Monday, April 4, 2011

Jt Sport Desert Eagle

Rozdział XVI.

Throughout day was impatient. Not to mention the fact that she could not sleep, still thinking about tomorrow's day. Why time flies so slow! She sighed impatiently , clutching his right hand in the bag. Nadal was extremely delighted, and parents when it parzyli so on, were terribly silly faces. But nothing they said - as much surprised, right? By the way in her family was better than ever. Parents great banter, a lot of going out somewhere, give her daughter more freedom, and her father even tried to limit smoking. Amazing, is not it? He was very warm and quite sunny day so we started walking toward the school, humming something softly under his breath.
preserved sober thinking because, of course, these impatience. The lesson every now and then glancing at his watch, and finally even Sara threw her some attention. But it ignored a slight wave of his hand. Time, of course, it is stretched, so when I came in for lunch, she was extremely happy - you know, already half-way point, and this is an hour of talk lessons. God, like a silly teenager ... With tray filled with vile, stołówkowym food (which, unfortunately, had to eat separately) sat at the table pack, who laughed and talked loudly in the majority of gestures. Sarah toddled around her, after a while stealing a seat next to Matt. Yeah, because it'll steal it, I'm flying. She sat next to Dorian and joined the conversation, after a while also arrived Jeremy and Seth.
The lunch was quite anxious that does not mind the boys escaped. They threw some biting comments, but seeing that girl begins to be very annoyed they gave it up. However, the most feared class, which was held after a long break. Maybe not so much scared as worried. Will probably be quite funny ... But as it turned out, when I was in the classroom and sat comfortably in place, Nicholas, as usual, was not too talkative. They greeted and, yes, but never talked. Throughout the lesson there was at their table, this common silence, though Megan eagerly glancing askance at his companion, who sat most of the lesson driven on a chair and played with a pen. Ringtones announcing the end of the class. As usual at a snail's pace of packing books, so it was logical that her neighbor came out first. What was the girl's surprise when she heard of his dark forelock shapechanger quiet voice.
- So see you tonight. - Where she raised her head easily observed playful smile on his lips leaving Nick.
I like this man has to focus on the lessons? Back home her very much delighted, because I approached the designated hours. Jeju Island, it's really the age of literally idiociała ... Put themselves in array by Jenny ate lunch, then immediately went upstairs. only what I will dress up ...? She laughed itself, shaking his head from side to side. Funny, you never cared whether a meeting with someone, or a date. And now behaving like that ... Weird. Typically. Sam could not tell, but one could easily forgive her, she had finally doing my head at all, God's day.
She took a quick shower, looking more carefully in the mirror. How can you been expected - was the problem of what to wear. Ultimately, however, opted for a gray tube, a white tunic with printed, which quite nicely opinała her body and reaching down to mid-thigh sweater in gray and purple stripes. Hmm, even it was not so bad, even if it just fits on a date ...? dressed up. Yeah, of course. Wore a black, like a layered skirt in a tiny flowers, in her pantyhose in blue and black zebra and gray squadron in the "rib" pattern, which, however, had a much smaller strips. Yes, now much better. Dissolved hair left, she made only a light makeup. Of course, once again she wanted to dress, but she heard the doorbell. She grabbed black sweater, handbag of the same color, and - surprise! - Black ballerina. Yes, could have been guessed.
- Mom, I'm going out!
- And who is? - Oh yes, she could not do without.
- Ee, and that there friend - replied, then quickly ran out of the house. No no, you do not need the larger scenes. But back to reality, came up with something, but rather for someone at the door. This was obviously the person to whom such a long wait. Nick greeted her beautiful smile, standing in a cavalier pose with his hands hidden in his trouser pockets. She blushed slightly and returned the smile uncertainly. Somehow I had no strength to speak up, so dark he took over the baton.
- Unfortunately usually not staying too long in one place, and generally travel on all fours, so I do not have a car or other vehicle. We have to settle for a walk, though it may look a bit strange.
- Oh, never mind. Even better, it is quite warm today, and in general ... - Rubbed the left elbow, looking down.
- It let's go, just as it was already planned, to the movies. - Again he sent her his captivating smile, removing his hands from his pocket and taking Megan to the waist, has moved to the front door. It is a pity that so quickly took his hand ... Nowhere
not hurry, they had another half hour to the session. In total, Nicholas, if he wanted to, it could be more or less talkative. Not too much, but I do not want miracles right away, right? Both girl and a wolf in it were very happy that finally can stay a bit after with his "partner." And it's more for two. They arrived at the cinema, and posters displayed by checking the overall repertoire. She noticed a group of people from his school - the girls threw a biting comments (who would have seen it coming, right?), And the boys teasing a girl, but felt it was also their discontent. Well, some of them also invited her for a date, of course, after the transformation. She turned to a companion.
