Friday, March 4, 2011

Church Homecoming Program

Rozdział XIV.

Steel in the cemetery, staring stubbornly in the tomb. Mass has already taken place, and they did not want anyone outside of your pack. Nobody could understand them. The official version was that Naomi fell under the wheels or naćpanego drunken driver who fled the scene. People are łyknęli and it is extremely quickly. Well, after all, it did not even know ... Every girl's grave by the flowers: chrysanthemums, some white, some indeterminate him flowers, roses and even sunflowers. All, with whom they associate the domineering Wader.
Reid felt a lot better, although it was consumed enormous hatred for the enemy and their current longing for his sister. All were mourning - at least until they run out of their black clothes, they will look ... Well, as true mourners. But this wears mourning In the heart, and the death of Naomi forever burned on them a little pressure. A member of the herd, practically family. The closest, just after the partner of the wolf of love, the person. Probably even closer than the normal family, because it's his wolf companion, at the mere mention, are the tears in his eyes. I will always feel in the heart of the acquirer emptiness ...
spent the whole day together, telling a few stories of Naomi in the lead role. Everyone longed for her sincerity, and such remembrance does not always brought with him more pain than joy. Enough heat think about the person who has passed away and say goodbye to the smiling portrait of her mind. Then, as usual, went to trail. Demanded even from parents that they were a family, a pack of had as yet not go to school. In total, it was Friday, so too many of the lessons they have not lost, but one could easily think of. To find new clues terribly ślimaczyło, which definitely did not like anyone. After all, a few suggestions came up, and that's a good sign. Traditionally went to the bathroom to change into a wolf. Tonights
night was to be a full moon. She knew it from the guys, and she felt her whole body. The mere thought of a round ball going through her a nice thrill. Apparently it's a wonderful experience, and taking into account also the fact that it was to be her first full - also tremendously exciting. She left the bathroom, dropping his thoughts. Well it ended up in the woods, the whole pack began to silently truchtać. Oh, by the way - she was the loudest, but no ... Megan In the end, right? They began to search the area. The sun was setting already westward, so was the sight of werewolves dull moment. Well, only temporarily.


