Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Stone Proximal To Uvj

Rozdział XV.

opened eyes, before which still loomed indistinct shapes. All it hurt everyone, even the slightest movement caused her pain. On his body, as it turned out naked, she felt uncomfortable chill. Mercilessly sat frowning at the wall and vanished into thin air in a ball. Hands and feet were bound in chains with chains so thick that my eyes almost came out of its orbit. Virtually the entire body girl could find traces of clotted blood. Where the hell am I? This is a joke, silly dream? I. .. What happened yesterday? She sought answers to questions questions in my mind the questions, although it was clear that more of those answers are not found. Not only that she was naked, sitting in waterlogged basement with only a small, dirty window, attached to the stone wall of impossibly mocarnymi chains, it is still under the shackles mercilessly swędziała her skin. By the way - who normally takes the itching in this situation ...? Suddenly
dilapidated door to the left opened. Even more pulled up to his legs, waiting with bated breath for the person who had occur in the doorway. Her view is not far from her rejoiced. Well, I stood in the doorway smiling obleśnie killer, whose pack chasing for some time. The vampire went in slowly, avoiding only the gentle sunlight clearance, which fell into the blackened, basement window. She looked at him carefully - do not hide their dismay. Hard to tell what sadists may come to mind ... A pale man came to a halt in front of her with his hands hidden in pockets of black trousers.
- I like there, wilczyco? I see that I Woke. Finally! And I thought it boring to death ...
- It was supposed to be a joke, right? Because I do not know if I have to laugh or sympathize - croaked sourly. No, no! Shut up and not sinking!
- retrieved fighting spirit? And it very well, you know? It will be much more fun. - Megan smiled at the special showing his long fangs. Immediately, however, they hid him and walked closer. - Paw recovered? Probably broken, but I do not know how the treatment by a werewolf during the full ... - Indeed, only now she felt with her left hand there is something wrong. Yeah, there's nothing like perception. - It's like? How do we choose to play white wolf? - Feel his slimy, smelly breath, blood on his face. Growled, mechanically by changing. - That's something! - Exclaimed joyfully vampire.
for a few seconds lost control of the wolf, but after a while regained his mind as Megan-man. But still has legs wide apart, and the guttural growling wlepiając murderous gaze on the man. Vampire standing in the room grabbed a chair and threw him against a wall, shattering it on the occasion of the smaller parts. All the time he laughed madly. Amused him. These bared fangs, the desire to finish it in a long and painful. She could not understand this, but she was not a monster after all. And even if nothing is equivalent to the individual, who imprisoned her in a stone cellar.
vampire played with her a very long time. And this under the nose voiced his hand, which immediately took, and it approached close to her, just somewhere to escape to a corner, causing pain wolf feet shackled shackles. Chains were quite thick and they zdażało noise. One even showed her the key to these chains, but that once hung in the farthest corner, on a small shelf - in any case that came to her mind. Płcej it hurt or deeper which meant only pain. The wounds healed quickly. Seized her growing rage, she was hungry, a little sore, irritable and fettered terribly thick (and hence, and severe) ties. She was hounded. Not to mention the fact that slowly fell to the forces.
suddenly became something completely unexpected. Small, dark window smashed up into tiny little pieces. The vampire hissed, odskakując more toward the door. Inside, through a tiny hole pushed up the ore dingo dog. Man at the sight of this he laughed aloud, saying something you do not listen. Could not believe this whole incident. Zgrabnemu watched the dance - to avoid attacks by the dingo, unsuccessful attempts to capture a vampire. Mara night all the time laughing in a way that automatically jeżyły hair on his head.