- You know, somehow I do not want the movie. It can go? - Suggested gently, not wanting to impose too much of his sentence.
- Sure. - Shrugged his shoulders slightly. - Park?
- Let it be - has agreed to immediately, even throwing a glance in the direction of mixed friends from school. Brunet again had to cover her arm slightly to regained consciousness. Although not complaining at all, definitely.
Along dimly lit park, talked to, laughed and generally better acquainted. It turned out that Nicholas is also very fond of literature, and sometimes even read something about poetry, such a mood when she will visit him. Is it just seemed like he perfect? He was both gentle and hard, if need be. Do not use unnecessary words generally, but definitely had a sense of humor, probably even bigger than herself. At this time, and so it seemed to her that a lot of talk. Women are terribly indecisive, well, maybe only in other areas ... Today was rather a desire to take his mouth something else. Nick probably felt (rather, for sure) it increased heart rate and hormone flips once accidentally musnął her hand, because after a while, grab a girl hand. She felt a pleasant warmth that gushing from him. Not to wonder too much and leaned her head against the shoulder companion, closing eyes gently. Their walk
could not last forever, first of all. More important, however, was that hungry. Yes, yes, exactly. Gee, how stupid is ... Feeding the wolf was not very easy when it comes, of course, is a full feeding, but it takes at least it was eating something that does not rumble in my stomach. Hungry ogre, it's a bad werewolf, and when she felt Nickname even more uncontrollable. The boy in the time suggested a trip to a nearby pizzeria. By the way, had to admit that he has great timing. Of course she agreed, though she felt a bit embarrassed by it, but endowed brunet amused smile, she forgot about the whole world. They went into the pizzeria, occupying one of the outlying tables by the window. Among all the odors of food and people - was a Friday evening, so some of them there was - she felt yet another, a familiar scent. Damn ...
- Welcome to the Pizzeria Cantacky what state? - Delivered the standard formula of Zack. She felt a bit wearing his sad eyes and saw the icy gaze returned in the direction of Nicholas. Was it by a very uncomfortable and greatly stretched arm muscles.
- Emm ... I'd like a large Hawaiian pizza and two colas? - Spoke quickly, throwing a questioning glance to his companion, who only nodded.
- Right away, a. .. Do you prefer a normal sprite? - Asked the blonde, happy that he knows what a girl likes to drink.
- No, today I do not feel like it. Thanks. - She sent him a slight smile.
boy slowly walked away toward the kitchen to give orders. Only after about two minutes of arm muscles relaxed. During this time there was silence at the table, did not know much how to deal with. Is Zack just have to work today? What is a normal teenager working in a pizzeria on a Friday? shyly looked up at her companion. Nick stayed on his face, amused smile and playful eyes flashed ogników millions. But excuse me, how am I supposed to interpret it? got angry again, but he just shook his head and laughed softly.
- I did not know that there will be so interesting - he threw still smiling.
- Yes, very much - she mumbled, staring at the tabletop.
She did not know, why would feel so strange. I just wanted to go out before Nicholas all the best, and not feel awkward because I just hit the boy in love with her. Zack was pretty cool, nice gadało him, but he was not even her friend. Bah, none of it particularly close acquaintance. He behaved, however, somewhat as if he had the full right to scare her admirers, and so on. Jeju Island, it's probably worse than wolves. Umówiłaby not with him only because he do not hope. Nick was her life partner, she was sure of it. It has approved the wolf, who eagerly demanded the presence of dark-haired twenty four hours a day, and was ideal Meg, which was ready to look for life. No, the wolf does not give up easily, and when she is stubborn, he can be very annoying. Prior to her nose erected beautifully scented pizza.
- Bon Appetit - muttered unhappy waiter. They answered him, polite "thank you" and began to eat.
How wrong? Ate half the pizza because I did not want to accept either a single piece of dedicated boyfriend. Not bad, "podjadła" so you do not have to worry too much about her belly. It is known that she wanted to pay, but it has done anything Nicholas has already invested money in the account. Brunet threw a disgruntled look, but he sullenly frown on such a lovely girl replied, smiling, as if an angel did it yourself. Well, the dark, with gray eyes, that changes the way the dingo dog, and can literally deprive the girl's head. She went to the bathroom, the boy said that it will wait for the court. Standing before the mirror softly sighed.
