Saturday, July 18, 2009

List Of Symptoms Of Black Death

Marty: "Chuck Norris rulez!"

Marty from Marty191.BlogSpot.Com

best ...

... popular Slovak Series: professionals, so many of those series of selection is not ...
... popular foreign series: This is for those changes, far too many to choose from, the first Prison Break, on Gilmore Girls, Friends, How I Met Your Mother, The Big Bang Theory, The IT Crowd and many others ...

... more popular Slovak session: Webmaster, or other session I nepozerával.
... more popular foreign broadcast: Pimp my ride, I do not know whether it's broadcast, but I do not know what others it could be :-)

... popular Slovak film: No I do not know if I even knew, so I obviously did not deliver when I forgot it ...
... popular foreign language film: Star Wars

... more popular Slovak television station: JOJ
... more popular foreign TV station: MTV

... more popular Slovak presenter: Erika Barkolová
... more popular foreign presenter: I do not know

... Slovak popular presenter: George Wet
... popular external moderator: John Kraus

... more popular celebrity Slovak: Ibi Maiga
... more popular global celebrity: Chuck Norris (rulez!)

... Better Slovak gala / reality-show dance /...: Million
... better foreign gala / reality-show /...: MTV Movie Awards

... more popular advertising Slovak: Slovak ads are still the same and exactly the same, unoriginal ads did not have any. When I was smaller, so I liked some, just do not know if it is not only taken over from other countries ...
... more popular foreign advertising: There are too many favorite and basically I do not, but basically it's just any which has some point, that is witty, which is not like thousands of similar ads ...

... more popular Slovak actress: Diana Plague
... more popular foreign actress: Jennifer Aniston is what first comes to my mind, but otherwise there are a lot and remember it is not as difficult as remembering their names XD

... popular Slovak actor: Andrew Bičan
... popular foreign actor: Jim Carrey


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