had to do something and soon. She looked around frantically. chair, wood, anyway! changed form, grabbing the hand of the two parts of roztrzaskanego chairs. Swaying on his feet, but did not intend to resign. She had to get out of these shackles. The only thing that came to her mind, the dislocation of the thumb. Did not hesitate on this long and pressed the battle for one first, then on the other hand. It worked. Vampire managed to catch and throw shapechanger him against a wall. Very much, so his way. Dingo grunted softly, and he lost consciousness. The vampire approached him something still talking, laughing, and so on alternately. She had no idea how she did it, but did not pay attention to it. She approached him from behind and hammered the rapid movement of a piece of wood in the back, man. Vampire sykną, then turned to her with playful face.
- Really you thought that hit the heart? Loss your chance, baby ...
- Do not call me "darling", Svirzh! - And then struck the man in the jaw-center complex from the hand into a fist. Immediately afterwards put her other leg of the chair between the ribs vampire, barely piercing the heart. He looked at her with obnarzonymi fangs and sincere amazement in her eyes.
- How do I ...? - Croaked, his whole body that the pulsed.
- Never underestimate the enemy - threw softly, and after a moment stood around for something, but he was a vampire.
Jeremy was right in calling it a "slurry." The vampire must have been quite old, as they were also after him like a parched bones. But not watched this odrażającemu widokowi (in normal circumstances would probably vomited or fainted.) She went to a dog lying by the wall. Dingo had a jerky, rzęrzący breath. She sat down, taking him gently on his knees. Grunted softly, but did not protest. Fingers gently stroked the fur on his head redhead pet.
- Just do not fall to me here, okay? Are you okay? I mean, how to throw against the wall? I do not even dare to lose consciousness. Show me at least, that you can hear me.
Nicholas opened a gray eye, looking at him amused. In addition, slightly waved his tail, as if to show that he has nothing against it. Well, that boy do not be glad if the naked girl pressed him to her breast, right? Only now remembered again about his goliźnie. Do not pay attention to it, however. It mattered that the monster has finally died. Vallente nothing to jeopardize, at least - to time. However, at the present time has its defenders. Nasiedziała Not so very long, since it is already for some time the whole pack fell into the basement.
- Dorian, bring her something to wear! Megan, are you okay? - Seth asked, looking at the entire site.
- Mi anything, but I think Nicholas could use a doctor - said, moving eyes on the dingo, which is still held on his knees.
- Charlie to take care of him, is ... As if accustomed. Oh, you have a T-shirt. - Received a male T-shirt with Dorian teeth, giving it to her straight away.
She dressed quickly, showing the place where it rests on the key chains. Unbuttoned legs, massaging them gently. She noted that the remainder of her red suit. Seth said out loud, that probably had something silver. Jeremy and Reid decided to burn for sure what is the vampire. In addition, it would provide them with fun, we picked them Meg killing a vampire. Still could not believe it. She, herself ... Well, if Nick is not it succeeds in this with certainty, but it's always something. Charlie first took up poobijanym dingo and a bit broken, and then watched her powybijane thumbs and crack in his left hand. He ordered her a few times to change character, but when she threw the words "unless you freaking kidding me?" icy gaze and murmured that it traditionally adjust it.
folded out of this place could be as soon as possible. Charlie got tired at which Nick wanted to be, but the gloomy dark drove her out of there immediately. Also marched through the woods with a group of guys, stained with blood, disheveled in a men's shirt, who reached her mid-thigh. Ran out of spare clothes, because, after the latter tore. So in all it tore themselves, it's not her fault that was full and could not then be a wolf, right? Oh, never mind. Some boys were lost in thought, while others relaxed and even successive exhausted. In any event, all were silent, even Reid.
borrowed from the boys - after wyszorowaniu in the shower - a sweatshirt and tracksuit pants, and so that it fell. Ah, yet, of course, shoes. She hated to go without socks ... She had had such a huge amount of food that even they were impressed. Sami zjedliby probably even more after her experience, and well, but it ate Megan which was a huge difference. After cleaning the refrigerator wolves (on what Reid very lamented) gathered to the house. Fortunately was getting dark, so nobody had to see it. She thought of many things, floundering bravely through the snow. Now she felt completely safe. At least for some time.