Leaving the restaurant suffered a genuine shock. Very positive, which in its absence wytknięciu time by Zack and answering that nothing to it do not feel it was not easy. At least it did not take much time. Well before the pizzeria Nicholas was waiting for her, and yes, you hold in your hand like a small bunch of red-pink roses. Not they were ordinary roses - they had beautiful color and would rather not have to buy, because it looked like such a tiny field. So the most beautiful and most fragrant. On soft feet came to light a smiling boy, who had just watched the brunette walks up to him.
- Let's record because of this we have to look ridiculously pizzeria. In addition, your friend has a nice view for us and the audience is no more needed. - Turned around quickly. Actually, Zack stood in the window, which tightened lips into a narrow line.
Previously, it was her loss, but now genuinely irritated her. He could've done it all out of it, since he knew the truth. She did not want him to say it, but it would be better. And by the way - I wonder how would react to the news of her second nature, right? But I did not intend to examine. In addition, it has occupied his head out of something else. The newly returned to the park, which was practically right next to the pizzeria. At present, there was no one here, although still feel fresh smell of alcohol, so, someone just passing through here. Well, it was at least six people. They turned to their faces, said szatynki expressed shyness.
- Our first, hmm ... Close-up should not have to think too romantic. And that is something I would not want to. This can also be quite formal, but always better than to send SMS. - Waited sequel with bated breath and beating heart firmly. Mouth probably also had revoked his eyes rather large, so it had to look like a short, ułom * - no good. But then there was not over and it was not just capable of any movement. - Megan, you are my partner?
It was like a very solemn, but not yet committing to a life with this person. She still had such an intention, but I do not know how Nick. Deftly replaced the trite "girl" with the word "partner" as a more fit to both the overall as well as themselves. A moment of silence, because not much could utter a sound. Brunet waited patiently with outstretched towards the companion, the lovely bouquet of roses. Nicholas stared at nearly the pace, exactly in those adorned with the gray iris flashes blue. Slowly she returned to her consciousness. She whispered a brief "yes", if it were here at least the engagement and took a gentle bouquet. He was attracted to his nose, inhaling deeply.
- Her ... Not ... I expected - she said finally, raising the shy eyes on standing in front of her boyfriend.
- Why? - He asked with a smile, leaning dangerously close to her.
- I just - said softly with a slight smile, gazing into the eyes of shapechanger.
Durable all evening, but had no power to suppress already emotion. As might be expected, threw his hands on the boy's neck and, standing on tiptoe, touched his lips. It was sensitive, as if asking a pre-brush. Nick took the girl przysuwając close to each other and making the mouth feel as Megan kiss. Funny how many emotions a person can pass through a lip brush. Of course, the usual muśnięciach did not simply. They kissed for longer and more passionately, did not prevent either party. Wolf in her off and she felt elated, like the dingo as part of Nicholas also seemed happy purr. At this time, was absolutely certain that they are the relevant parts of the puzzle. Broke off from each other, panting like a marathon is the crafty, but in the middle of the incredibly happy. When their breathing had already calmed down, Nick, spoke first.
- I think we should go home. I would not do a good impression on your parents, you come back later on the meeting with "such a fellow there." - Sent her playful smile.
- Did you hear?
- I'm in the middle of a dog. I hear quite a lot of things.
- Well ... And what time? - Asked instinctively glancing at his left hand.
- At half past eleven.
- Really? - Wybałuszyła eyes at the boy. She did not know that so many of them are staying. How quickly the time flies ... noticed his companion amused smile.
- Really. Come on already. - Took her hand in his warm fingers, making it a pleasant shiver went through. By talked my way back again, and she in no way feel tense or did not have to abstain from anything.
- We are - said Nick, nieemocjonalnym strange voice.
- We will meet tomorrow? - Asked hopefully a girl companion, looking deeply into his eyes. He laughed softly.
- I still do not have enough?
- Especially not at all! - Głupawym bared in a smile. - I'll meet you, you have the time?
- Very often I have a lot of time, so ... Why not. - Shrugged slightly arms, after a while turning to the girl with a crooked smile and playful - and perhaps even filuternymi? - Ognikami dancing in the gray eyes. - Do you think the conversion for something ... Intimate?
- Ee ... Probably not - she hesitated, glancing from zaintrygowaniem on Nick. - And why do you ask?
- see you tomorrow. Just dress comfortably - retorted with a mysterious smile.
- What time?
- Fits your second?
- Sure. This ... We have an appointment. - Still felt strange with the news that there are a couple. It went awfully fast ... Although the Ultimately it was to wait. It was inevitable in the end, if everything was to be as it should.
- Yes. Probably yes.
