged next to the legs. But she was surprised that so quickly agreed. Overall not particularly fond of alcohol, but rather "urżniętymi" people (or not), so today did not belong to the nice. Put together a comfortable, closed eyes, exhausted i. .. She heard a loud snoring. She cast a quick glance at the floor. No no, not quite that sleeps under my feet, it's still snoring! Fuknęła something under his breath, staring at the ceiling. Ultimately, however, and so fell asleep zmożona a long, hard day.

woke up and drew heavily on the bed. Slightly buzzed her head, but overall well-being was in the best order. She did not have anything to pretend from Sarah, spent a wonderful evening in most of Nicholas ... Well, she saw the same positives. She looked down and quietly squeaked. Jeremy returned to his human form, and, yes, but probably a dream, it was still naked. And it's not the end ... Threw him the quilt, fast Looking out of the room. No, no. Such a view, rather it has not dreamed of, really. The forester was getting lots of traffic going, and at the kitchen table, she found the Alpha herd, Reid, Matt and Sarah, who consume breakfast, of course, talking. She greeted them, pulling something from the fridge for themselves.
- I like the night? - Matt asked politely.
- even a good night, but Jeremy snoring. Although the morning ... Brr. - Cold shiver went through her. - And with you?
- What is the best! - Sara cried delighted.
- Hey, I begin to fear ... Damn, and I made sure your lifelong virginity. - Jokingly shook his head, then again nadgryzła apple flakes and poured into one of the bowls clean.
- Well, you know ... - Naburmuszyła the girl. Matt is speszył, even though he knew that wilkołaczyca kidding.
- Okay, okay. Reid You know, strange that your nose is left untouched - found at maszcząc including his own.
- Yeah, I was surprised too. But this flight from a tree and his face after getting up - priceless - Seth threw seriously, which we all responded to loud laughter.
- Oh, no inherit! - Fuknął Blondas, as she spoke again Meg.
- Calm down, maybe learn to fly.
- What people? - Stammered Jeremy entering the room, rubbing his face. He was dressed in the same boxers. Megan looked at him with hostility.
- You know what? I hope that the stain of the night * is not about me.
- Would you like - seriously, "replied the boy, and began to rummage in the refrigerator.
- You know what ... I do not want to know the details ... - Seth, "he muttered, as he tore up quickly Reid.
- And I, and yes!
- Oh, shut up Blondas - cast a light brown, giving a colleague pstryczka nose.
morning was rather nice, it seemed. Quickly became the home because parents generally show up and change. Again eat something, then quickly ran out. They had a whole pack go jogging in the woods, and that such an escapade everyone liked, it is well known. Soon, he suddenly took a week to be full. Wonderful preparation, before this beautiful period. As ever, it passed a pleasant shiver your spine. Werewolves have a week before the release of the circular shield in the sky are becoming restless. Her first full was unfortunately distorted, but maybe this time everything goes as it should. She was afraid only of the pain ...
The forester arrived quickly. After harcach intended to meet the course with none other than Nicholas. Demanded that both she and brother, and maybe a sister, a wolf. Transformed as usual, even in the lodge. Probably no one will steal if the leave the door open. By the way, and so they smell, and risked nothing. Began to run through the woods, chase, talk, laugh and play literally. Nothing would do a little puppy with his równieśnikiem. Even though you have no idea if it would provide a joy! I raced the whole group, was somewhere in the third, when the entire group sensed a new predator. Everyone suddenly stopped.
Werewolf - Reid threw short, although everyone already noticed.
Yes, but ... This fragrance is a ... Acquaintance. Come - ordered Seth, truchtając in the right direction.
Soon afterwards she saw the whole pack of arrival. It was the russet wolf rozszarpujący rabbit. Megan grimaced at the sight. Sam will probably also hunted, but at the time fully. Or so she seemed. Rudy Basior however, was slightly different than the usual werewolf, although it certainly was. He was only slightly larger than a wolf, was somehow more proportioned. Is Noble? - flew through her mind, as she heard the murmur of confirmation. Everybody in the place. Her observations took about three seconds. Rudy after this time, slowly raised his head, looking at all the amber eyes that changed color after a moment of bitter chocolate. Seth, who heads the group, transformed into a man and finally he said softly, voice with a mixture of joy, hope and hesitation,
- Michael?


* - yeah, that's all the wine in biology. On the last lesson the teacher told me about it (and how I had it kind of describe it?), And here I could not stop, would not write about ... Last thing silly me catch the words.

Well, finally I wrote this chapter. I wrote, I wrote and I could not add ... Wszyła little bit is not as I wanted, but somehow I had no idea how to do it better. Dear Readers, I have to request you - everyone who reads this blog, let them leave a comment. I wonder how many people read it. :) You can leave a comment as "Anonymous" and then just write the code from the image. I greet all hot.


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