was sitting on her bed reading a book. Since the killing of our wonderful vampire's been several days and hence - a few changes. Fractured bones have long since healed her, thumbs were also in order. She returned to her natural hair color - quite dark brown. For now, the paint, but because of that, her hair grows fast, is not so bad. Parents took her to make the promised birthday tattoo. Now is not afraid of anything anymore, really, although such creatures probably do not even see. What do you think you tattooed? Well, on his left wrist, there are two small dogs (she still said that the wolf) feet. Obramówki were black, while the inside was quiet in the shade of purple. Pierced chin decided to let it go - look like a wolf? Exaggeration.
She heard the doorbell, but did not pay it much attention. Plunged anew in read novels. After a short time, however, she heard a knock at the door. Surprised invited unexpected guest. Imagine her surprise when the door become nothing less than more, and Nick. She looked at him in surprise. Spodziewałaby just about everyone here, but not him. The left hand was bandaged and from what I know - twist of the wrist.
- You? - Asked the boy, stroking his unkempt hair.
- No ... Yes. Sit down - she added, putting aside the book. When her guests obediently sat on the bed, she decided to speak again. - Do you know ... Somehow we did not expect you here. And just as health? Zrosło you all?
- Yeah, well I did not think that someday I will visit your home. But as you can see - I am. As for the treatment ... Well, I'm not a wolf, so the ribs are still broken, and somehow there wrist heals ... In total, a little more each poobwiązywany come from - he muttered in response, although with a hint of wolves smiled a little maliciously.
- Aha - bąknęła very intelligently. She felt ... Embarrassed?
- In general, an interesting change. You quite so well to the face or something - he muttered, referring to hair color girl.
- Oh. Yes. I decided to return to the old color. - She sent him a slight smile - And anyway, it ... Thank you. Previously, there was no opportunity to somehow ... Well, you know ...
- so thank you for saving my life? - Sputtered theatrically. She was not sure what it eventually steer, but it was pretty strong.
- not because it's only the beginning. Now, thank you. She sat astride
boy on his knees, he founded his hands around his neck, then gently touched his lips. Nick returned the kiss and then lost the next at the moment. She felt the wolf accept the choice of his other half. Previously, if he did not take into account such a solution, but now I just nodded and went into hiding again. Just focus on the kissing. There was a lot of emotion in them, some could not even distinguish and separate. Kisses grew into becoming stronger, drapieżniejsze. Slowly they began to lie down on the bed, Megan, he suddenly pulled away from the dark-haired girl, quietly hissing through his teeth. Grabbed his ribs on the right.
- Gójcie up! - Growled the rawness, clearly unhappy. Nicholas, in response only laughed. As usual, gave the bear the emotional ... Eh, what is it?
- And it is interesting to command the bones to be grown together - winked at him with a mischievous smile on his lips malującym.
- Oh, never mind. Still hurts? - She asked with concern as he went down with knee boyfriend.
- I do not. Well, hardly.
- sorry ... - Threw softly, blushing face.
- But I do not need an apology. Me there is liked it - said aggressively.
- Sometimes you just killing me - she just sighed.
talked quite a long time, which is a little odd - after all, Nick is too talkative to not be. They learned a little about yourself, laughing and stuff. Well, a normal conversation of friends. Good friends. Friends ...? No no, no exaggeration. When Nicholas found that would do well to come out now, Megan politely escorted him to the door (did not want it vented cargo on - guys). After all she did, but unfortunately only the eyes. Watched rejection silhouette boy wlepiała sight in his back until he turned in any of the streets. Announcing that he was going to lie caught the eye Jenny. O noo, will be asking me now! - groaned in spirit, but did not tell his mother anything. She took a variety
for a long, relaxing bath. She wanted a little rest, though she felt better than ever. She attended a fashion island, because the guys for some time endured night celebrations. Well, yes - for some time. The very thought she was getting uncomfortable. But now I have better things to think about. She felt stupid because of that kiss. But it's not her fault, that is half animal, right? And it was the same reason. Yeah. After all, do not regret it. She wanted to fight, just as properly be with them? Well, because it was quite strange ... Funny, that is only now admitted herself in front of him that she likes Nick. How can you be so possessive?