- That ... It is up to tomorrow - goodbye quietly and already had a go, but then could not finish it so simply. Before she could let go of his hand until the end Nick is once again attracted her to him and without question by the girl's lips raspberry prolonged kiss. Of course, it returned the. Farewell was quite long and rather pleasant, but had unfortunately come to an end sometime. Nicholas leaned over the ear szatynki.
- You know ... I think you should go.
- Yes, mom may even standing in the window. - Laughed briefly, but still included brunet's neck. Only after a while, reluctantly walked away, waving goodbye bouquet and smiling broadly. Nick waited until the girl did not come home. Before closing silently yet heard "Goodnight, wilczyco" but was not really sure if it's not a trick of the mind intertwined.
She said all and sundry his return, although he would not be surprised if she found reading a book, Jenny upside down and staring at Mark naburmuszonego TV screen. She preferred to forgive yourself. She took a quick shower, washed off his light, polished makeup and changed into pajamas. Tomorrow is also waiting for it a beautiful day, now feel the impatience. Promised to be probably the best day in her life, because today could be to include the term quietly. Even before going to bed went to eat dinner, as you might expect. Well, I was at the end of a werewolf and had little to eat. She was going to take a top toast and flee with them to the top. Unfortunately, her plan did not work until the end as she wanted.
- Who did you meet today? - Shuddered to hear the voice of Jenny, who was in the kitchen wparowała under the pretext of pouring juice.
- Aa with a friend.
- So much I know. More specifically? Someone I know?
- Probably not. I mean, so in total ... It's like, you know it.
- So? - there's nothing like hearing confessions from sex before her mother.
- Nicholas, the man who not so long ago I visited.
- How in the name? How old is she? That is what I broke something? - no and started ...
- Nicholas Green, came to Vallente rather recently. He has eighteen years old, walking together on the French, and so the total is even sit on the bench. Yes, it's the one that had cracks in the ribs. Already? - Threw annoyed with himself, giving his mother to understand clearly that there is no intention to say anything more.
- You know ... In total, I have to admit that he is handsome. You have a taste! - Cheered twice clapping their hands and clutching her daughter. Is it just seems that he lives in the world, is mildly speaking, a very strange?
- Yeah. Good night - she muttered, taking a plate of toast and tea, and then evaporated on top.
It was really weird, I must admit. But all in all ... This is Jenny. Could expect this type of reaction. Been toast, drank tea and then put together with satisfaction on the bed. Who said that before going to bed you should not eat, you can easily see that did not recognize a werewolf. Eating just before bedtime, and woke up in the morning and was hungry as ... Wolf. And that's not Tyla than a gram. It's fun, right? Well, not counting the fact that the hungry can eat without major setbacks of the accompanying person. But who cares? Dreamed of her various meetings with Nicholas, so the dreams could not complain, because all the time unconsciously smiled. She might be with him. With her Nick'iem. With his ruddy dingo.

course woke up early. They always do like a man waiting for something. That's stupid, because then wait even longer ... Well, probably nobody ever will examine the end of the human psyche. With an excess of the time she decided to eat properly, do their homework (of course she could not concentrate, but I scribbled something) and clean up the room. Jenny was going to work at first, so you do not have to worry about her meeting with Nicholas. Already afraid of ... Today
not przestrajała, and dressed like a simple lesson. Sure it will be a little weird, but it would fall on the stupid, dressed in a tight top, beads and all the rest. Again, prepare your food, not to repeat yesterday's awkwardness. Recent fixes i. .. She heard the doorbell. Almost fall over the stairs, when they coincide with. Grasping the handle saw Nick standing on the porch. Was leaning nonchalantly against the frame (always is?) And as usual, beautiful smile. Returned the smile, she grabbed the bag and closed the door behind him. Mark had a dentist appointment today - what a coincidence, right?
- And how goes the day? - Asked this time as First, although it felt more like a loose and kind of embarrassment.
- And well, I would say even that much. And you? - Moved the usually cold, steely eyes on the companion. This time, however, their outlook is not przyprawiało the creeps, rather nicely warmed skin, and a slight smile complemented the whole picture.
- not bad - shrugged his shoulders slightly.
- And as last night? - Moved closer look at him.
- As for me has been wonderful and it's the end - she replied frankly, moving the sight before him.
- Good to know. - Really made an effort to answer. And it was expecting some religions ... Also looked at the some point in front of you and most of the time they walked in silence no longer.
