Monday, April 19, 2010

Laser Spine Institute Pa Better Business Bureau

AVATAR (not video)

Today will be back on Facebook - my second, Internet, home and undeniably phenomenal phenomenon of the Internet.
first home is this site, but rarely at her peek. It would be foolish to write "I do not have time to write notes on your own blog," because it's like not to have time for your child. At least in the interactive industry.
Honestly - I do not want to, yeah.
I do not want to

not because I have nothing to say, although there were some who already draws such a hypothesis.
There were others who said they know of many communities, but still not enough. This trust.
And there were some who said that the mine - professional - knowledge of their surprise. Negatively. hard, I have an attitude, I have my own observations and do not hesitate to manipulate.
Yes - I admit that I know of many communities, but not all.
Why? But such a trivial ... We talk about the infinite, creating the now, ever created by us. Every day, we - Userzy community - with the possibility of using the good spirit of the UGC / user generated content / supported by the power of democracy. It is beautiful, this is cool. Ba! This is wonderful, especially in a country in which we live. I listen and I listen to - on Facebook. There fulfill socially, but it can have negative side ... about this soon. Great
estimate, a blue witryno packed with good algorithms to facilitate contact us.
Sometimes offensive, sometimes acting infantile, but certainly practical.
Facebook is a clever social networking interface; Facebook dictate a new standard for Internet use. It is not an exaggerated trend Social Media (Web 2.0 prettier name) just a lot more - simple visual interface with human characteristics. He maintained a dialogue with you every time you log in: "Look, I know you" - "Hitch him as you do not have the courage to talk" - "Write to her table" - "Hello" - "Help find a friend" , etc. ..

My negative effects of prolonged use of Facebook. Undoubtedly

Fejsbuk highly addictive. As he himself is FarmVille as FV is not MafiaWars as MF is not a Friend of the day, etc. A number of applications, a huge spectrum

opportunities; diversity, which aims for almost all tastes.
Since we pulled up in Facebook

diminished frequency of meetings with my friends. And I have superb friends, with different personality types, with the rich experience of luggage, interesting ...
Clearly, each time with them something to talk about, but what if everything I know about them from facebook? Only a few days ago I asked myself in my mind: "Why do not we see each other as they used to?" Where are the common beer every Tuesday? ".
probably suspect me of someone that I'm antisocial, but it's not. Those who know me, work with me, live (or lived), so they know that I am very sociable.
Just looking for a reason. Do I get out of work - I do not want to show the same straightforwardness.

Subjectively - my NEKzF are
1) neglect of social relations of degrees higher than bonds, "knowledge", ie, friendly, 2) consequently
- lack of desire to meet, 3) more frequent visits to Facebook , pronounced deepening of the addiction, 4) Facebookowi assign human traits and create a system for something that is able to replace the living relationships,
5) feeling of anxiety / discomfort at the lack of access to Facebook at the moment wish to sign (no internet, the lack of coverage in a cell)
6) installing the Facebook application, Mobile cell:) (as part of Facebook inherent existence in my life)
7) the presence of having to log in regardless of the time, time and situation arising from a whim,
8) permit the introduction of surveillance component to your life, while for the large part of defending yourself against it.
8 = elk. I am, maybe. As many as 8 points which
observed not only in my
, but in others, completely unaware userów.
I am sure that none of the experience of childhood did not affect my widespread presence on Facebook. I am sure also that this site reflects to me what happens in reality, but cherish rationalism, knowing that I'll find just what they want to tell me friends. Either that
how they want to work my perception of their contents ... But just as the media are in a position to dictate to me what is good, the bad and try to create my own views.

The shock was great when my older brother - a handsome, strong and awesome guy [34L] wrote to me one day on FB:

"Hi, I see that you're playing it FarmVille to join me, for every help useful, thanks! "
Zdębiałem. My brother, my pattern of childhood, authority and the idol, he suddenly asks me for help on FB, so he planted more radishes bloody and build virtual stables.
amazing. Since Facebook surprises so why should I exaggerate what I called above NSKzF? After all, every action has its consequences, and every action gives rise to a reaction.
Not only that, because on Facebook you can also find my parents. Perhaps your parents too, and if not yet it probably will soon learn the power of the blue layout. Beware.
My gallery, drunk with friends drinks, I had to disappear ...
have observed incomprehensible to the end of the phenomenon on Facebook. In fact, on his trail I brought the person with whom I share my life now.
One day I heard thrown loose in the house, "Why do people write about themselves on Facebook, in the third person singular?".
Hm ... I do not write about myself, because I find it strange. It's not so determined on a daily basis. If, according to my theory, the Internet is a reflection of the real world is like a virtual why should I write:
Nicholas Smith: Now write the text.


Nicholas Smith: going for a walk, and then shopping.

previously held that proposal only for myself and somehow I was afraid to make it public, or to provoke discussion.
I happen to move topics that others do not say, but it seemed to me that this would be an exaggeration. Up to this moment.
Why do people post their thoughts on Facebook as it stands?
I have a few theories:

designing your avatar - a figure that represents them in the cyber world called Facebook, and it means that the end can not trust this space. It may also be aware of the nature of the virtual platform and realize the same class of security in it;

this is just more fun and more lansersko
- at the end of facebook is also (for some particular) 'lans platform for that load, "Foci of feet" and "on Klata 90kg. / But hopeless hypocrite with me, lately I loaded the same photograph of panoramic view of Warsaw from my window, and his green BMW - sometimes the human need /


    How many people from the mass of the egocentrycy? Otherwise - how many ekstrawertykami? How many introverts?
  1. do not know the answers to these questions, but I think they do not count because of what I described above - people can design their own perception of the Internet. They can tell us to think differently.
  2. Because our image in the network is not constant and can stick all kinds of shapes.
  3. Most felt that while working in - the first social networking site in Poland. I was there responsible for contacts with users, I was first on the front.
  4. then observed how different behave the same people on several profiles. Of course everyone had to watch his "original" profile syngowany real name.
Besides this, the 'portfolio' unruly Gronowiczów were sections which then wrongly classify as a 'fake profile. " In other words - a fake profile. That's wrong, because everyone on the Internet has the right to create their identities as they like it, does not infringe the law, for example, is not impersonating someone else. Now I realize that deleting the 'fake accounts' delete (then with the team - kasowaliśmy) needs of different identities, different userów. It absolutely does not go hand in hand with the idea of \u200b\u200bSocial networking, but I think it is better to lay low with the information that we have several forms. may be received as an e-deviations. Incorrectly. / I warn you that also have some form of the Internet, such as the Counter Strike servers, I performed many years ago, as a player Perf. In the chat, as Manymore, and the University MikNow86:) Each of these characters was undeniable me, but she had such other functions in the cyber world /
If Facebook, as the largest piece of online social networking pie, mass stimulant that is, the Internet itself can be tricky.
According to me upset and may even disrupt the functioning of our off-grid and dramatically change the perception of the world off-line.
We must be careful and watch to. Exaggeration harm in any form, but life goes on, regardless of the types of addictions.
But I hope that neither Facebook nor any other platform, will never be for any of our own brand of heroin. The consequences can be the same - alienizacja, loneliness and suffering.