Sweet laziness did not last too long. At lunch, Seth told her that tomorrow begin patrols and even today will be a lesson. Matt gathered in to tell Sarah what she meets with (fast boy by the way, is not it? Not even expensive gifts from him ... He knows how to get her to please, definitely), also has yet to brush up a bit his self-control. Super ... The dream of nothing else.
recent times was not in school Nicholas, so it could not talk about anything. Even the thought ever to track down his apartment, but said that it would no longer be an exaggeration. So pushy that it is not. She lived in constant poddenerwowaniu, uncertainty. This situation was stupid, bizarre. Not even a wolf muttered in her unhappy that so long did not see his quasi-partner. Finally, however, after these few days decided to torment haired zawitać to school. By the way he had a good recall ...
belonged to the class smiling because I paid by Dorian, who told the story quite comical, but ultimately ceased paralyzed in the doorway of the room with his mouth slightly opened. On the bench sat relaxed Nick, who was playing at the moment with a pen. Immediately, however, looked in her direction, and hearing complaints about some guy behind his back, she quickly shook and stiffly walked into class. Her half wolf barked happily in the middle. She threw him silently "hello" and to unpack. Briefly convene in the conversation. Somehow ... Weird.
- You know ... I think we need to talk - she whispered almost inaudibly, wlepiając look at the table-top. She felt his questioner in the eye. - Well, you know. About what happened last ...
- Aa - went enlightened, but just smiled slyly. - That's it. You speak, we would talk about it.
- And that's not the boy should be talking about such things? - Fuknęła slightly irritated.
- Oh, do not be angry now ... It is better to say, I just ... Oh, and no longer.
teacher came to class, which amounted to end the conversation. No no, I beg you. It's not so easy to give up. Tore a piece of paper from a notebook, while wondering what to write. Well, as you say, what is it? - wybazgrała on paper, but after a short deliberation deleted sentence. Will be dialed again, and she wants specifics. By the way he looked nice today. His hair, as usual, were in slight disarray, from the navy, a thin sweater sticking white collar polo shirts. For this bit interconnect technology jeans ... Damn, what I think! She shook her head slightly , making her neighbor raised an eyebrow questioningly. Flushed at the end of the first written, a better message. I do not even pay attention to class, teacher - now had a mission, no? J
ak now? Well, you know, so ... With us? - Nick had no problems with writing such, though every response was preceded by a brief meditation.
I mean, how about us? - looked at him murderously, as he just smiled beautifully. Jeju, he's got a smile so divine! scribbled a new response.
Do not play with me, Nick. You know very well what I mean. - the boy turned his eyes.
Ales You last nerve. And again, the socializing. Or so Nikuś or Nicky?
better answer to my question, because otherwise I'll show you nervous!
And what would you want to be in this something more?
- slyly asked, and she was completely nervous. By the way is a miracle that the teacher has not asked them to attention. I thanked God that Nick writes like a man, because it did not feel like ciphers.
Maybe ... Could it be interested?
At this time, intrigued.
Oh, how I am pleased that aroused your interest, let them. Then a clearer answer?
Cinema tomorrow at 19?
- well now it is speechless. She pretended that moment a thought, hiding behind dark rosy cheeks hair. Nick offered to meet her!
It has to be dating?
Hmm ... I think so. So?
Ok, let it be.

was shocked. He appointed her for a date. God, no no such! And until recently, even he did not like! Unfortunately, did not speak until the end of the lesson, though it is at a time (shorter time) looked at the neighbor's eye view from the bench. He came out fairly quickly, but gave a farewell it slightly amused, slightly crooked smile and the words "to do tomorrow." This drove his face into her mind is really very hard with him it was as if "the face". But that sounds weird ... All smiles returned home, and for the lesson safely kept his thoughts in the furthest recesses of the mind. But even this small lekcyjka, which was previously just did not want to, now is still allowed to keep her mouth happy smile. They saw it and other people, but just waved his hand.


story is in my head as if divided into two parts, and is a of them came to an end. :) Now there are several chapters in which they are somehow "connected". But first you have to be written ... Well, maybe I can next Friday / Saturday to insert something, although I promise nothing. How can we not in a week, I hope, that in two. Recently I have an awful lot of lessons in school - you too? Well, that although the "family problems" as somehow I ended ... Well, not bored. I cordially greet and invite you to comment, wypisujcie bugs me. ;)


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