Everyone went in even rows with his nose to the ground, until at some point, Jeremy as big, gray Basior violently jerked his head up. Everybody looked at him carefully, knowing the wolf's head that whispered something in his instinct. Jeremy looked from side to side while pulling the air. It was immediately apparent that something looks. I think even the most non-default This person would notice. Each in turn began to do the same, namely: to trail.
Fellas? - Dorian asked in my mind
Yes, he is somewhere - Seth quietly agreed.
must grab the bastard! Tear it to shreds, and for sure I will drive a peg into the heart, if need be! - Reid snapped in my mind, typical for him nabuzowany. Meg's eyes froze for this idea, and she dutifully lowered her head. dominance, however, a strong thing ...
Seth has determined that they must stick together and to this day not to bear the full. He did not know much what to do with Megan, but eventually was, and at any battle is to stay away from them - of course. Were it not for an unfortunate time probably would not be until this (because I know the force and so that any, was) a problem, because something she could, but in combination with the fullness of it does not bode no good. They determined that the attack is primarily Seth, who, as must all lead Alpha, Jeremy and Charlie. Reid at the right time can attack the vampire's neck, and Dorian do what you need at the moment - to disturb, fret, hold the iron grip of the jaws. And Megan, as they all unanimously agreed, is to stand aside and the it all looked at, possibly, if the conversion of permits, to shoot from the crossbow, which was graciously given. She dressed
quite airy and loosely, and after a transformation could easily tear apart the clothes themselves, which greatly hampered the movements. The forester Charlie went with her and the rest thought to any detail. Megan felt that today is a clash occurs, although this could not be one hundred percent sure. Basior Brown brought her loaded crossbow in his teeth and briefly explained what's going on - of course, using the wolf's speech. Sam could not have said anything in it and understand it well so much about how much, but enjoyed that this time she does not disappoint. Just ... Should not be familiar with the wolf language just like that? How to ... Wolf? When she came back with a great Basior alongside it at some point pricked ears, and greatly accelerated.
- started - growled briefly and then even more accelerated. Soon after, experts in the right direction.
When Brown came to the clearing immediately joined Basior to a harmonious pattern. It was the same meadow, where they found Naomi ... It struck her that Charlie is a bit smaller, more "wolf" from the rest of the members of the pack. Quickly has led to her that it must have something more to the noble. But why have we not noticed? After moving with more grace than others, he was really fast and strong. Oh, what I think! She shook her head sideways, looking at the fight. Vampire
was surrounded and caught by the arms and legs, although very bravely defended. Once bitten hands freed, he immediately pulled the neck Reid, who just drasnął his neck. Everything looked not quite like the fight, it was smooth, fast i. .. Strange. Werewolves work in a specific pattern. She was sure that Seth seems to all commands - his way quite accurate. She lifted her crossbow to about shoulder height, took the right attitude and fired. She managed to get over a shoulder, a pale man. The vampire gave of himself surprised hiss, then quickly turned on its side. Not to him napatrzył But for too long, I just attacked him enraged wolves.
excelled was in the monster's head, waiting to be turned and to be able to shoot him right between the eyes. Suddenly it felt. Crossbow shot accidentally dropping one of the arrows, which hammered the right by catching one of surprise and wolves. She did not look longer, however, skirmishes and night basiorów bane. Now, he caught his head, and her clothes rozrywało on the body. Changed. The moon has already had its effect on her was the circle midnight that is, in fact - it's time. The newly experienced the agony as the first transformation. Terrible pain, bone crunching and bursting with clothes on the body. Ears roamed the top of his head, grew a tail, and changed hands at the feet. Swept away from their unwanted clothes, using teeth and claws. Both the body and mind had already been a wolf.
felt this power, which flowed in her veins. Passed through the body of a light, pleasant chills. Do not pay attention to minor pain in the bones and muscles, who always felt after the transformation. Subconsciously I was certain that the wolf is a nocturnal creature, which is equal to the fact that it, too. And even paying attention to the dependence on the phases of the moon a werewolf, especially in the fullness, easily reach that conclusion. She pulled up. We could hear some strzyknięć in her body. She shook her head. Napawała moment in all this, only to better use their keen senses. She heard sounds of fighting, so she turned in that direction, white head. Dark eyes of a few seconds watching a deadly dance. Drew a deep breath, and her eyes shone a new, vicious glare.
sweet joy of transformation has changed in wild lust. Or rather, not so much changed, what joy was relegated to second place. Growled and approached the legs bent toward the fighting. It was a wolf. Nocturnal hunter. Moon gave her strength, and the crisp, night air stimulated. Lips bent in a predatory smile, revealing white, deadly teeth. They were calling something to her. Seth commanded to be pushed back and back to Megan. Man, not beast. But she did not listen, distanced itself from them. Wolf took it up and knew who to attack. She knew better than ever. For this felt in connection with the mad joy. She jumped up, opened a strong jaw. Immediately, however
fell to the bottom is not reaching down anything you could grab. Zaskamlała in flight, feeling in the mouth taste his own blood. This further stimulated it. Jumped up from the ground, otrzepała and again threw the enemy. This time effectively. Sank teeth into the man's neck, tearing him in the neck. She felt the language of the cold liquid that smelled like a dead literally. Cuchnęła, which did not help, because ichor vampire flooded her nostrils. On the white fur arctic wolf even spurted crimson blood. Fangs rozszarpywały increasingly hostile body, which will probably need a longer time to regenerate.
man violently pulled her from her back, pushing against your face. This is still growling and baring tusks, drove him across the face with long claws, which were bloody furrows. He also damaged his right eye. Vampire przyparł her to the ground, hitting with full force in the stomach. Had it been aware of, probably could only now really hope that none of the internal organs was not affected. Odczołgała squealing under the tree. Had she been alone, would not survive this fight. It was a great time to finish it. Corner of his eye noticed that werewolves still fiercely attacking the enemy. There seemed to be to have recovered quickly wilkołaczyca self man.
After a few minutes, maybe five, maybe fifteen got up heavily on their feet. Never wavered, however, claws digging in too thick snow covered the ground. They again threw herself into the attack. Big, powerful paws struck a squeaky snow, leaving him ample footsteps. She noted that the claws on the man's face was just fine, red lines, after which the next few minutes - maybe even seconds - probably will not be gone. Poczułaby much more satisfying had it been although a permanent record, but who cares about the long run such things during the fight? This time
teeth grabbed his inner thigh vampire, breaking all her part. The pale man screamed terribly, probably half waking Vallente. At the earliest opportunity zdzielił white wolf with his fist in the middle of the head. Before the eyes of wadery zamajaczyły scotomas, which merged in an ever darker, or rather black picture, which completely concealed her view of the world. After a moment she felt it is located at the top, and also a strong emphasis on the air long coat. Then there was just nothing unbroken darkness.


I know that part is very short, but probably quite vivid. Well, something in the rest more is happening. I could not resist not to write "then there was only darkness" - is this like an unwritten rule in the stories and books. D Overall, it will probably be next mink on Friday and already it certainly increases the length - it is a single jump. I tried something else to add, but why confuse too much unnecessary information, if the bypass and without them? Also I'm curious of your comments. Sometimes I had a problem with selecting a sentence to the local names, but I hope that somehow this wybrnęłam. Yours sincerely. ;)

PS. Sorry I did not announce some, but sometimes completely escapes me from the head. Posts appear on average every week, and I think that if someone is interested, here is envy.


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