She could be with Nicholas all the time. Without interruption. And that is exactly what she wanted - to be with him ... Forever. Somewhat scary is the vision of being dedicated to someone, I must admit. But she was satisfied that it was he gave her a lot. Her ideal, perhaps a few flaws, but still almost ideal. She smiled to herself slightly to each other, looking at the forest litter, you just walked. They reached the lake shore, which I think everyone knew. It is, however, was associated with the first transformation, the place of Reid on one of the banks and any youth events in warm weather. She looked at Nick, who also watched her.
- We'll run? - He asked with a mischievous smile, who wandered from his face.
- willingly. A long time ago and did not change, hmm ... Let. - Cast a significant glance at the nearby bushes.
- Of course.
They went on their bushes, because although it was a wolf, and apparently it should not interfere with it (but disturbed) and Nick have already seen her naked, it is preferred not to parade in front of him without clothes. Slowly took off the clothes, hid them in the bag, he immediately hid under one of the roots of a nearby tree and turned. How nice to find a time in the wild parts of his body ... Stretched happy, accompanied by clearly heard a few crackling bones. She came from among a variety of shrubs and immediately captured red-haired dog sitting quietly on the ground. She lifted her lips to the top of what was to be a smile. Dingo got up and walked closer to the white wolf.
- You know, perhaps we should be here to collect. People usually like walking in warm weather - he murmured, using the wolf, and maybe wilczo-dog speech, she knew a bit weak. But running is not likely to talk too much. The truth ...?
merely nodded her head, moving slow trot ahead. It was much bigger than him (in this incarnation, of course), and thus step was a little bigger. Dingo but bravely kept its pace, as if not paid attention to. After some time, already deep in the forest looked as if asking for a companion, "We run?" she answered from the place you start. Rudy shook his head and only just drove the wolf, which apparently surprised. But, no, after all - shapeshifters were supposedly faster than a werewolf. Do not, however, gave up, drawing great satisfaction from the race and compete, not to mention that even with the company. Suddenly she felt someone transforms. And so she wanted to avoid ...
Hi Megan! - cried out in her mind delighted Reid. - What's that you run alone? - probably did not think that it would grant the one who accompanies her, right? Already knows a bit in his head to hide.
I had on it just like.
- wypomniał wounded wolf. - soon I will find you, then we'll talk.
No! I do not feel like company today
- rushed, unhappy grimace. Only his here have been lacking.
Hey, I heard! Well, no it is not. Grace no. Nara.
- and vanished from her head. At least ...
found that absorbed in conversation slowed, which also did Nick. Apparently guessed that it met the additional company. She sent him a smile, while wywalając pink tongue to one side, then continued running. After some time they decided to have ... Playin 'tag. Well, not exactly. Rather, chase each other. This, incidentally, was pretty fun, we had to admit. The only pity is that she always, even prosecuted, felt like a hunter ...
least thanks got a few kisses on the nose and vice versa. Variable bugging faster and a bit slower again regained power, but they were also long-distance as werewolves. They returned a little fatigued after so maybe a bit childish harcach to where they left their things. Unluckily, it was there couple holding each other walkers, so they had to smuggle their goods somewhere else, and it was only there to change your character to be able to calmly get dressed. Even if they were ripe running path Rather, it is not recognized in the mutant animals sizable wolf and dingo - did not ran normally and abnormally, or in the meadow and the variable pace.
They returned home very happy, hugging each other on the occasion. More precisely, it rests on Meg her partner. Still a bit dirty, because not everything could clean up clean - but the gear is doing his. Do not talk to each other too much, but I did not even have to do that. Soaked up by their presence. She did not want him to leave, when they reached already at her house, but it was obviously necessary. At the farewell kiss fixedly, yet tenderly. Well, farewell to each other because not even imagined. A bit upset to come home, wagging yet to brunet, she stood in the doorway. Would do well to take a shower.


* - sorry, but nothing I did not fit here. Such a humorek ... Overall, I have certainly nothing to sick people, they are so often even more worthy of sympathy than ... Oh, it could be replaced. I do not know if anyone would return as normal on this, but I prefer to reserve at the beginning of any confusion. ;)

Again, very sorry, that part I added so late, but unfortunately since I lacked a bit Thursday, the Internet. The next chapter will add probably on Saturday, but I can not promise anything. But as to this chapter: Well, a romantic I'm not overly ... But maybe something came out. Chapter a rather quiet, yet with generally two or three notes that are like a bridge to the second part (I said before that so I shared in his łepetynie weird, right?), But I'll also be in them, something has happened. In total, I will not write much, because I do not have what the subject. Well, this March has passed, because the school is just a killer ... Everything! D: Well, all right, calm up. Also, greet and welcome once again sorry.


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