Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Manchester Scrotum Wax

Rating campaign - POPISDEAD

is June 2010.
recently attracted my attention with a huge outdoor billboard slogan:
Roxy FM radio

name of this entity may be misleading because it suggests that this is a strictly station
rock. That was at least until 2007, because that's when there was a change liner. The present is "a lot of good music." However
- Roxy FM - have not forgotten their roots, as you can see the latest creations:

Below I will present my interpretation of the concepts of the above slogan and tell me why according to some of them are extremely risky.
In this graphic we can see the slogan of the brand Roxy - PLAY of everyday life.
broadly interpreting the message of creation, we see that Roxy opting for the creation - could actually go after the gang.
begin with the most light, probably the most relevant associations:
Pop Music of the species is referred to repeatedly as 'less valuable'
because of the broad aspects of the commercial and the nature of mass.
However, in this case, the values \u200b\u200bare highly subjective. Once
mawiało that "all that massive loses in value," which, of course, misses the true in other industries. (
See: Social Networking / Facebook
POP productions of the species are created (in most cases) for profit and popularity.

Do not expect a greater wisdom flowing from the current text of POP music.
creations are strictly entertainment, dominant in most events and played by most radio stations in the world. Obviously
These are subjective questions, for certain social groups - POP - may be a way of life and the dictator of trends, see - teenagers. why POP may be dead according to some, ie free from reflections, and emotions of the artist communicated to students. Hence, these are only hypotheses. merits - for the listeners / fans of other species (eg Rock) - POP may be less valuable or worthless.
Such features - most likely - wants to give Radio Roxy FM.

second POP IS DEAD - as a tribute to pop music ...
... but only one that made Michael Jackson hailed King of Pop.
According to many fans / listeners "Jacko", POP, died along with the sudden death of their king, in June 2009.
is worth mentioning that the campaign is, played just before the anniversary of Jackson's death - June 25.


(possible) ironic nature of the campaign in the context of the accelerated presidential elections; arbitrary integration with the message relating to all citizens of the State.

Another possible interpretation:

third THE DEAD & PIS

Through abortive PO party coalition with the PiS party.
As is known, to such an agreement was not to - hence the "dead" as the most adequate.

4th (PO?) DEAD PIS ...
Now Option - VARIANT stress - the most controversial.
Let's look at the layout would look like an outdoor campaign with no spaces,
with targeted interval in one place:

(Intentionally turned off the graphic branding Roxy FM in order to minimize the visual association of the brand with its own simulation of perception)
's getting controversial? Quite tasteless and unethical in the context of the recent tragedy at Smolensk. National tragedy. However - if he loses the PiS party in presidential elections - it is also possible interpretation of the two-fold. If someone has lost, is "dead", what adjective is also bankrupt, go blank. We may assign, as a synonym for failure.
unethical to do when you combine the fact that the recent, tragic the death of Polish President - Lech Kaczynski - who is associated with the PiS.
Does this association also had to appear?
This question (probably no answer ...) to the creator of the campaign.

I believe that this campaign is very good by using a play on words;
Each associate it according to what will be his closer.
However, if this is not a play on words, why did not use spaces?
According to me, to the intentional generation of possible controversial interest in the minds of consumers.

black and white (literally!) we have an interesting creation, which can be interpreted variously. Very interesting stylistic treatment, and really - pretty damn original creation.
congratulations to meet the creators of the mission of advertising - an interesting, intriguing and attractive looks

I believe that just such creations we are lacking.
possible pejorative associations are unclear, we can not identify them directly, so you are not sure whether your ad is intentionally offend anyone.
no means is prohibited advertising.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

What Willcause Miscarriage

28 things that porn has taught us. Bonzo

first Women in bed footwear shoes with high heels.
second Men always have an erection and are ready to go into action at any time.
third When a woman oral sex just 10 seconds to meet.
4th If a guy held in place as a woman masturbating, woman starts to cry from shame, but rather to submit to.
5. When a man ejaculates on woman's face, the woman at the smiling gratefully.
6th Women enjoying sex with young, poor, middle-aged men.
7th Women sigh uncontrollably when guys smoke penis.
8th Both sexes have always orgasm simultaneously.
9th All women are horny. Always.
10th Porn of the seventies could not exist without the guitar solos in the background.
11th Well established and satisfactory sexual practices of men cram their polostoporený penis repeatedly into the vagina.
12th Men always orgasm when the revue "OH YEAH!".
13th Woman on the face guaranteed to conjure a smile double penetration.
14th There are Asian.
15th If you nab a young couple in the bushes, a friend or a bit concerned not mind if her mouth, stick it into the penis.
16th Nurses smoke their patients.
17th The man pulled him always.
18th If you are a woman caught having sex with her best friend, only melancholy to angry before, as in intercourse and she added.
19th Women never hurt head. And no menses.
20th When a woman smokes penis, it is very important that the man resembled the sentence: "Suck it.".
21st Anus are clean.
22nd Women are always pleasantly surprised when they find a guy in underwear penis.
23rd Males of sex never do not ask.
24th When a woman smokes a guy, the guy always puts one hand on the nape of the neck and the other women have proudly vbok.
25th Every guy has a penis as big as Peter North.
26th All women are completely and perfectly vydepilované. Everywhere.
27th Any girl with copmi is designated as a "teen".
28th Each other is a MILF. (Mom I'd Like Fuck-Mama, I would be * al.)