Thursday, March 11, 2010

Brown Wi Blonde Highlights

NK beat Facebook? KAboooooom available to them!

Oh, I love to begin post a question in the title:)
Today is the first post of a very long time. For this very fashionable topic!
Is (yet, because ultimately NK) cells growing in strength to beat Facebook?

strength of the latter is huge. Ba! It is the largest in the world. Social Strongman Networking - Facebook - is growing steadily gaining RU wygryzając another state and local leaders.
enters a new market easily ... then shows ASY.
is what war?
Of course, since Facebook is overrated service, and most importantly - there is no copy. If there is no privacy - Facebook provides advanced personalization of display content. Hm, but rather is obligated to give it.
Thus, adding a note on it I'm sure that my friends see it, and the boss - who is also in my friends - satisfied with the avatar. Because only so much to see. Here is a beautifully

roznąca curve denoting odor appetite for Facebook to Poland, yum:

word - Facebook group knows how to dodge the community well, knows how to provide it with what he needs from the social networking site. Creating
service to the community is like cooking - you need to keep the right proportions, well-seasoned and elegantly stated. Previously But you must understand that IT is the only world record on which we cook. Our - is what war?

Sure, after all, is the most powerful has happened in the Polish e-market. Sorry, but ends up his ammunition, so start shooting at the RU, which it uses FB.
demand for Polish leader wears off, because his mission and met the target already. Corrective actions taken
Board NK, changing the slogan Chair - with " portal [?] For people from class " to "
meeting place." Logo has also changed - from the chaotic and visually awkward for a coherent, simpler and OBVIOUSLY remarkably similar to the font logo Facebook.
new logo will be better look also at the press materials, or materials BTL.
Perhaps there will soon change the entire layout, interface, and many others.

Okay, back to the ammunition, przeładujmy:
we have the first results - here are some new mechanisms for NK Cultural Learnings already on Facebook: -
Those who can
know? / Tells new people, examines the number of friends at our friends so that the final result was potentially a person known to us. No different from facebook "proposals",
- herring - nothing else like Micro-blogging in the NK, or core Facebook "Live Feed" - posts appear on the profile / array Usera indicate its activity on the site,
not admit that goes to me, fun language that has applied in the case of NK naming this product. Herring = herring = follow = fallowers, etc. Dżizas, in a country where the herring are associated mainly with vodka? Risky but intriguing:)

/ could it be the inspiration for this tool was the Facebook Chat? Applications are remarkably similar to each other; important that they fulfill their function and facilitate communication, because it NKtalk chief communicator at NK.
Mmm, the Internet is a medium governed by its own rules strictly. Wypunktuję this Polish. suggest little ironic fun in "There's no ', you know? :)

There's no such thing as plagiarism. Here is your own interpretation:
Twitter - Blip, -, -, -

Here no copy functionality. There are borrowing, because what's wrong?
  • There's no in-chief of creativity. For a perfectly developed this "how to do it, that there are identical?" in 2009 just do not very much taken over:
  • Source image:

Here we have to draw inspiration from people and creating for them based on the sociology or psychology . core target audience is not User, and profit, community service is to be an artificial Christmas tree on which hang hundreds of lights in the form of display advertising. People are wyklikają, so we will hang the next, and so all time. It's just that people prefer to click on what interests them, and certainly it is not pushy and intrusive advertising message, but ...
With a good social networking site is like a good bank - must make money!
Bright - 100% to agree, but why do not you get paid at the same time to create something just for men? After cool designs can be profitable & perfectly organized.
Do not like the Polish model of earning on the ideas of others? Basically a rhetorical question., on the Polish market has huge opportunities, to defeat Facebook. finally assumed his fighting gloves ... Let us not forget that, despite a business model - the two products are quite different from each other. As a result - for different people. Many
Megabits flow through the link before the Polish User fully ripe for Facebook, and most importantly - before you trust him. NK still remains a huge number of loyal userów, which - for now - nor dream of changing the service provider community. Only that entering in to view photos friends ever get bored, and the lack of broader interaction will lead to stagnation. Then User goes to the prey, and perhaps Facebook has caught, for all praise, because it might be worth, because something in it ... succumbing to fashion:) While Heavy-User have long been enjoying the simple blue interface, algorithms, and the wisdom of hundreds of funny applications. Few it! On Facebook, we talk to celebrities, including: Lady GaGa, Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey ... and hundreds of others.
Imagine Lady GaGa (now efficiently build a brand in the shortest possible time) you write off on NK. Unreal. At most, the sight podelektujecie unnaturally big mouth Ibisz Christopher advertiser herring, or singing OZ novel MR You "Millions of Monet" when paying for petrol.
The stars, however, does not end, because on Facebook, we can actively share time with their favorite brands such as Adidas, Sony, and the Small Hunger from Danon. For me - an expert from the community - the most important is that the FB has more features than the information society, which is inhumane. It is not dry, painted Fotoshop site. is active and alive Facebook, LinkedIn UGC is created daily by each of us. There
quintessence of what everyone should have a community service. I think that Facebook should let Social Network module implemented in vertical portals, websites, etc. Thanks a lot
much smaller entities would also avoid the obciachu associated with copying features, and an attempt to "be like Facebook."

Does NK napierającego beat Facebook?

Maybe yes, maybe not - the industry is dynamic and never once surprised. Our
-class was a tiny insignificant player, and Facebook was supposed to be the interface for students within the university. Not bad, eh? Our

-Class has a chance to defend himself by pushing against Facebook, but according to me no more than a year.
Yes, as I wrote above - Polish User matures, it will start to look for new solutions to social, will begin testing - such is the nature of man.


I think at the end of Q4 2010, Q1 2011 max scored a decisive blow.
NK can defend itself against international leader, but let's not forget that the demand for Facebook is huge. In many countries it operates only through its loyal userom that SAMI translate it into native languages.
We do not know what happens. Return

shares on the market can take place very quickly.
recently launched a - apparently revolutionary and innovative service to indicate a new flow community. Facebook Reportedly, the third generation of our DNA.
Except that, apart from a nice marketing 'pit-pit', nothing further happens, and Solaris cost.
And it's not enough ... More than 90 for 2 years. However, the USP
Solaris Gate impressive. Read about this more on the official blog
Speculation may be millions, but Facebook is the only one.
funniest thing is that they live in dozens of other sites.